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Lee Child - Reacher


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That will spoil my image of him when I read his books .... now who do you think should play him... deffo not Tom

He will do it for me ..

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I hate it when they do that. ie Angelina Joli playing Scarpetta, a little  blond lady and in her forties etc.

Maybe the film producers think that people don't read.  But when it boils down to it,  what are the authors playing at agreeing to this, surely if they had had a specific actor in mind when they were writing, then surely they would have based the character round, say a diminutive canadian.

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Thanks to a friend in the office I read all the Jack Reacher books one after the other.  As for Mr Cruise, I have to believe he will be the producer of the film as no-one in their right mind would think of him for the part.  And for a better candidate, how about Jason Statham?
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[quote user="Pads"]Whats the betting the person in charge of casting is in the same religious group as Tom ....As no one in there right mind would cast him for the role ....[/quote]

Sorry Pads the casting department have nothing to do with casting the likes of Tom Cruise. The producer will pick him because he will guarantee to put bottoms on seats. I saw the interview with Lee Child;  remember he is an ex TV director so quite familiar with the casting system, he said he thought Tom Cruise would be good as no book is transferred faithfully to screen, it's not possible. Also remember Lee Child wants the Film to be a success, so he's quite happy for a very bankable actor to become his leading character, and I can assure you that contrary to popular myth Mr Cruise is not that short. 

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In the books Reacher's imposing physical appearance is crucial to some of the incidents that occur. Tom Thumb, er, Cruise will not have that impact. Nevertheless, these film types seem to be pretty good at creating an impression and Cruise certainly offers a bankable presence.

It's in the nature of the beast that adaptations will not be faithful to the book, especially as the reader will have a mental picture of the characters and each individual will have their own mental view. Other than ''To Kill a Mockingbird'' I can't think of any adaptation that has maintained the feel of the book on which it is based.
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Quite JK, NickP, have you read the Reacher stories ? Jack Reacher is a tall muscular guy, well over 6ft....mainly taller/fitter than other characters.

Maybe 'One Shot' was chosen because of its lack of 'action' stuff but I can't remember now....


Yes I have, but I'm not putting up my money to produce this film, also you or I are not directing the film; after all the director and the producer's vision is what counts when they cast the lead actor. Tom Cruise whether you like him or not; is box office,  and as Reacher's creator is happy with TC I can't argue with him.  If you really feel that strongly about it, the answer is simple don't pay your money to go and watch the film. I really don't understand your throw away line, " Maybe 'One Shot' was chosen because of its lack of 'action' stuff but I can't remember now...." Are you saying Tom Cruise has never done an "action film" If so I suggest you do a bit of research.

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No, I'm suggesting his height or lack of it will be shown up if there is a lot of other taller fitter guys, suposed to be military for example on camera......

You know Nick there are plenty of other Reacher readers who also can't see this casting.....lets hope we are all wrong.

Actually come to think of it, I saw Matthew Mc Conauchy in The Lincoln Lawwer, he has much more the physique and demeanor I'ds associate with Reacher...

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

No, I'm suggesting his height or lack of it will be shown up if there is a lot of other taller fitter guys, suposed to be military for example on camera......

Sorry RH you are now showing a lack of knowledge about film making

You know Nick there are plenty of other Reacher readers who also can't see this casting.....lets hope we are all wrong.

Lee Child doesn't have problem with this casting, is he wrong?

Actually come to think of it, I saw Matthew Mc Conauchy in The Lincoln Lawwer, he has much more the physique and demeanor I'ds associate with Reacher...

I can't comment as I don't know the gentleman/actor you mention. Well I looked him up on IMDB; sorry not for me, also won't put many  bums on seats


What you must realise RH that someone or a studio is taking a huge financial risk to bring this project to the screen, so whether you and I and all Reacher fans object, they will do what they can to protect their investment, and that means using bankable actors. 

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I watch very few TC films. I have watched Mission Impossible, because I have fond memories of the original series. I probably saw Top Gun and Rain Man on french tv many many years ago and I don't think that I have seen one other film with him in.

And then they get it right. I read The Echo by Minette Walters and then some time later saw that it was going to be on tv. For the life of me, I couldn't work out who they would get to play the journalist who was supposed to be fairly young, but down at heel and handsome. Ofcourse they did find someone, Clive Owen, who played it beautifully. Excellent casting. So sometimes they do get it right.

There are some of the detective series on tv that I have never watched, I know what Adam Dagleish looks like and it is certainly not like any of the actors who have played him. Or George Baker playing Wexford? not my Wexford.  Very off putting. And that is the glory of plays on Radio 4 they get most of the actors to look 'just right' for me.

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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="Russethouse"]

No, I'm suggesting his height or lack of it will be shown up if there is a lot of other taller fitter guys, suposed to be military for example on camera......

Sorry RH you are now showing a lack of knowledge about film making

You know Nick there are plenty of other Reacher readers who also can't see this casting.....lets hope we are all wrong.

Lee Child doesn't have problem with this casting, is he wrong?

Actually come to think of it, I saw Matthew Mc Conauchy in The Lincoln Lawwer, he has much more the physique and demeanor I'ds associate with Reacher...

I can't comment as I don't know the gentleman/actor you mention. Well I looked him up on IMDB; sorry not for me, also won't put many  bums on seats


What you must realise RH that someone or a studio is taking a huge financial risk to bring this project to the screen, so whether you and I and all Reacher fans object, they will do what they can to protect their investment, and that means using bankable actors. 


LOL are they going to stretch him on a rack before breakfast each morning .......[:)]

We'll see..........

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Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher... [blink][8-)][:-))]

Well, that's one of the funniest images I've had for a long time. [:D]

Oh I can see all the benefits - a major star, does most of his own stunts, a photo opportunity every time he picks his nose - but really, a 6'5" giant of a man Tom Cruise most definitely isn't.

But then, it is very rare that characters are cast to accurately represent the book when a movie is in the offing. Someone like Neil McDonough (Boomtown, Desperate Wives, etc) would probably suit my mental image better.

Edited to add:

I'm sure that Lee Childs is thrilled with the possibility of Tom Cruise. It's such a validation of his writing and the character he invented... and if he's on any percentage of the movie (unlikely, though) he'll get a better return on a Tom Cruise-led film than with someone who looks like Reacher but isn't serious box office.

Too old now but Richard Dean Anderson would also have made a good Reacher. Imo. [;-)] He was more or less who I had in mind when I read the books.

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If you goggle Jack reacher Tom Cruise you will see there are a number of petitions all ready asking for him not to have the roll ... who will or will not watch these films surley the book fans ..so hopfully some one will listen
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[quote user="Catalpa"]Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher... [blink][8-)][:-))]

Well, that's one of the funniest images I've had for a long time. [:D]

Too old now but Richard Dean Anderson would also have made a good Reacher. Imo. [;-)] He was more or less who I had in mind when I read the books.


After the silky voice of Edgar Givry, I always found Richard Dean Anderson's 'own' voice squeaky which was such a disappointment.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I always suspect that when the diminutive TC looks in the mirror he sees himself as Jack Reacher.

I must say I am getting a little sick of mis cast things. I have just read The Constant Gardener and yet again John le Carre has allowed them to mis cast, or didn't care! As for all Rachael Weisz is beautiful, she was tooooo old to play the part10 years too old. The 'thing' about the book was the age difference between Julien and Tessa about 20 years and she should have only been in her mid 20's and he in his mid forties. All wrong, same happened with The Little Drummer Girl when Diane Keaton played a very english girl, as miscast as Zellwegger playing Bridget Jones.

I daresay people will go an watch the new dinky Jack Reacher, as they won't have read the books. Sounds like a few won't though[Www]

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