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Sarah's Key

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Been seeing this at the book store and supermarkets etc for sale for ages, and liked the look of it. So finally, I managed to download it, and am already a quarter of the way through it. What a great read, it's loosely based on fact, and the French gendarmes infamous handling of the Jewish population in July 16 1942, where families were horrendously herded up and stored in the Vel d'hiver before being shipped off to Auschwitz where of course they were murdered in gas chambers.

It also coincided with my fiancee's 12 year old daughter recently going on a school trip, to the Holocaust museum in Baltimore near Washington, and now we're able to swap stories, and I can hopefully educate her more.

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I believe this was subject of a previous thread or I may have read a review elsewhere. I agree with Racebear02 - I bought the book second-hand and couldn't put it down.  It is now doing the 'rounds' of my friends in my U3A French conversation group in the UK.


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This book has been on my 'to buy' list for a while - got talking to an elderly Jewish man in London at the French Property exhibition and he had been hidden for the entire war by a French family. He told me about this book and said it was a must-read. He'd even written to Tatiana de Rosnay to tell her. Can't get a better recommendation than that!
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My copy arrived in the post at lunch time. I've just finished it. Not great literature perhaps but a rattling good read which I couldn't put down.

I have every intention of encouraging my thirteen year old grand daughter to read it.

Thanks Richard.

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  • 4 weeks later...
To Chancer:

I bought the DVD (Fr version) and loved it. Then bought the book (in French) only to discover that it was translated from the English! A great read and even having watched the film I still could not put the book down.

Fr. title "Elle s'appelait Sarah". Livre de poche

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[quote user="Mr Ceour de Lion II"]Just watched the movie. Was quite good, but felt a bit disjointed compared to the book. Bertrande in the movie seemed the complete opposite to the book. I thought he was a tramp when he first appeared on screen lol.

Other than a few details it was reasonably faithful to the book.


I'll second that.

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