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Hi Everyone

We've just opened a B&B with a 2 bedroomed gite with private pool here in the Charente-Maritime and are hoping to get word out to biker's that we're a great place to stop en-route to Spain or wherever. We're happy for all enthusiasts to tinker in our drive and we have dry, secure storage for bikes to go overnight. So, can anyone advise us on where we could advertise to get interest? As we're just starting out we know that advertising is key to get us off the gound but we don't want to make an expensive error in getting it wrong.

Thanks in advance

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[quote user="Magnolia"]

... and are hoping to get word out to biker's that we're....



...biker's what? [Www]

Call me pedantic, but this apostrophe misuse drive's me nut's! [geek]

Next advertiser, please.


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[quote user="sid"][quote user="Magnolia"]

... and are hoping to get word out to biker's that we're....



...biker's what? [Www]

Call me pedantic, but this apostrophe misuse drive's me nut's! [geek]

Next advertiser, please.


[/quote]Me too, Sid, but if I let it bother me too much I really would be in the madhouse by now as it seems to be getting very common.  Probably in 20 years time all plurals will carry an apostrophe by default.  And what's with putting the apostrophe at the end of a name which ends in an S (when it's appropriate) then leaving off the second S?  I've even seen "Bridget Jones's Diary" actually written as Bridget Jones' Diary (the diary of several people called Bridget Jone, I assume) when it's perfectly correct in the original.



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Apologies for my grammer Sid but i'm one of those people who came away from school with no qualifications. However, I did learn something at school and that was to be a good person. I was taught not to put people down because I felt I was better than them (because i'm not better than anyone) and to try and help them if I could. Pettiness is such a sad thing and I hope you get over it soon. However, if you'd like some help with this problem (because it obviously is a problem) don't ask me for it as i've had no experience in the field.

Regards [:P]

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Don't you lot ever make a mistake!  Cooperlola, I always learnt that a word ending in s such as Jones would be Jones' in the possessive, not Jones's.  I have also seen you often write definately instead of definitely.  We all make mistakes and we can all learn to be a little tolerant, instead of frightening everyone away.

Rant over and I hope it doesn't spoil Magnolia's thread.   [:)]


Edit: perfect and intelligent reply Magnolia.


Edit again: Apologies, maybe you are right about Jones's  http://www.informatics.sussex.ac.uk/department/docs/punctuation/node22.html


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Well said Magnolia, thats, oh sorry that's so trivial I can't believe there were two posts about it. Petty isn't really an adequate enough word.  Anyway, rise above it as they say. The BMW magazine might be a good place to advertise. Good luck with your enterprise.


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I didn't treat the original post as a serious enquiry; more as an advertising stunt. I note that the moderator had to remove some advertising!

In all honesty, I can't believe that someone would move to another country and set up a business enterprise without doing their market research beforehand! You don't need a good education in order to have common sense.

I'll continue to try and use correct English despite the onslaught.


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Thanks everyone for your comments and advice - it's all been really useful. Amazingly, even Sid's comments have helped me. It's made me realise that I didn't do my homework properly before leaving the UK as I thought that i'd left all of the a***holes behind. How lucky I am that i've had you here to remind me that some of you came to France as well. Oh dear what a shame.

Could I please now ask the moderator to delete this thread as I really am far too busy to be dealing with plonkers like Sid [:@]


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Incredibly good at judging others aren't you Sid.  You are really amazing.


The words "pot" kettle" and "black" spring immediately to mind! Really you people are amazing too, being able to judge who are the nice ones just from a few words on the internet!!! Have you never heard of the problems of how youngsters get sucked into meeting supposedly nice people! Not the same thing here of course, but the character assessments as just as invalid!

All I have done is point out that this was, in my view, a flippant advertising attempt, and the fact that the moderator had to remove the advertising supports that view. You seem to have missed the point.

The use of English was also incorrect. So far, I've done nothing wrong.

I'll now explain that I run a gite and successfully cater to motorcyclists (amongst others), being a motorcyclist myself helps considerably. All my contacts were made before we came here so the plan was pretty clear and it has worked sufficiently well.

In an oversaturated market in Poitou Charents, where everyone and his wife seems to have a gite or B&B to offer, if anyone thinks I'll be giving away my marketing secrets then they have anothr think coming!

Like I said before, this research should have been done before embarking on the venture. Face the facts, it is a hard world out there and a few words on here are nothing compared with possible finacial disaster and a consequent unhappy life here in France.

I've said all I'm going to say on the subject so all the softy-namby-pambys can now spout to their hearts content.


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

I have also seen you often write definately instead of definitely. 


[/quote]I cannot spell - it has always been a blind spot of mine and I do struggle with definitely.  In fact, I am really glad if people put me right, as I would prefer to write perfect sentences, properly spelled and gramatically correct, if at all possible.  Thus, if I spell anything incorrectly, I am nothing but grateful if this is pointed out to me.  Better that than I carry on in ignorance, doing something incorrectly again and again.  I hope to learn from others, and am happy if they wish to teach me something.  I do not consider this to be insulting or belittling, because how else does one ever learn anything in life?

But I do appologise unreservedly to the o/p for dragging her post off topic. 

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If someone teaches or helps kindly that is one thing, mocking and belittling is another.  You have missed the point and do not seem to have much respect for the original poster's feelings.


Magnolia, I had a look at your site.  It looks really nice.  You have good taste and I wish you the best of luck in your new venture.


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