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Watch out!! There's a Rogue English Builder about!!!


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He has so far cheated British and American owners in the Deux Sevres and some areas of Brittany.

So watch out for an over-weight, grey haird man, with glasses and a beard. He finds his victims on the web and in DIY, and or builders, stores, through out France. He listens out for English voices and then homes in!

He is traveling with a lank haired women - dark brown streaky hair - and an Afghan hound.

On no account have anything to do with him! Them!

Don't trust any English builders who aren't established and, if they take you to see examples of their work, meet and speak to the owners first! Shuttered, deserted, holiday home don't count!

Unfortunately all Brits in France aren't nice people!

If you read this, tell all your friends who might not!!

So remember!! Watch out! There's a Rogue English Builder about!!!!

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  • 8 years later...
I know this thread is years old, but I came back from our French house today and swore I saw him in a battered van, while waiting to board the ferry. I didn't tell my husband as, after all these years, he's still number 1 on his 'most wanted' list!

Anyone have any news of BB? Last I heard he was being chased across the north of France by the police!
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[quote user="Renaud"]"an over-weight, grey haird man, with glasses and a beard." The swine is impersonating me, and I wonder how many others on this site. My lurcher says the afghan is impersonating him.[/quote]

You and me both Renaud. I like to think though that it's muscle that just needs a little honing.

This lank haired biddy, is that the Afghan dog or the woman?

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[quote user="Val1956"]I know this thread is years old, but I came back from our French house today and swore I saw him in a battered van, while waiting to board the ferry.![/quote]

What a fantastic disguise, to batter the van. Surely though you would smell him coming from miles away.

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