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Do you have a choice of notaire who you want to sell a property through or must it be through the closest one to the property?

As you know, I'm in the process of a divorce and my wife and I have a financial agreement drawn up and signed and sealed in Australia. Basically says she gets the Australian property, I get the French properties.

The notaire knows this.

I have a buyer for my smaller property that's worth about €4500. He went to the notaire and they are not interested in doing the paperwork.

They say it's not cost effective for them (they did the process when I bought it 3 years ago for that price, so what are they on about?)

And secondly because it's in joint name and my wife is in Australia. So what. how does she being in Australia make it any harder? They send the paperwork to me, I sign, send it to her, she signs and sends it back to them.

I don't understand. I'll be sending them an email asking what the hell they're playing at, but it doesn't make any sense to me. Certainly no extra work for them.
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You can use any notaire you like, but obviously the one who dealt with the property when you bought it will have all the relevant paperwork to hand.

I suppose the comment about your wife being in Australia is just to do with the cost of sending paperwork to her to sign. They could use email but lots of notaires are old fashioned in their technology.

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Well, it'll be me sending it to Australia, but I'm sure the €20 - €30 postage isn't going to kill anyone's bank balance.

I think they're being a pain in the neck. If they respond negatively I shall seek an alternate notaire. It's ridiculous, it's hard enough to find buyers in this market, without having the people you have to use in order to sell being a pain. I never had any trouble with them before, this is so strange.
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I thought my property was cheap but my Notaires fees were more than your sale price if you havnt missed out a zero!

If the €4500 is correct it may cost more to sell it than give it away, except of course you are not allowed to give it away [:(]

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