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I'm just clearing out my inbox and have found an e-mail that I had completely forgotten about. Our tenants were awarded aide au logement which I assumed was because they have a large family. However, before we agreed to them renting the property they provided payslips from overseas employment which showed a substantial income in order to prove they could pay the rent.

I don't know anything about French secu benefits but having looked into it it seems to be something that is awarded to families of modest means. It is paid directly to them not us but I am now worried that if they are claiming a benefit that they are not entitled to we are implicated because we signed the form for them. The form was just confirmation of the amount of rent they were paying.

I'm really not sure what to do. I'm not suggesting that they have deliberately defrauded the secu, it is more likely that they didn't understand what they were claiming as they spoke no French nor am I suggesting informing CAF. I just want to be sure there will be no repercussion on us.

Any ideas?
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I can't see how there will be any repercussions on you since all you did was confirm the amount of rent they were paying.

However, I do find it strange that you only 'noticed' this anomaly when you were 'clearing out your inbox' shortly after you seem to be questioning whether you have to accept their notice of ending the tenancy via email!  Revenge for stopping renting your property, perhaps? 

Or perhaps I'm reading the two posts with a suspicious mind, in which case I apologise......

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Yes, it is paid to families with modest means.

You say a large family, and a large salary, well, even with a large family, if a family has a large salary then they get nothing towards their aide au logement, just an allowance for their children.

Would having this information help with your current problem of wanting them out on the date they had originally given you?

Please don't imagine that they didn't know what they were doing if they have claimed when they shouldn't. The forms ask questions that aren't actually hard to fill in. Pretty simple about circumstances and amounts earned and family.
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I was waiting for a comment like this and I take exception to your suggestion, Debra, which I find rather puerile and insulting.

I think I'll just have to ask this question elsewhere so I can get a more grown up answer.

It's a shame that living in France makes people so suspicious of their fellow man
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lol so you raise two questions - 1) does notice from my tenant by email stand anywhere legally and 2) Oh I just happened to have suddenly noticed, entirely by coincidence of course, that they may have been claiming a benefit fraudulently so what should I do - and expect someone to connect the two posts together and wonder about your motives; not difficult, after all - and then get the hump when someone does?? 

If you raise the questions elsewhere, be sure to raise them alone so as not to arouse the same suspicions, won't you?!!  Maybe that way you'll get the answers you want.  (Note I did actually answer your supposed question).

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[quote user="Debra"]lol so you raise two questions - 1) does notice from my tenant by email stand anywhere legally and 2) Oh I just happened to have suddenly noticed, entirely by coincidence of course, that they may have been claiming a benefit fraudulently so what should I do - and expect someone to connect the two posts together and wonder about your motives; not difficult, after all - and then get the hump when someone does?? 

If you raise the questions elsewhere, be sure to raise them alone so as not to arouse the same suspicions, won't you?!!  Maybe that way you'll get the answers you want.  (Note I did actually answer your supposed question).

Debra I had my suspicions the same as you - it seemed to me a case of 'give up your tenancy and I will drop you in it'.

Anyone posting on a forum is open to challenge - things can be a very one sided representation and therefore open to question.

Always suspicious when people take exception to being questioned even more so when they have a rant.



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Having read the posting which spoke of  "large overseas income" and "didnt speak French so may not have known what they were claiming" I reckon the unlucky tenants are English or English speaking and the OP is hopng that they or someone they know will be reading these threads.

It could all backfire and she could be without rent for a couple of years.

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