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Hi Viz Armband


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Sécurité routière : le brassard fluo inscrit dans un arrêté officiel (04/01)

On le redoutait, et on avait raison : l’obligation de porter un brassard rétro-réfléchissant est annoncée, ce 4 janvier par le ministre de l’Intérieur. Un arrêté daté du 3 janvier 2012 précise que son port sera obligatoire pour les conducteurs de 2-roues à moteur à partir du 1er janvier 2013.

The Hi viz armband inscribed in an official notice (04 -01).

One feared it, and we had reason:- the obligation to carry a Hi viz, retro reflective arm band is announced, this 4th January by the minister of the Interieur. An official notice of 3rd january, stipulates that it will be obligatory for riders of two wheeled vehicles from Jan 2013.

Better than a vest I suppose but still bollox as it will do nothing to improve mioptic drivers not seeing bikes.


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I can feel this flapping around already, sliding down the arm etc. and I haven't got one yet. Do you need two?? I may be in the minority but I have 2 arms. [Www]  Once it becomes law the manufacturers will, I guess, stitch the reflective band into the sleeves of new jackets/tops. Mine already has reflective patches, but there has been no common standard. I certainly don't want to buy a new jacket and I'll wait until the last minute to see what armband products come on the market.

Quite agree about it not really being effective. If they can't see my headlight they're hardly likely to notice an armband.

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Cars, motorcycles... we're all "drivers". [;-)]

We motorcycle drivers don't have much choice about the lights.... it's the law, but in any case most of us prefer it like that. You can see a headlight approaching at several hundred metres; I very much doubt that you'd see an armband at that distance. I think bright lipstick might work better. [blink] [:D]


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[quote user="BIG MAC"]Personally as a motorcyclist I would prefer less blind car drivers[/quote]

As a car driver and keen cyclist, so would I.

Why don't the goverment try and reduce the costs / waiting times for eye testing and spectacle buying?

That would be more effective than a strip of hi-vis (but of course, slightly more costly)

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We have lots of motard friends and I am very 'bike' aware. However, in many weather conditions, bikes and cycles are hard to see, in fact in some weather conditions so are cars, especially if the drivers have sombre coloured cars and don't bother to put their lights on.

I don't care what any of you do, even  fluo lippy, it will always be a dangerous mode of transport as there is no way you will ever give your bikes enough volume to be easily seen.

Ofcourse there are drivers who are not bike aware, but even for us that are, I believe that you will always be taking that extra risk.

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Blimey... he nearly managed to get out of the way; that must have been awful !

However, it goes to show, IF he had been wearing a little armband, instead of that inconspicuous jacket, he would have been much more visible! [6]

I agree, it was a risky manoeuvre in the first place.

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[quote user="Alex H"][quote user="BIG MAC"]Personally as a motorcyclist I would prefer less blind car drivers[/quote]

As a car driver and keen cyclist, so would I.


Alex, I'm a cyclist too, and it's great here isn't it? But I don't feel as vulnerable on the velo; here in France most people appear to have ridden, or still ride, a bicycle, and they seem more aware of the danger posed to cyclists. It's not the same with motos.

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[quote user="sid"]

Alex, I'm a cyclist too, and it's great here isn't it? But I don't feel as vulnerable on the velo; here in France most people appear to have ridden, or still ride, a bicycle, and they seem more aware of the danger posed to cyclists. It's not the same with motos.


Indeed, I agree totally.

The only trouble we have ever had here was near the ferry ports, with certain people rushing back to catch their crossing

(You know, the ones where the car reg tells you the age of the car :-)    )

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I am impressed that in France motorists often are polite and let a bike through (when safe to do so) and that often their lane discipline puts the UK midlane morons to shame..even French lorries manage to pass each other without the 4 miles required by their UK counterparts. My theory is that a French driver cannot tell if its a UK bike or a French one until the overtaking deed is done and so long as one registers one's appreciation (The shaky leg) then they are fairly ambivolent. In the UK many people are discourteous and full of their own importance and 'entitlements' (I blame Esther Rantzen and 1970s Sunday night telly) so even if one was vomiting fluorescent sputum from a head revolving through 360 degrees ala Excorcist films...The motorcyclist is unlikely to be spotted for their 'brightness' (Not an intelligence reference)  I have had cars pull out in front of my twin HID equipped FZS1000 which will turn retinas into walnut shells in 30 seconds...and still SMIDSY!...yet one small flashing blue light and it's the parting of the Dead Sea...They will recognise only those who in their value system may be 'more worthy' than their often inflated opinion of themselves. Armbands wont do any harm neither will they do any good ...besides its only a matter of time before fluorescent black clothing is available. It isn't therefore the clothing which is the issue..it's the people.

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