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Anyone like to see pics not from France?


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Oooh, you ask the juicy questions Pads!

It's 1 hour behind Uk time here, in the summer we switch to Uk time for ease of communications etc. You can do what you want in the evenings, there is a bar area with a tv, loads of DVD's and videos, a pool table. We tend to have different nights set aside for different things. Movies on Tuesdays, German lessons Thursdays, band practice Fridays, that sort of thing. I came here with some specific things I wanted to do and spend a lot of time doing them, much less time socialising, that works for me and I enjoy my time. I have a very basic recording set-up in my office and I came here wanting to learn to play the guitar and 2 years later I have written 10 songs, not much good but I really enjoy the whole thing and if I'm not working I'm playing guitar or making something. I make a lot of sculpture and also musical instruments, anything that takes my fancy really!

We work on a 9-5.30 working day, 5 days a week, everyone sticks to that easily. Some work more if needed. I'm one of the older ones here at 34 and I have a very busy job. I run all the vehicles here and I tend to work a lot more hours but that is my choice and it makes the time go quicker. We do whatever needs to be done and if that meens being up all night then so be it, I'm used to lifestyle jobs and don't really look at it as a day job, I'm here to keep everything running and really enjoy that. The internet does make a difference but I'm not really keen to be honest. I like the idea of being cut off! We have only had internet access for a couple of years, I think 4 years ago winterers where on fax or telex. I certainly makes life easier and there are a few here with girlfriends who maintain a relationship with the internet. I'm single, I don't really think it'd be fair to ask someone to wait two and a half years for me! Life is very strange here, it carries on as normal for everyone back home but it's like a timewarp, nothing moves on here, I think a relationship at this distance would be very hard. I spent 3 years in Africa and 2 years in Asia and the Middle East and a year in South America so have been away quite a long time really, I have missed all the getting married and having a family bit which is a real shame, something I'd have liked to have done before now but maybe that will happen in the future sometime. I have a beautiful Niece who was born just before I left to come here and is 2 now so she will probably get pampered a bit when I get home. I couldn't get home in an emergency no, it's a concern but that's the way it is.

Hope that answers your questions!


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Sorry do you think im being nosey ? [:$] but im just fasinated in other peoples lifes when they are so different to mine , I studied psychology for 3 years and then went to work for the samaritins for years , so I love to know what its like to live in different circumstances. I think it must be very testing on you as a person.

Id love to read some of the songs you have written , if you dont want to braodcast them you could PM me (again tell me to buggar off if they are private ) you are lucky to have so many interest , what kind of instruments do you make , can we see them ?  Do you sing your songs or just write them? what do you sculpture ? wood, metal ........... 

How long will you continue to do this work ? Can people go back year after year or are you only aloud to do X amount of years. ?  If so what will you move on to next ?

How is the sale of your house going did you sort out getting it signed for by some one else ? Will you settle in france or just use it for holidays ?

Your only 34 so trust me marraige children hav'nt passed you by yet , you have just missed out on the stropey 20somethink women , now you can look for some one who should of hopfully of mantured a little and wont give you as much grief that a younger woman would of done. But remenber if you do meet some one while your still doing this job that its not down to you to think if its fair or not for her to wait for you , its down to her !!!![:)]    

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Are you saying I'm too old for a stroppy 20 year old now Pads?? Ha!

You are right, it is fascinating, I'm amazed all the time by the people I meet and have met all over the world. Some unusual people and some great people too but mainly mad people!

It can be testing at times, 2 years is a long time, I miss people more now, I didn't much when I was younger. You can only be down here for 2 winters maximum before going home, you can come down again as many times as they will have you. There's a guy here on his 4th winter, a few of the old school guys who have been coming here for 10 years. It has a special feeling associated with it, more people have been up Everest than have ever wintered here at Halley.

No idea what I will do next to be honest, I've done lots of cool stuff so far. I'd quite like to spend a bit of time making things, always enjoyed it. I'm not good enough to make a living but could take a year and feel like I had given it a go. I make lots of steel sculptures and instruments from wood, drums and guitars, that sort of thing. Who know's what people like, it's all relative.

I do "sing" my songs, it's not serious though, it's just something I  wanted to have a go at, I doubt I'd ever have had chance to give it a go if I hadn't been here. You can have a listen, they are on the internet but seriously, I am only playing about. You can go to www.myspace.com/matrichardson and there are 3 on there.

The house is going well, my brother is going to sign on my behalf I think so all should go well, I have saved for a long time to buy my own place so even though it's a run down hovel it's my run down hovel! I'd like to stay a while in France but maybe I will come back down here depending on what I can find to do. It's a good way of saving money here and I might need some to do up the house. I will also listen to your words of wisdom about women, I could do with any help I can get, it's going to be tricky fitting back into society again!

Have a good night.


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Here's a couple more pictures then being as you have listened to my ramblings for a few posts now!

This was an amazing iceburg that froze into the sea ice last year, we went up to it, enormous!


This is an Island called Signy, it's like the land time forgot.


This is a sculpture of a guy skiing I made, about 14" tall.


This is a sculpture of one of the guys here going off to dig, I think he's had enough!


These are Giant Petrels, huge birds, scavengers who eat dead seals basically!


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Matt those sculptures are very good , you said in another post that you wer,nt good enough at making things to sell !!! HELLO take another look at those pictures, with your back ground and a little story on a website about how these were made in the antartic I think they would sell,  I perticuly liked the man digging, what he looks like , plus how he makes me think when looking at him, I believe that is what true art is about , not how nice he looks on my shelve but the thoughts that he prevokes and the history of where he came from and how, do you understand what I mean ? I think you should set your self a work shop up in your new french house and be inspired by the life and wildlife around you as you obvisly are where you are now!!! Have you made a penquin one yet , Animals always sell as people will never stop being fansinated by them. I couldnt never be an artist , if i put time and emotion in to making some thing so good I would become to attached to it to give to another person. But then Im just a soppy woman Im sure you have a more business like head.

I predict in 5 years you will have that little art studio selling your photos and art work and instruments while that wife is in the kitchen making your tea !!![:)] and running your website for you. I hope you do ................... 

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You certainly have talent Matt!

And thankyou for sharing it with us!


 we only decided at the beginning of Feb this year we would buy a 2nd home in France ( having thought about it for over 20 years!!).

We chose, bought and had moved in by mid July and are about to go out for the 3 rd time next week.

Since February my mind has been utterly distracted by the house and all it has entailed- and it's been just wonderful.

We bought a longere in the Suisse Normande and to say we are 'chuffed to bits' is an understatement!

Hope you are feeling the same way.

This site has been wonderful- we've read through old posts and asked plenty of questions, and other people's willingness to share their knowledge and experiences has been quite amazing-what a nice bunch of people here[:)]

 I'm sure you'll feel the same way.

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Wow - only just looked at this post today and I am thoroughly addicted already.

I always wanted to go to the Antartic from when I was a child.   Because my mother's family name is Livingstone,  I think I had fantasies of being an explorer.   Actually nearly went once on a science expedition; can't actually recall what happened now, but wish I had gone.

Fantastic pictures .... did you ever get pictures of the Baby Emperor Penguins, or have I missed them?

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Good news today, the sun made an appearance on the horizon for about an hour! We raise a new Union Flag on sun up so had the ceremony this afternoon, beautiful day but very cold at -42.

Thanks to those of you who have written, I have had the same impression Nicos, some very nice people here and your place sounds fantastic, I hope to enjoy my place just as much.

We haven't been to the Emperors yet, will do in the next week or two, the chicks will be hatched by then and should get some nice pictures.


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So how dose it feel to have a bit of sun shine ? Are there just men on your base or is it mixed? I really like the pic of the blue ice snow cliff, do you paint /draw as well ? pics like that would look lovely in water colours .  Keep putting more pics up when you have the time I love looking at them[:)]


Christine did you change your picture or did it change it self ? last night it was dark ? 

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Yes Christine, looks like snow would be right! Pretty bad day today, lots of snow and high winds, what you see in the webcam is about the same as you can see walking about, handlines only.

Here's a couple more pictures, the big iceburg from the previous page close up was huge, this is it from a distance. We travelled on skidoos across the sea ice to see it up close.


This is looking through an iceburg


These are a couple of young Blue Eyed Shags taken on the Falkland Islands.


This is a grumpy female Elephant Seal on South Georgia.


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I really like the blue through the ice burg piccy.

Is it safe to be around the ice bergs or do they break off and colapse a lot , Do you have to me quite around them ? 

PS Matt is there anything you would like to see pics of ? landscapes , sea views , have you lookd through other photo threads some people have posted some great photos of france  and I have done some of cornwall.

Have you any pics of the area where your buying your place in france ? you show me yours I'll show you mine !![:-))]

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Hi Pads.

There are strict guidelines for travelling on sea ice, these burgs are all grounded on the bottom and then the sea has frozen around them. The ice was very thick last year and we could safely walk around on it and go up to the iceburgs. You don't get too close because there are still tides and as the burgs don't move you end up with an area a couple of feet wide around the bottom of each one that never sets fully. You would never walk up close to the actual ice cliffs of the glaciers as they can fall or carve at any time and they are very dangerous. You don't have to be quiet but it is very strange on the ice, sort of an eerie silence and you can hear the ice creaking. Often when the seals are giving birth you can hear them under the ice.

I've had a look through lots of the pictures on here, some lovely shots! My family have been out to my place today so I'm hoping to have some pictures from them soon, very exciting, even if I'm still 7 months away from seeing it myself!

Have a nice weekend.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the lack of contact, it's an incredibly busy time of the year with a couple of big science projects going out.

I managed to get down to the Emperor Penguins yesterday and took lots of pics, here's a couple.




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A couple more for you




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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote user="FurryKnickers"]What a gorgeous little seal! He has a face similar to a pug! The big sad eyes and the cute little puss with the little whiskers, they are adorable.[/quote]

FurryKnickers - Cò an caora sin còmhla riut a chunnaic mi an-raoir? [:P]

Mat - lovin' the 'photos + the glimpses of your life in such a remote place (+ your MySpace stuff too) - keep it coming please? [8-|]


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