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Old Photos Not France

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Oh gosh, that really is a bit of history then! [:)] I assume she was trying to look like a boy, perhaps not many girls were able to do that sort of work back then. It appears she was certainly ahead of her time and was a very creative and industrious lady. It is very lucky that you have these images of her.
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They're lovely, Christine.

The left-hand picture is, I would imagine, a postcard for sale or a publicity giveaway. The Victorians loved the picturesque, and so your relative would have been dragooned in as a model for the shot, distressed wardrobe and all. Probably onto a glass negative, and then direct-printed and the print paper glued onto the cardboard mount. The other one looks like a fashionable 'family record' shot of the period. I wouldn't have liked to puch a child round in that contraption! A very valuable family souvenir, lucky woman!

If anyone is interested in seeing a range of carte-de-visite photographs, there is a good collection here.

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Yes I am.  Nanny, my grandmother in the photos, kept them with other photos and papers in a little leather case.  When she died, my mother kept the case and since my mother died, we have it.  Maybe that is why they have kept so well, as they haven't been in the light.

A couple more   [:)]




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Which will last about 1/10 as long as the originals! They were good technicians in those days, I doubt if many of our current prints will last as long. Most of my slides and colour prints from the 60s and 70s show bad fading, although the black and white prints are much better. Epson say their inks will not fade over (I think) 90 years, but I am pretty sceptical.

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They are wonderful Christine!

I think I may be living proof that new technology is not as good as old. I am at the moment trying to look at a disk I downloaded photos on. I have done this a few times to free up space on the computer and also have heard it is safer than just leaving them on your computer. Well, they are lost! It is saying that the disk is corrupted. So beware. [:(]

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Yup, an external hard drive is more reliable but I'd even double up on that!  Mr Cooperlola's computer crash lost loads of unrepeatable shots.  Don't be caught out. (I make three discs of each set of photos and back them up onto two hard drives but that's probably a bit ott!)
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Oh dear, I didn't realise that Cooperlola, I am sick. I had assumed that a CD was pretty safe. It was a lovely holiday through Germany then Vienna and Prague. All lost! [:'(]

Sorry Christine for the hijack. At least you are safe in knowing this will not happen to your Grandmother's wonderful photos.[:)]

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I only latched onto this a couple of years ago when there were reports about CDs becoming corrupted, particularly when being stored in high temperature environments.  Hilarious (unless somebody's suffered as you have) when you think that CDs were heralded as being "indistructable" when they came out!  Nobody really knows about new technologies until they begin to develop a history, do they?
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[quote user="WJT"]

Oh dear, I didn't realise that Cooperlola, I am sick. I had assumed that a CD was pretty safe. It was a lovely holiday through Germany then Vienna and Prague. All lost! [:'(]


They may not be completely lost WJ. Try putting the CD in the drive without running it and look at whats on it in My Computer (probably 'E' drive). If you have all the files showing try saving one to My Pictures and see what happens. No guarantees, but worth a try. If it works move them one at a time, checking as you go.

Good luck

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Thanks Bugbear, I have just tried it. In DVD Drive D, it comes up saying that it cannot read or is corrupted. When I put it in Drive E, it just runs and runs, nothing comes up and in order to eject it, I have to turn the computer off. [:(]
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      sorry to hear that, nothing worse. I had a look around and found this, it is free and who knows may even work. If you decide to try it then I suggest setting a restore point before installing it, this way you can roll back to before the installation if the software causes problems, as I think Fluffy said once, "we are talking Microsoft here" apologies in advance if I have mis-qoted you Fluffy (can't used to that yet) Good luck WJT, if I can find anything else that is of use the I will re-post here.[:)]

best regards



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I keep everything on at least two hard drives (1 portable) and CD-ROMs. The problem with CDs is that small data losses don't make a lot of difference to music playback, but they do with computer files. Tape storage is cost-effective but also doesn't have 100% reliability.

The worry (if it's the sort of thing you might worry about) is that to future generations this time will be imageless, ironinc when you consider that making the images is easier than it's ever been.

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Your photo has been well kept Cooperlola.  Has it been out of the light too?


[/quote]Yes, my Great Aunt kept all the family photos in biscuit tins and I have now transferred them to albums.  A note about albums too, if you have lovely old photos do not use those which have a kind of sticky page that holds picutures in place.  After a while, the sticky stuff glues itself to the pictures and is there forever after!

btw we discussed backing up computer files here


Because it's such a  useful thread it had got rather long and it's not easy to find the relevant bits but they're around pages 6 and 7.

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This pic of my mother and her family might amuse Fluffy as the topic of altering photographs is one that interests him.


One of my uncles (the priest) was not actually there at the time and was added in afterwards.  This picture was taken just before the (2nd)war.

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