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[quote user="John Martin BRADLEY"]When we have finished our stint in Cape Town and moved back to Europe early next year, we'll get another god ; possibly a French speaking dog.
. [/quote]

John, Just wanted to let you know I find your pictures really moving, and the unvoluntary (? ) pun was appropriate.. [:)]



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Dear Christine & Frenchie, thanks very much.  Chest very puffed out after all these nice comments.  I love taking photos. 

In our house we are always saying things like ... come on, time to take the gods for a walk ...  we live in the presence of god ... god looked down on us (and barked) ... the house of god (kennel) ... god protects us (from burglars with his big teeth) ... the love of god (is all very well, but I don't like it when he licks my face) ... better to let sleeping gods lie ... and so on  

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I came home from shopping this afternoon and found this in my garden:


It's our cat Gizmo lazing in the sun right in the middle of my catmint (nepeta 'six hills giant')

And he's is still there 2 hours later!

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Thank you,

He is 15 years old now, had him from a kitten, but he is very wicked, my very naughty daughters teased him when he was young and he can not be trusted with strangers (he bites)[6]

He is very big and when he was younger he would hide in the flowers and jump out and roll the dog over, hold on tight and kick her with his back feet then run off ! He also used to run up behind you when we were walking down the lane, grab you round the leg and bite then run off when you screamed.

But he is a lovely cat now and loves to sit in cardboard boxes!

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Sounds adorable.  All part of their characters.

Our little Tabs likes to greet you when you are in the garden by running up to you, rubbing herself around your legs, then rolling over on her back, just out of reach, but when you do get to her, she wants her tummy rubbed which is OK for a few seconds, but then she'll get you in a four paw grip, hang on with her teeth, then, kick you with her back legs.  If you say Ow, she lets go - briefly.  It's not easy, but the best way not to get too mutilated is to not try and drag your hand away.  Then later on, she's all cuddles.

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Here are some photos of my pet sheep, I have three, 2 are cade and the black faced one is the son of the smaller white faced one. I took these pics before, during and after I single handed clipped them on Monday[:-))]




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  • 4 weeks later...
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We have at last found the right friend for Roméo.  After a lot of searching and heartbreak, the SPA came up trumps again.  His name is Benji and he is a 10 yr old labrit or Pyrennean Sheepdog, who has clearly had a hard life so far. For those who have been following the "Free Frankie One" thread, he is the "Dog With Two Chips".(Very well-balanced dog, a microchip in each shoulder[:D].)


He needs a fair few teeth extracting, has badly infected ears, and has a rather duff leg at the rear, but can still move like the clappers.  Unfortunately he can also pick a 2nd hand chicken leg out of a flip-top bin in Olympic record time.....!  He and Roméo are inseparable after just a fortnight.  He has absolutely NO training, but we are working hard and hope to instill lessons like "Assis" (see photo!) quicker than he can teach Roméo his naughty tricks....

Watch this space

Chrissie (81)





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Chrissie, he's lovely, they both are.  You are such a good person to have given a home to two older dogs, they really deserve it and are marvellous. 

We have recently rescued a fourteen year old and a fifteen year old, both females and both because their mistresses are Alzheimer.  The first one was even spayed when young and has had all her jabs each year.  She was really well cared for and it shows, she doesn't seem fourteen at all.  They are both adorable, no trouble and even though we have so many, they are a real pleasure.


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Yes, older dogs can come with a lot of advantages.  Benji has two previously unthought-of benefits - he wanders round the house and comes back covered in dust and grime, so he must be making the house a bit cleaner in some way.  And if the financial crisis gets really bad, OH reckons he is just right to put on a bit of string and go and sit outside our local supermarket - he'd make a fortune![:D]

This is him before I snipped out almost a kilo of matted clumps.......


Chrissie (81) 

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He is adorable, not to mention a very very lucky fellow to have found such a wonderful family. This is so heartwarming to know that people like you exist and provide a well deserved loving, secure comfortable home in the later years for two very lucky dogs that probably think they have found heaven after what they have experienced. Well done Chrissie and of course Christine.

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