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Any ideas?

Chris Head

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When I first saw the design, I thought Nazi memorabilia,  I think it is just the eagle's head at that angle . I look forward to seeing the end result though. Ok , bigger hole being dug by myself, I think the beak looks a bit Dodo ish.    Dives for cover!


re the cd bit. Can't you make some grooves and slide in bits of wood  (like the bottoms of flat pack drawers) ? Sorry if this has been mentioned, haven't read all the techie bits!

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JK, Twinks, Beryl...

It's not meant to aggressive JK,  it's my interpretaion of my various passions, tree, bird of prey, music...function, I do hear you, thanks for your truth, it means alot. Why is it aggressive? It wasn't meant to be, although Eagle is pure aggression and truth.

Beryl, the challenge is to produce what the heart and the minds eye is saying, to take short cuts would be an awful mistake...the easy way out simply isn't an option. For me an idea starts in the mind, it gets moved to the heart and then through to the hands. I wonder what trained Artists would say?

JJ...I sooo appreciate the time and effort you took....you're a real star! The whole point of the piece is that it'sculpture...and can only be from one lump of wood.


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[quote user="Chris Head"]

JJ...I sooo appreciate the time and effort you took....you're a real star! The whole point of the piece is that it'sculpture...and can only be from one lump of wood.



That's what I thought you'd say, so what are you going to do for the CDs then?

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Chris, I did not say that the piece is aggresive.  You have got muddled there somehow.  I just dont like it much.  It reminds me of those native american pieces that you see.  Sorry Chris but others including yourself may think it is very nice.  All a matter of taste I suppose.  If I post you my address could you make me something to hang my keys on please?  Hubby took my last rack down to paint, then he lost it which means I keep losing my car keys.
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I feel the frustration of knowing exactly how you want something to be made, but not knowing how exactly to achieve it, the idea/concept that is! I haven't a clue about bits of wood, but you are spot

on about not taking short cuts. You get an idea and have to solve the

problems to achieve the outcome. Cheating and taking short cuts, just

to get an effect defeats the whole purpose behind creating and making.

Also the solutions bring their own influences. Creative work constantly

changes and evolves during the making process. I guess the bigger the

problems and frustrations that need overcoming, the more rewarding the

better the satisfaction.

Sorry just a ramble........doesn't help with the actual problem though!

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I like the design, especially the eagle head. I don't think it breaks the rules to use inserts, but perhaps not in this design. If done it would need to serve an aesthetic as well as a practical purpose, like using marquetry or beading. (Do I mean beading - inlaying strips of contrasting wood)

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The thoughts are more than could have dreamed of. You're good people...all of you.

Dick, are you undesrtanding how the mind plays havoc when creation is the key, and there are no rules? When there are no rules....what do you do? What's right and what's wrong? How could one possibly start the project knowing how JK feels? But not to do so would be awful....it's the quandry and self belief that is the creator.

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I don't do anything like you do, so the processes are different, but I like to draw up possibilities and then chuck them away - but with a slightly clearer idea of what I want. Then it sort of clicks and I know what to do first.

I do see where you are coming from, though.

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Chris, if you make me a nice little key holder then I will not nag you and moan when you make your eagle CD holder.  So go ahead and make.   You can design my key holder if you like and surprise me with it.[:D].  Perhaps something nice which reminds you of me[:D]
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[quote user="Dick Smith"]I don't do anything like you do, so the processes are different, but I like to draw up possibilities and then chuck them away - but with a slightly clearer idea of what I want. Then it sort of clicks and I know what to do first.
I do see where you are coming from, though.

As you near retirement Dick you're beginning to believe that the left side of the brain might just have some validity....come spend a few days with me, it would be a complete pleasure for us, but might mess with your mental health?

A key holder Katie? Erm...why?


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I've never denied that creativity is a driving force in all endeavours,

I'm actually pretty creative in all sorts of ways! I'm just not

accomplished in those areas that show up in this way. My creativity is

linguistic and intellectual. Jus' diffrent, is all.

I'll get you a picture of the keyholders I made, Katie. Julie found an

old carved letter rack at a bootsale and we took it apart and made TWO

keyracks (quelle luxe). Took about 4 minutes...
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 My creativity is linguistic and intellectual. Jus' diffrent, is all.

We were scrapping over the inverse of that very statement weeks ago Dick, do you remember? I think I was saying I was a dummy in your world and you were a complete dunce in mine! At the time it was great fun but got me a ban!

I've never denied that creativity is a driving force in all endeavours

May you suffer the same glorious torture Dick....it's such a tortuous trip!


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Agreed. Bronchitis is stopping me mangling wood at the moment, though...

Just a last thought. A guy called Joe Renzulli, presidential adviser in the USA to at least 2 presidents on the education of gifted and talented children has described the three characteristics needed for an individual to act in a gifted way:

  • Above average ability (but not necessarily hugely so)
  • High levels of creativity
  • High levels of task commitment - he also calls that passion
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