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Is this section now dead?


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During the timer that I have used this forum I have seen several contributors dissapear, presumably barred after falling foul of the moderators, not wanting to join them I am choosing my words carefully and not naming names.

I have not seen any postings from the person who lobbied for and got this section created, I have to say that of their postings were somewhat passionate if not confrontational so am not really surprised to view their absence.

My question is, have they gone? And will the section continue in their absence?


I have just seen a recent posting from the person I was alluding to, so I hope that this section continues.

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 The last time I heard from Chris he was having  internet woes,no access to emails, web site down etc etc......... as far as I know that is the only reason he hasn't been posting, apart from the fact that he is undertaking some serious gardening activity.......

I'm sure he'll be back, in fact he posted briefly at the weekend.

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No I'm still around, the 'puter is fixed but time just seems to be flying past wayyyy too quickly.

OK a question for those of you who make a living from wood, and perhaps even those of you who dont....are you really doing what you want to do? Or are you taking the safe route, working within your comfort zone and just happy to be paying the bills? OK we're extremely lucky to have sufficient projected income for three years or so and wonderful clients, the projects are varied and sometimes challenging but it all seems well, just a bit to safe and ordered if you get my drift....all advice welcomed, abstract thought particularly welcomed!

On another note, a client has just told me of an extraordinary story of a fence panel crisis in the UK. He said that the Chinese were buying them all up and consequently prices had rocketed and availability was practically zero. Is this true?

Finally, I've started a stash fund to buy another brushcutter, Sarah has said a big no to the 900euros I need to buy another one so if anyone wants a bit of wood or a carving or summit smashing up with a chainsaw and we can sneak the deal past Sarah (easier said than done!) I'm up for it!


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On another note, a client has just told me of an extraordinary story of a fence panel crisis in the UK. He said that the Chinese were buying them all up and consequently prices had rocketed and availability was practically zero. Is this true

Haven't heard the Chinese bit before but there is a fence panel shortage, I thought it was due to a storm a couple of months ago. I have heard of 6 x 6 going for £90 each !! (you can stand up now [:'(])

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The Chinese are not buying up all the fence panels, they are however a major market for the cheap wood from which fence panels are made.

Presumably this Chinese demand is driven by the massive amount of construction work on going in China which, as a matter of interest, has also affected the cost / availability of such things as cement, re-bar steel, copper tubing etc

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[quote user="Chris Head"]


OK a question for those of you who make a living from wood, and perhaps even those of you who dont....are you really doing what you want to do?[/quote]


I've been on this forum for just over a year and you've always made me stop and think whenever you ask that question.  I always used to think "Yes - I'm doing what I love doing, God I'm so lucky".  The last couple of months have had me thinking how sick and tired I am of singing other peoples songs.  I was clearing out my desk last week and realised that I have about half a dozen of really good song lyrics written for me by this amazing British lady who lives nearby.  I also have 4 songs that I recorded over 8 years ago when I was pregnant - in French - written for me by my hubby and a couple more penned by by sweet self[:)] 

They are just sitting there gathering dust.  Why ?  I've sent one of them to my musiciens to listen to and we're going to perform it on the 21st June for "La Fete de La Musique".  I can't beleive I've waited so long to do it.  Thanks Chris for making me think[:)] 

I'm also in the middle of restoring a beautiful French draughts table - I'll send photos soon.

Phew!  Back on topic[:D]

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Hey Twinks.....good for you girl!

If you're not happy with what you're doing and there's something you can do about it........then why not go for it?  The more you think of the pro's and cons and details and what if's....... the less likely you are to do it. Get off your bum and get stuck in![:D]

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Way to go Twinks! You demonstrate my question very clearly, OK our mediums might be different but essentially we're the same, you manipulate the components of music to make sound, Moggy works metal, I manipulate timber, a chef uses ingredients to create food, etc. The safe route is to produce what we know sells, bills have to be paid and families fed and before we know it we're into a groove that does nothing for our art, and it's a few years down the line and we're kicking ourselves, don't get me wrong, I'm 110% committed to my work and my clients but seriously impatient at the same time 'cos I know that I'm underachieving big time.

If you're not happy with what you're doing and there's something you can do about it........then why not go for it?

I agree with you Moggy but how? Obligations cannot simply be dropped or shelved.....


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If there was an easy simple answer, everyone would be doing it. There isn't.

How many people that get the opportunity to be able to do exactly as they want. I doubt very many. But if the chance is there and you want it enough, there will be a way........somehow.

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Thanks for the encouragement[:)]

It isn't easy as it sounds - you're right Meg.

Here's a before photo of my lovely draughts table.  I've used it as a table for my computer for the last two years or so and it's taken a bit of a battering.  The top of the table opens up and when she's not playing draughts with me or her father, my daughter uses it to do her homework. 

After gently stripping it, I want to keep the colour quite pale as it is quite a fine piece.

Any suggestions as to what varnish to use (sorry if that's a naughty word here for some of you[:$])



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That's a pretty 'lil table! Any idea of the timbers used Twinks? Methinks a cherry base. Your options for finishing are quite a few....but varnish really shouldn't be one of them[+o(]. I'm really hooked on wax oils at the mo, it's such great stuff. The application and finishing is a wee bit of a chore but the end results are worth the effort. If you go down that route let me know & I'll tell you how.

That'll be 5 euro for the consultation to my stash fund!

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I'm nearly there already Twinks! Thanks for the pm's folks.

Question Twinks.... when there are no rules, nothing is right and nothing is wrong, anything goes...where do you start and where do you stop? We both have the componants but how to put them together?

Great innit!


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[quote user="Chris Head"]

Question Twinks.... when there are no rules, nothing is right and nothing is wrong, anything goes...where do you start and where do you stop?



Start where it feels good for you and stop when it stops feeling good for you. 

The hardest thing is to ignore what others say that goes against what you believe in.  It's hard not to slip back into what is expected of you.  If you manage to get over this hurdle without slipping in the saddle once, you'll do it again and the next time you'll have enough confidence that you won't need to put the blinkers on[:)]


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Do what you have to do to keep your family happy and ticking and then if you still have the energy and desire do a little of what makes you really happy then go for it.  If you just do one OR the other - everything will eventually fall apart.  Or will it?  Only you know that[:)]

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Twinks, I've heard your voice, it's seriously unbelievable, your mastery of your proffession just screams out, you have all the components to wow people, but you're operating within your safety zone, yet you have the ability and life experience to take it one step beyond (ahhh what a great track!), I have the same experience and competence Twinks, each day you turn the radio on you must cringe? When I open a magazine or or get sent pictures of expos I cringe too, not all the time but often...when I read of people who have bought wonderful old buildings who are going to 'renovate' themselves but wouldn't know plasterboard from crepi from metal framing from discretion and respect I just wanna tell them to eff off and move to Essex or the Costa del summit or other.

So what's next?

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Mr H.............i feel that you are waiting to hear something? What?

You have the talent/ability/confidence to...... pay the state, look after you family, be doing what you want and be living the dream that so many people would give anything for.

Are you waiting for answers?? You have them all anyway.

What's next????...............Tomorrow. Make it count.

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