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Hi All.

Chris Head

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Yes JR I did JR, and belated thanks to you and all who took the time and trouble to send books and messages...I haven't had had the chance to say thankyou.

Thanks Gemomino, you leading Sweet astray? She's too nice!

Wotcha Sweet! Glad to hear you survived getting Gemominoed...I'll bring you some insect repellent too! X

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Hey, listen, Chris, a most amazing thing happened to us today as Gem was driving us both home.

Sitting in the passenger seat, I saw this great big eagle swoop down vertically to the ground and I thought it must've seen some prey and was diving for it.

Then, our car passed, it must've taken fright, because it flew straight back up and nearly into our car (the windows were wide open as it was so hot).

If I'd stretched out my hand, I could've touched it.

Imagine an eagle, just like your avatar, within inches of you.......so wonderful and fantastic, I shall remember that moment for the rest of my life.

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Er............what training, Swiss?

We wished you'd been there, especially as we met some people who had walked all the way from Geneva!

Plus, we were convinced you'd have loved the tent and unzipping it and peeing next to it in the dark (no, of course it wasn't that oh-so-genteel Gemonimo who did that, it was moi)

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Bloody awful suffering I tell you; not for civilized folk or me either.[/quote]

It wasn't really 'suffering' Wooly, it was more an enormous fatigue as there was a rise of approx. 800metres in 8kilometres on day one followed by a steeper descent at the end of day two. Sweets found the first day a lot easier than I did because she is used to hill walking. But all in all it was not as frightening as I expected but this was only day one!!!!

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Welcome back from me too - I was wondering how you were getting on.

Especially when I was asking about wooden kitchen worktops - hoping you would give your expert advice [:)]

And like you, wondering what happened to Dick Smith?


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Wotcha Coops, you all mended and fixed up now? Boy you went through it eh? Your experience put into context the lives of many of us.  Did you win or was Mr Coops driving?? X

Hi Pat! I'm not sure you're looking for 'expert' advice, p'raps you're looking for something a little deeper then the mass producers can offer? I was too and came up with a style of worktop that I adore and the mass producers don't do...I'll post a piccy toward the end of the week IF I manage to get home and stop partying with TWO self confessed party animals (one a forum member) who reckoned they'd kick my butt! Two good looking woman against a pro? Yeah I won!

Hey Wooly, I hope you weren't alluding to Dicks looks and his participation in Fessebook? You're still wreaking subliminal havoc eh?!

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Wotcha to you too.  Not quite up and running normally yet but slowly getting there - I'm going to be a bit dot and carry but  things are slowly getting back nearer to "normal" (whatever that is) - I am just starting to be able to walk short distances with just the one crutch so I'll soon be able to carry things again (d*mn - I'll have to start looking after myself now I guess.) Thanks for asking.  Nearly two years in rehab' (now happily only 3 out-patients visits per week) does at the very least make you realise how many people have it far worse than one does oneself and yet they still have a sense of humour which I find quite remarkable.  Never lose yours.[:)]
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Welcome back Chris.  I'm looking forward to you posting some photographs of your carvings.  The Forum is a better place for you being here.

And as for Coops.  Is it really two years?  Crickey.  And three visits per week?  Crickey.

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Er.........Chris, I hope you won't let your army of admirers on here turn your er............Head?[:D]

Never can resist a good joke, however corny.  Will leave this space for your other camp followers now...........[:P]

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Coops, like most others on here, you are a genuine good guy, perhaps we haven't met face to face but I don't need to meet folk like like you to know where yourr heart and spirit is at. We all suffer from time to time, albeit in different ways but like you said, there are very many paople who are much worse off than us, we're the lucky ones like you and I have learned out the hard way...no I've never lost my sense of humour, black as it might be...keep on keeping on Coops..Love.X

Wotcha Cathy, you're very kind...it's folk like y,all who make the difference. Thankyou. X

Hi WJT...you get you trees sorted? Did we really scrap? Good to hear from you. X

And Sweet, you're sweeter in person than on the 'pooter if that's possible? X

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[quote user="Chris Head"]Coops, like most others on here, you are a genuine good guy, perhaps we haven't met face to face but I don't need to meet folk like like you to know where yourr heart and spirit is at. We all suffer from time to time, albeit in different ways but like you said, there are very many paople who are much worse off than us, we're the lucky ones like you and I have learned out the hard way...no I've never lost my sense of humour, black as it might be...keep on keeping on Coops..Love.X

Wotcha Cathy, you're very kind...it's folk like y,all who make the difference. Thankyou. X

Hi WJT...you get you trees sorted? Did we really scrap? Good to hear from you. X

And Sweet, you're sweeter in person than on the 'pooter if that's possible? X


Hi Chris, a few of the trees died and I have been worried about the rest because I have seen no growth at all. However, coincidently I did notice a slight growth a few days ago for the first time, but this is almost three years on!

Regarding the scrap, I don't remember. [:)]

Happy to see you back all safe and sound.


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