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Self-serve checkouts at Leclerc


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Someone will know this -

Went up to the wicked big city last week and bounced into Leclerc to get a few small items.    Saw that they now had, in this particular store, the self-serve checkout machines.     I tried to use one, but was waved away by the assistants who implied that my bank's  Bleu cart or my Visa card were not acceptable.     Looking at the info by the self-serve machines it seems that it is only the Leclerc bank card that can be used.    Have I got that right ?    Or have I made a mistake ?

Don't really like the things;  give me the screaming ab dabs, and in the UK I 'lost' £5 because I was waiting for the note change to appear from the same slot as the loose change;  it didn't - it's dispensed from another part of the machine - and by the time I realised I had been short-changed the person standing behind me in the queue the machine had probably had a £5 'discount' on their shopping !!!  AArrrrrrggghhhh...


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Have had one installed at the Surgeres Leclerc for about a month. Use carte bleu or cash without problem. Of the machines of a similar type I have seen this has proved the easiest. It also asks if you want to use the balance of your "La Carte" if you so wish. Certainly quicker than using the cashiers.
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I had started using such things in Waitrose just before I left the UK - after a couple of difficulties (but of course the staff were ever helpful - which may be the difference), I found it quite useful.  I could pack my shopping trolley as I went along, and not have to unload /load at checkout.  But I must confess, it is an "acquired skill" dealing with them, fine once accustomed.

Major problem I suspect will be when they go wrong - but 'twas ever thus with technology.

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When in UK I use them regularly in Waitrose too, after using the doofer to register my shopping. Unless it's a Thursday, when I chat to the women who serve on the special doofers counter - they're always good for a laugh!

However, I'm not so keen on those in M&S or B&Q - they aren't as well-behaved as the waitrose machines!  [:)] 

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 I use the doofer in Waitrose almost daily without problem, its a scan as you go system, but I'm not so keen on the system in M&S and particularly not in Tesco as it seems to insist you put the scanned item onto the counter rather than straight in your own basket. With both of those you scan all goods at the end.
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Thanks everyone for all your advice.

To those who have the 'swipers' on the trolleys - oh beejaybers - something else to go wrong !!

But at least next time when I'm allowed out to the big city I'll make sure I've got the cart bleu with me.  Or even better, I'll take the plastic tubs we've been filling with small change and feed the change into the 'swop change' machine - rich, rich, riches beyond compare !!!  Wheeeee

Thanks again


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  • 2 weeks later...
In Stroud, Golucestershire we had the very first Waitrose with the self scan and it was great. wWe even have the old type of bags they gave you, the woven plastic string things. They are great in the garden. Then we changed over to the newer strong nylon close woven bags and came over with about 4 sets of them. We use them every time we go into any s/market now and have been coplemented on the quality a few times!

As for the auto scan. The only one I have seen around Carcassonne is at Geant and it's such an our-soule of a place we rarely  use it!

I once heard Alan Coran (I think, he was an ex editor of the telegraph) on the News Quiz on Radio 4 say that he had realised why there was a supermarket called Sainsburys. It was there to keep the rif-raf out of Waitrose! I howled with laughter and how so very true!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]
I once heard Alan Coran (I think, he was an ex editor of the telegraph) on the News Quiz on Radio 4 say that he had realised why there was a supermarket called Sainsburys. It was there to keep the rif-raf out of Waitrose! I howled with laughter and how so very true!


Alan Coren was editor of Punch .... and you're a week late with the joke.  [6]


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Oh dear! Shock my socks! I didn't look at all of the threads of the Complete France forum, but even if I did I may well have missed it as it was contained in a thrad?

Quote -- "This thrad is about ferries ... another hijack???"

Hiding to nothing for me it seems [:-))][:-))][:-))][Www]

Question? Wots a 'thrad'?[:P]

Edit : - so sorry I got the magazine wrong. I only ever read the R.A.F. News[B]

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I don't blame you! I have NEVER liked Blackpool either! Pig awful place. I spent 3 months there when I was about 12 or 13. Jan, Feb and March[:-))][:-))] In a hole called The Glenshee Hotel, a transit 'hotel' for the services? Well that's what they called it.

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