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Thanks for the replies.

In short, I did indeed spoil a few lunches but after over half an hour of sheer bloody mindedness (1) and standing my ground (2), the impossible happened and they gave me a cash refund - even though the computer said "non".

(1) On both sides: they insisted that they would give me a credit voucher; I insisted it would be cash and I would stand at the SAV desk and block all future transactions until they relented.

(2) literally. I just stood at the front of the SAV desk and refused to move. At one stage a rather large gentleman arrived and said their were three options, I leave voluntarily. he physically remove me or call the police. I warned him that if he touched me he would be personally responsible for any and all injuries and damage and that my preference was that he call the police who might be interested in the theft of customers' money. (that made them go rather quiet.).
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I had a kafkaesque stand off in Darty recently, good humoured but I stood my ground on principle and finally got my way, I truly believe that they (or any retailer for that matter around here) are completely unprepared for a Customer that does not do as they tell them and stands their ground.


My crime? I bought a cheap €8 hairdryer for a guest appartement, he asked my name for the computer, I gave it, did the usual having to repeat it and spell it for him several times, then asked for E-mail address, I said no, computer said no as well [:D]


Being fed up already with jumping through hoops and impatient to leave but above all I did not want to recieve a load more spam I repeated "no" with more and more conviction, then followed the party line lies that they are tod to tell the Customer, which they believe because, well they are French [:P] You wont have a warranty sir if you dont give your E-mail address, "I dont give a flying **** for a warranty, if this is anything to go by I will just throw it away rather then return here, just take my money please"


Computer says no, if you dont give your email address then we cannot sell the item to you, trouble was it was in my grip by then, I gave him and his boss who had by then joined in, 3 choices, take my money, take it off me by force, or report me for theft because I was leaving with it, that really got them concerned, I could see in their eyes they did not like being put on the spot, then I played my joker, I told them that it was discrimination, not because I was foreign although La Halde might well think it was, no they were discriminating against me for not having a computer and an Email address [:P]


Suddenly the computer said yes!!! - I think he put in his own email address, hope he gets lots of spam [:)]


These petty disputes just really arent worth the headspace but i am not going to change, as I said earlier, every time this happens I am convinced that no-one has ever said no or challenged them before, just like when i am asked for my place of birth, i simply ask why do you want to know and wont accept the reply "because I have this box to fill in", no give me a good reason why you require this of me and I will give you the info.

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Have a similar problem every time the computer asks for my husband's mobile no.  He doesn't have one (a mobile, that is), so why should he be penalised for not wanting to use one.  Transction always fails because of that.

Meanwhile I bought from Darty online, a dishwasher to replace the one damaged in the flood - same make, updated model as before, but basically same thing.  Asked to supply a review, happy to do so, as they have "revised" the layout of the top shelf and made it less useful for me, and so I told them that it had not been well thought out ... result - review rejected.

Did I bother to re-do it, did I h**l!

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Funnily enough I was asked this evening to review my (non)purchase and add comments. I had to do it in English despite my French knowledge (which I acknowledge could be better). I could not find adequate translations for "numpties" (nul just does not do it for me), "wazzack" and as for a company that sells IT systems and equipment to their customers, their own internal IT system is a "sac de merde" - a term that I did use in our "discussions". I had the politeness to apologies for the statement but also reinforced it by saying that was how it seemed to someone who had had to use IT system all his working life. I did not get a Gallic shrug which kind of suggested they know their system is wanting.

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