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Face masks


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Well, the Chinese are so short of stock that they have been sourcing them from Indonesia.

Not sure what kind of masks are appropriate, though as they would have to be fine enough to keep the bugs out, so standard dust masks may be insufficient.

I guess that saying at home, wearing masks is as good as any though I cant imagine how effective the isolation of a city like, say, Birmingham would be. Seems a strategy that is efficient for cleaning up afterwards which could be quite dramatic.
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While face masks seem a good idea for people susceptible to infection, it can also be spread onto surfaces by people sneezing, someone then touches it and then transmits it to their own face. So who knows? I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese restaurants are taking a hit.
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The situation really concerns me. A lot of greeting in that part of the world is non contact like bowing and the spread by contact is limited. Here in Europe we have handshakes and cheek kissing. This would be an easy way for the virus to spread.The culture may be changing. Oh and by the way as well as a chinese being off the menu the bottle of Corona doesn't seem to appeal much either !
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At present enjoying the summer in New Zealand, however I am scheduled to return to Heathrow via Hong Kong in a few weeks time.

Buy a face mask I thought, just in case, impossible over here, cannot get one anywhere, mainly because they have been bought up by Chinese!

My sister has offered to send some over from UK!!!!
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