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Whilst driving home in the early hours this morning, I heard on the radio that the FIFA are conducting an investigation into the disgusting behaviour of Materrazzo towards Zidane during the World Cup final in Germany. 

 It takes place this week in Zurich and I personally hope the Italian player gets sanctioned.  He has been welcomed back in Italy as a hero - the one who got Zidane sent off in his last match!

Zidane has revealed that the horrible man made very upsetting remarks about his mother and sister during the match.

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Twinks, I think/hope I will always love Zidane, but he has never been perfect, and shouldn't have done what he did.

Nearl everyone loves him - with good reason, but he's a lucky guy, because there is no getting around the fact that what Zidane did was visible, whereas what the other guy did wasn't. 

Still, I wonder who will remember whotsisnames, name? The one that Zidane butted (there is no getting away from it, sigh, groan). What was it again?



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i think that ZZ's reactions were simply human instinct taking over. Everyone reacts , and retaliates in every walk of life, even on this forum by replying to something you dont agree with. There are levels that people tolerate and some they wont tolerate, thats life, but in the heat of the moment things do get out of hand.

How often have you caught your finger in the door jamb and swore, or something similar, some people's level of toleration would not accept that but, thats life.

Sure, zidane's reaction was way OTT but in the heat of the moment !!!  Remember his penalty earlier that night? then sit back and enjoy the memories of one of the greatest modern day players enjoying his last good memory of the finals. [:(]

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Sorry Twinks but you would set a pretty awful precedent if 

everytime someone was sent off, you had an enquiry in to why and then

took the offenders word that his parents were attacked or whatever

else. Can you imagine the scenario, you get sent off, you detest one of the

persons on the field through previous encounters etc, at one point in

the game, have a few words with them about just anything and then nut

the chap and just say that he was having a pop at your elderly parents

or whatever. You get clobbered later but so also, can a possible innocent player.

I really don't like what happened but I have to say, that in some eras

of soccer, that kind of remark would simply have been laughed off or as

Katie said, bite your tongue and cop the chap after the game if you

still want to take issue with him. Does anyone seriously believe that

Zidane has never said anything himslef to other players ? You can bet

your life he has said plenty to many players in his careers. He knows the score only too well in the pro game.

What bugged me, was how he waited, agent supposedly gets them a nice

few bob from a TV interview a few days after the sending off and that

keeps the sympathy  rolling along. I seriously hope that this does

not become the norm. He was sent off, why couldn't he take it on the

chin and move on like thousands before, some who were sent off quite

wrongly. He admitted he was wrong but condoned himself at the same

time. In that one moment of seeing red, I will always feel that he let

himself, the team and the country down but his previous history will mean that

I will always see him as a great player. My bet is that if it had ever

happened again in the same kind of scenario, he would laugh and walk

away, which I bet he has done many times before but this time and on

this surreal occasion and all it represented...well.....some pressure

eh !

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You could ask that mitigating circumstances be taken into account for sentencing, Dick.

Just so that I may be clear in my mind (?), is it considered OK for football players to make personal / religious / racial comments to each other either during or after a game? Is this really what sport is about?

Destabilising the other players or team is a euphemism for what exactly?

I sort of assumed it was about footballing skills, silly old me again.



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I am not discussing why Zidane got sent off or if he should  have re-acted the way he did or not on this thread.

Let me make myself clearer (if possible!).  This incident has finally highlighted the 'anti-jeu' (insults and feigning of injury) that goes on.  Millions of children watch these games and when no explication is given for the bad behaviour of their 'idols' then what sort of message is being put out?

This is not a Zidane thing.  I would expect the same to happen to any player of any team who behaves in this appalling manner.  This is me - as an adult and parent who wants to see some balance in a sport that influences so many young minds.

Don't any of you dare tell me that this sort of  behaviour on the pitch has always existed - because I won't believe it!  I remember 'Match of the Day' in the 70's when football was just that - football!

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

Don't any of you dare tell me that this sort of  behaviour on the pitch has always existed - because I won't believe it!  I remember 'Match of the Day' in the 70's when football was just that - football! [/quote]

Well Twinks, just last night I was being regaled with stories about dirty deeds on the pitch. One that struck me was that in the good old days players would tackle, and if the other chap fell over, the tackler would help him up - and give his hand a good old bone crushing while he was at it!

I was so shocked I nearly choked on my salty beans!

PS: Every table was talking about Zidane for the first half hour. All you could hear were waves of Zzzzzzzzzzzs from every direction.

Verdict: A collective shrug of the shoulders and he's forgiven.

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[quote]Millions of children watch these games and when no explication is given

for the bad behaviour of their 'idols' then what sort of message is

being put out?[/quote]

And more importantly, what message does it send out to the young kids

who now may now be thinking that to nut someone solves the problem ?

Have no fear Twinks, given that period of time all over again, he would

not do the same thing. He had a momentary lack of vision, simple as

that. To my mind, he is letting more people down by trying to cover his

tracks. Better all round to admit the fault and lay down and take the repsonsibilty of his

sending off then try in the future to help get rid of racism in sport.

He has much power and could have gone on to speak about the problems

but he will need a lot of time now to go past before he can be given

such a responsible role in speaking to kids an dif he does, mentioning

that incident had better be honest and not in a way to try and

justify his actions.

[quote]  Don't any of you dare tell me that this sort of  behaviour on the pitch

has always existed - because I won't believe it!  I remember 'Match of

the Day' in the 70's when football was just that - football! [/quote]

Sorry Twinks but I was playing in to that era and believe me, they have

cut out a lot of what went on then. Fighting on the pitch, tackles from

behind that threatened to end careers, awful and severe abuse (and in the UK, yes

far worse than now) to the coloured players,  I could go on but I

am not saying it to be deliberately in opposition to what you say but I

also remember the beautiful game of yesteryear but for me, it still remains that, even

though I am sometimes stuck in a time warp soccer wise and I still look forward to hopefully seeing

great games every weekend in the season.

I am still in constant touch with a couple of my  old mates from

pro days and we have to laugh sometimes at the liberties that were

taken with refs but now with constant video proof,  more

professional refereeing and 4th officials, taking those liberties are

no longer a viability...a la Zidane being caught, the 3 main officials

never even saw it and it would not have come to recognition, until UEFA

officials saw it later, leaving Zidane on the pitch, just like the old

days !!

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[quote]I sort of assumed it was about footballing skills, silly old me again.

Chris [/quote]

I am afraid Chris and with respect, that you are silly on this occasion.

When one becomes a pro at anything, one is then under the pay of

ones pay master and in soccer,  also to the fans and if playing

for the country, to the people of that country. This is not a Sunday up

and at 'em lads in true Corinthian style, kick about !

You might not like it and in a Utopian World, perhaps it might not

happen but gaining an advantage in any line of sport or otherwise is as

old as time itself. As I have said, have no doubts WHATSOEVER Zidane

has heard it all a million times before, he has offered it out and has

taken it back but on this occasion......who knows, pressure of the

occasion, feeling all was lost or... ? He snapped and the rest is now


What you may see, hear or think about professional sport has never

been, never will be,  it is simply not a player, this is not about

peanuts any more, nor has it been for ages. Do you think that all

players are of equal skill ? In that case, we would have no winners.

Sure, we have under dogs who win, why ?  Well I can speak fairly

well of the old Wimbledon F.C and let's just say it was by fair or foul

means, take your pick !

Players like Pele, Besty, Zidane to name but a few are skillfull

beyond the realms of say, 90% plus of most players. The rest, made up

of goalkeepers who are said to have a screw loose, centre forwards who

are said to need a killer instinct, centre halves who want to be centre

forwards but didn't have the ability to score (that's a joke !) none

you can see,  have the genius the top men have, so they use what

skills they have, then a niggle here and there, a few baited words and

mentions of parentage etc.

It has alway gone on and I don't doubt the Roman slaves liked a bit

of banter as well. I am sorry but that's how it really is.  Like it

or not, there are many moans and groans to have with the World but

Sport does at least offer the great public a chance to lose itself now

and again among some of the truly brilliant professionals but for one

sport, football, as ever, it is always mocked by the amateur who thinks

it should be played like it was in the old Sunday soccer days !

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I played rugby for 24 years and finally retired 4 years ago at 42 after starting a league game in the same side as my son. The point being if I lost the plot every time someone called me nasty names or doubted my sexuality or parentage I would have done a Zidane 10 times a game. The 'wind up' is all part of the game if you cannot take it don't play it. Zidane is happy to take all the millions of euros thrown his way like all the other highly paid stars take the name calling as well sunshine.

As for the Italian whathisface, well what a day gives away a penalty, scores a goal, gets the worlds nos#1 sent off, scores another penalty and lifts the world cup. Doesn't get better than that retire sunshine and continue opening supermarket into your 60's just like Geoff Hurst!.

As for the argument that Zidane is innocent because he was provoked looks like even Hannibal Lector could have got away with it, give me a break. He nutted him no excuses face the consequences.



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Oh well, if you think ANY of this sort of behaviour is suitable for family viewing and don't mind your kids watching it then that's your choice I suppose.

  I just wanted to point out that when this verbal and physical violence is shown on the television and everyone just shrugs their shoulders and carries on as if nothing's wrong - then don't be surprised about youngsters doing the same thing. 

 Way too much tolerance for sports and other mediatised personalities.  They often get away with murder - but when the kid in the street mimicks their actions, we all want to know why, how and who is responsible.

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I'm with you on this one Twinkle.  As much as the violence should not be tolerated neither should the verbal abuse.  It should be dealt with severely.  Youngsters are heavily influenced by the behaviour of "heroes" and the behaviour of all the other celebrities they see day to day on the television.  Children must be able to see for themselves that there are consequences to bad behaviour regardless of how famous you are.  We censor a great deal of the childrens viewing.  There was a time when television was safe prior to 9pm but no longer.  The other thing that really disgusted me about the footie was the amount of time they spent spitting and clearing their nasel passages all over the pitch.  I'm glad I am not a big enough fan to want to watch footie all through the season[+o(].  I do think the Italians played badly and didn't deserve the win.  There were an awful lot of Italian hands on the shoulders of the French players as they were going for the ball.  Not something that stood out with the French players against the Italians.  Disappointing game all round really.[:(]

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[quote]I'm glad I am not a big enough fan to want to watch footie all through the season. 

I do think the Italians played badly and didn't deserve the win. 

There were an awful lot of Italian hands on the shoulders of the French

players as they were going for the ball.  Not something that stood

out with the French players against the Italians.  Disappointing

game all round really [/quote]

It is obvious by your own admission you know little about soccer, when you say about hands on this and that.......

It is a game of Professional soccer, not much has changed, every

possible way to gain advantage has already been used. The ref is there

to judge what is legal and what is not. Your logic of the French should have won

as the Italians had their hands on the French more often than the

reverse, truly defies logic. Sorry but it has given me a good 

laugh anyway !! The best team doesn't always win sadly but by that

yardstick, France should not have even qualified from their group and

Zidane did not even start to play until the Brazil match and was given

the Player of the World Cup award. So sadly, even the best player did not

win the trophy either...funny game football.......

As far as the spitting and nose clearing, take my word for it, you gather up plenty of muck

when playing hard and fast and some find need to clear it, it might not

look good but it is neccessary for some to do so. We won't mention what

poor Paula Radcliffe had to do in front of millions !

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Actually Miki!! I did not say "the French should have won".  I said I didn't feel the Italians deserved the win.  And I happily admitted my lack of knowledge of the game and so to an "outsider" it didn't seem like a good game of football.  I would have been happy to see either side win had it been a nicer game.  The children were all for France and were upset that they lost.     

                                                                                                                                                                        But I was forgetting myself - I forgot that your opinion is the only opinion[Www].  Now bowing low in humble apology for daring to speak[:-))] 

I  for one am glad that I can listen to the opinion of another without  laughing or ridiculing them.

[:P] Bye Miki

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[quote]Actually Miki!! I did not say "the French should have

won".  I said I didn't feel the Italians deserved the win.[/quote]

Oh yes, I know that one...heads I win, tails you lose..... Italians

didn't deserve to win you say, surely therefore the French should have

won or should it have been called off at the end of extra time, not

sure what you point was on that sentence ?

Children were upset you say, are they writing this as well, it seems

rather childish to me. You had your say, I had mine, nothing more,

nothing less and now is it another dramatic departure as someone never agreed

with them.......................I fail to see laughter and riducule,

just an opinion about what you thought of the game and about those naughty Italians leaning on the French.

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>> Dont rise to the bait baby!<<

You've got it, Triple K!!  Another way of saying it is  -

'Consider the source and move on!'  That is why you never see me

responding to certain people.

It must be terrible spending one's life having to be 'right all the time'.

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Is it really true that age can make one grumpy ?

I ask, simply because on my travels up and down France, the more

elderly peeps, who have come here for a calmer, stress free life 

always seem to be so angry and grumpy. I am slightly worried, as I just

don't want to succumb to this grumble, grumble, moan, moan, whinge, whinge


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>>Hello Ray, welcome back ! <<

Thank you, CA!  I have been lurking but these last six months have

been pretty 'hairy' around here.  Nothing dramatic but just a

series of aggravations coming one after the other.  I got them all

taken care of now and am back to my normal abnormality.

My thanks to Ty, Tresco and others  who asked about me.   That was very much appreciated.

Now . . . . off to my next windmill!

Don Q


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