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Gite Deposit


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Can anyone tell me if it is legal to keep a deposit for up to one month after vacating a gite, the gite is in excellent condition and cleaner then when the occupant took up the rental.

Your help is appreciated.

I have also listed this under Gite Owners section..
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I've no idea about legally, but morally I wouldn't think it was right to keep it. What reason could you have?

I'm assuming, although it's ambiguous, that it's you that's holding on to the deposit. I suppose it could be someone else who is keeping your deposit?

In the cases where we ask for a security deposit we always return it immediately after the renter departs and we've had chance to inspect for damage or loss. I use bank transfers for this so the renter can see it arrive.


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It is not me that is holding the deposit.

Some friends of ours rented a gite for 6 months and paid a deposit up front.

The gite was not perfectly clean when our friends moved in but it was absolutely spotless when they moved out. The gite owner is holding onto the deposit and says that it will be re-payed after a month, she also charged them a rather large amount for the electricity, larger than we pay for our three bedroom property...

I think she is having a laugh at our friends expense...
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I think that is a standard condition in France and most renters would not expect it to be returned before one month.

Its actually quite sensible as lots of people try to hide damage and often it can be a long time before it is revealed, it can be especially frustrating if it comes to light when on the first day for the new renters or tenants.

I guess there has to be a time limit and one month seems reasonable.

So all in all a sensible piece of legislation so expect it to be scrapped any day soon!!!!

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It's quite a time but as Chancer says, faults don't always come to light immediately. We returned a deposit last year and the following guests didn't report the breakage they found (cleaners missed it as it was well hidden) until they got back to UK. Ok it wasn't a major thing but it could have been so we will hang on a little longer this year.
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My belief was that the owner had up to two months to reimburse the

deposit for a furnished property. As it is a gite, then a month sounds OK and could be longer as far as I can tell.

Did they do the etat de lieu with the owners? Both before and after?

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