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"Loto bouse"

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I have just read in the pages of "La Voix du Nord" of an unusual new village event to be held at Semousies, south-east of Lille.

A field measuring 50m by 50m is to be divided into 1m squares, for which villagers can buy tickets at 2 euros a square. Cows are then released into the field, and whichever squares their first cowpats splat onto will win the squares' temporary owners some handsome prizes!


The 36 squares in the centre of the field are designated a "dead zone"; as are 6 squares in each of the field's four corners. But in the other 2,440, anything goes...


I am just wondering if the banana could run something similar in his back garden during his new village's July rock festival; only with dog pats... ?
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I can understand why the extreme corners are not allowed, but why aren't the centre ones?

It's a bit like a bullseye, splatting in the very middle square - well, actually, there wouldn't be a middle square in a 50 x 50 matrix would there?

This is absurd and typical of people from up there, where there's almost certainly a lot of inter-breeding. Eyes a bit close together, eh?

Chancer lives in that neck of the woods, doesn't he?
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Ah well, Gardian, it seems from the newspaper article that one cow at a time is led to the central area and then released, so I suppose that area could become a bit, er, congested. Hence the need to discount a few squares there.


PS. Chancer is a bit farther south, in the sunny Somme!

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And yet Chancer, there was something on France 2 news a week or so about concerning Amiens, which was being held up as innovative / excellent........ think it was to do with employment/unemployment. Meant to rewatch it and forgot, wish I had now.

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When it comes to flag flying and spending EU money we have no equals [:D]


We have no shortage of big spending projects with the good intent of  dynamising the region, TGV stations, aéroports business and science parks, research universities all of which fail specatcularly when the public money dries up and the businesses are supposed to step in, the politicians just stop talking about them, try to pretend they arent there and then throw themselves at the next new project.


Read this in the gare de betteraves after 20 years: http://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/vingt-ans-apres-la-gare-tgv-haute-picardie-reste-plantee-au-milieu-des-betteraves_775447.html

The international airport on my doorstep will soon be 10 years old and still yet to recieve the first tourist flight, they claimed there would be several per day [:'(] as it is the Airbus Beluga comes 3 times a week and there are 6 air traffic controllers to take care of the  3 take offs and landings, 10 years is too recent for the newspapers to dare criticise it, talk about an elephant in the room.


Still now that I know how these things work, what they want to hear and most of all what they want to shout about I have put in my own proposal for a project.





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