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You missed a bit of a treat Alan.

Footie isn’t generally my favourite game, but I did watch the 2nd half and the whole of extra time & penalty shoot-out.

You just had a feeling that Mbappe was going to fail as he walked up to the spot.

It’s for Italy to lose now - the best team (and I mean team) in the competition. Belgium probably have too many crocked players and we’re probably too inexperienced.

Dark horse though in the Czechs. Our younger son lives and works in Czech and was in a bar with some pals when the match with the Netherlands was on. The place ‘exploded’ when their 2nd goal went in!

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I watched both matches, in fact. Was just being silly. Great entertainment.

Mbappe should have been substituted early on as it just wasn't his day. But, like others, I was half expecting him to do something brilliant at some point. Wasn't to be.

Yes, there have been great performances by underdogs. Hungary impressed, too for a while. Wake-up call for the fancied teams but France dozed off when they thought they had already won it. The normally reliable Germans have been uncharacteristically erratic - let's hope they haven't got their act together this evening.
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I think the French team were suffering from a dose of 'we can't lose'! The Swiss have never been mugs so the two factors combined to put France out.

As for England! I am an England fan but thought the Germans would get their act together because they were facing England and win , perhaps two nil!!

In fact they were quite poor and have been for a few years. They had one great chance when Muller blew it but England played a solid game and deserved the victory. How far can England go? I think it depends on how good they think they are, like France!!!!
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What a great result for England. Obviously not too popular here given no one has said anything congratulatory . In fact nothing!! No more than I should expect I suppose after all a successful story from the U.K. isn't probably welcome!!
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I don't like or watch football either, but even so, you cannot help but be pleased that they have done so well this year.  If they make it through I shall be  pleased, but still won't watch it.

In fact, I shall be glad when it, and the tennis are over and TV returns to some semblance of normality, but then we have the Olympics which means that sanity will not last long. 

Oh, and then it will be the Proms, which at least is accepable, but again takes over without trying. 

I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't keep moving the quizzes and such which I DO watch, just because of one of these above events.  Just give us a bit of relief, please!

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I normally ignore football, even the big matches, but I have been sucked in to this tournament by one man, Gareth Southgate. His quietly understated love for his country and his game have made me proud to be British. Win or lose he's showing the world we're not all jingoistic  xenophobes. If you haven't read his letter to England yet I strongly recommend you do. I bet you'll be humming Jerusalem to yourselves before your finished.

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At the risk of being accused of, well everything!

This competition isn't about being British !! What is happening with Southgate and the squad is about being English!!

I'm sure the the Scots, Welsh and Irish, Scots in particular will want England to lose. That's football for you. I'm also a Brit and proud of being one (and that before football made me proud!!!) First though I'm English and that transcends everything. I shall be cheering England on tonight. Whether they win or not, well we shall see won't we. Denmark are a good team, many play in the U.K. anyway so it will be a stern test for England tonight.

Rule Britannia.

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[quote user="Ken"] I shall be cheering England on tonight. Whether they win or not, well we shall see won't we. Denmark are a good team, many play in the U.K. anyway so it will be a stern test for England tonight.

Rule Britannia.

Although your cheers tonight will most likely be a lone voice utterance, I would suggest you save some lung capacity for Wednesday evening, when the game is actually scheduled.

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So the bunting and St Georges flags will just have to stay in place around the house and garden! until Sunday! I hope the neighbours don't mind the loud speakers blaring out Land of hope and Glory every five minutes.

Well done England.

Rule Britannia.

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IMO, it was a pretty even game, which Italy just about edged over the 120 minutes.

Accordingly, it was fitting that they won the penalty shootout. Never a good way to lose though.

The ref was fine.

It was good entertainment over the time that it was on, and England did better than most expected. I’m sorry that we didn’t win, but I had got over it 5 mins after the final whistle.

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The referee had a good game. The Italians deserved the victory, they were the better team.

Although I'm always disappointed when England lose I'm never surprised.

They play the same way every time they take the lead. Playing ever deeper against top teams rarely works. England do it all the time with predictable results. As for the penalties, well I'm afraid that tactically Southgate got it completely wrong. All in all a decent team but their mindset has to change. Playing deeper and deeper is the default setting and has been since 1966!
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