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French Ombudsman/opthalmological governing body?


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Having a bit of a battle with our local overworked and overpaid opthalmologist who prescribed entirely the wrong strength of glasses, and who refuses to answer our letters pertaining to this complaint or to return our calls - that is, when we can finally get through to his office.

Does anyone know, please, whether there is a French equivalent of the Ombudsman, or a regulatory opthamological body where we can complain? Even the opticians tell us the glasses are far too strong - ergo, it is impossible to work at the computer as the specs are for a distance of 20cms and above that, everything is blurred. Trying to put this into understandable French might be something of a challenge, but the first step is to find out to whom to write. Many thanks in advance if anyone knows the answer.

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Thats a reading glass prescription, all the ordonnances that I have had from the opthalmos at the hospital have been clearly marked verres organique vision de près or verres unifocaux vison de loin. What does your ordonnance say?

The distance to a computer screen falls within the two and requires either verres de vision intermédiaire or progressifs.

Could it just be a communication problem? I know some of the French ones think they are god, refuse to accept that they could ever make an error or to listen to what the patient has to say, I find the foreign ones who have come here to train are much more communicative, i.e. they know how to listen and hence understand and do a much better job IMHO, funnily enough loads of patients refuse to be seen by them because they talk with an accent. Its the only time that I will speak English, sometimes its better for both of us.

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Can't answer re Ombudsman, sorry, but:  Some years ago I had an ophthalmologist appointment (in France) and prescription was given, later handed to optician.   He (opthalmo) was very rushed and abrupt and I had little confidence in the prescription.

When specs picked up one "side" was completely wrong.  Returned to optician who said "never mind", tests were all Ok so we will just amend the prescription so that they suit you properly...  This was duly done and the specs were fine.   I am surprised that your optician did not do the same.  Not that this makes the situation right really but it does get over the initial problem.

Never the less we went to Specsavers on a trip to the Uk the next time!!!

Mrs H.

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Many thanks for the prompt two replies.

The second message sounds horribly familiar. I did not choose him - was sent there after a sojourn in CHUG. Waited 1h45 minutes [this with an appointment] and as it was late in the evening, he was cold, abrupt, uncommunicative and dashed off the Ordenance without proper care.

Opticians said they would amend the glasses at a reduced price! Slight reduction. But bearing in mind we cannot get hold of the consulting opthalmologist, this is proving very, very difficult. Have completely lost confidence.

And yes, we have asked our DIL to make an appointment with Specsavers in Rickmansworth during our next visit.

But any further suggestions would be very much appreciated. Can see to read a book if I hold it at the right angle and no further than 20 cms away, but everything else is a national disaster! Thanks in advance.

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Evianiers:  I didn't pay anything to get the prescription changed - the optician merely tested my eyes with lenses until I could see properly in both eyes and changed the offending lens!  The print-out they gave me for use if specs got broken had the adjusted figures on it.

However we certainly got a better and much more helpful sight test at specsavers last year.

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