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Meg ............

Hmmm.  I agree, but OH likes him.  But that's probably because she couldn't stand Monty Don, who I thought was perfectly OK.  GW is one of those programmes where the presenter is 'key' and polarises opinions.

Whatever, it's a shame that Monty Don had to stand down from the programme - what was / is the problem does anybody know?

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Oh you young ones.  The best every was of course the dear Pecy Thrower and when the programmes came from Clacks farm in Ombersley between Worcester and Kidderminster.

But of course then Geoff Hamilton and who had a heart problem and he so very unfortunately died on the Brecon Beacons in Wales whilst on a bike run was the best of the modern presenters.

The modern versions are a bit lightweight in my opinion.

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This comes up so often, usually weekly, on some of the Uk Gardening Forums.

I used to watch every week, thought Geoff Hamilton was the bestest ever, have all his books and DVDs.  Titchmarsh was far too poncy for me and I think really started fad gardening, like inappropriate palm type trees in your garden.

I thought Monty Don was really getting there and liked him, JS and CK working together.  And I love Carol Klein's enthusiasm, and the way she divides plants and saves seeds and her veggie programmes were really good.

New guy, who I've been reading in the gardening mags for the past few years is ............ soppy.  Can't think of another word to describe him really so stopped watching what was always, even with Titchmarsh, one of my favourite tele programmes.

Instead, gone over to reading French gardening magazines, especially those for the bio/organic gardens and potagers, if nothing else for their historical stuff and some of their good ideas to smarten up the garden.

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I was always a great fan of Rachel de Thame but I digress.

For me Gardeners Question Time was a better programme - paricularly Bob Flowerdew extolling the virtues of recycled beer and cider - but have not watched/listened to either for some time.


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OMG i can't believe that there are people who don't like Monty! I am only old enough to remember Alan and then Monty, the rest were before my time. I've spent many a happy Friday watching M.D, and then on a Saturday morning waking up bursting to get into the garden. (And he does have the most amazing hands..... [Www] ) I personally think he helped to inspire a whole new younger generation of gardeners. Oh and his little cheesy 'hello' at the beginning of the episode always cracked me up! He had passion and that came across well and i found it inspiring.

This new chappie just sounds patronising. The only inspiration he gives me is a desire to punch the telly.

While i am moaning, Carol ,although very enthusiastic, grates on me. Her voice maybe?

I am a Rachel fan, youngish, gorgeous and appealed to a younger audience. I also like Sarah Raven, gardening in a frock is cool! And Alan of course was just fab. Alice is nice too she should get a bigger part and new bloke should stop talking to her like shes an idiot!

Now HE is my choice of GW presenter. (And no its not just because i fancy him!) I did email my request to the BBC, they even replied, obviously didn't agree with my choice. [:(]

Now i must stop going on about gardeners world, its ruining my street cred. [:$]

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Talking of Monty did you ever see the series he did , Fork to Fork ? it was fantastic I wish they would run it again.... any one know if its on video or DVD any where ?

No I dont like the new guy either .... he always make me feel that I could be doing some thing else....... better than sat watching this

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[quote user="Pads"]

Talking of Monty did you ever see the series he did , Fork to Fork ? it was fantastic I wish they would run it again.... any one know if its on video or DVD any where ?

No I dont like the new guy either .... he always make me feel that I could be doing some thing else....... better than sat watching this


Oooohhh, now i don't recognise the name but i remember something with his wife in it too, and cooking. Was it that? A few years back i think?? If so it was a lovely programme.

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It was on channel 4 . I hav just emailed them to see if I can get a copy or weather they are ever going to re run the series,  will let you know if I get a answer,

I have just read he had a stroke , do we know how he is ? has he recoved  well ?

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[quote user="dragonrouge"]Iceni, Rachel de Thame for her gardening prowess and the need to wear those lovely gloves to protect the polished nails or Rachel de Thame per se[/quote]

R de T, a gardener ? Can't say I had ever noticed.

Had no idea that R had been ill but glad that she is ok now. Could not believe that she has 4 children, 2 of whom are late teens/early twenties.

Don't know why but this talk of Rachel brings to mind the comment attributed to Elaeanor Roosevelt, the wife, about Eleanor Roosevelt, the rose "no good in a bed but fine up against a wall".

Happy gardening



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The new presenter on GW reminds me of the guy who presents the nature section on 'The One Show', can't remember his name off hand, but they are both as soppy as each other!

I wasn't into gardening when Percy Thrower presented the show, but I loved Geoff Hamilton, and to a slightly lesser extent Alan Titchmarsh. I like Monty Don, but OH can't stand him or Carol Klein OR Joe Swift, so watching the previous series was difficult with all the mutterings in the background [:@]. Sarah Raven gets on my nerves, the new girl, Alys, though is lovely; as is Rachel deT (funny there were never any mutterings when she was on [;-)]). What's happened to Chris Beardshaw, he would be a great presenter for GW (if he can bear to be parted from his helicopter![:)])

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Why isn't Carol doing more away from her home. I get angry when GW is taken off because snooker or something else is considered more important. There are not enough serious garden programmes on TV. Monty was sex personified as far as I was concerned, never mind his gardening skills! There is a guy who lives near me looks very similar. I'm always drooling; and me a priest!

I like Alys, she is head gardener isn't she. Sarah Raven can do no wrong for me either.

Monty, Sarah, and Hugh FW from River Cottage, get the gist. Bit scruffy, arty, and lovely just like moi!

New man on GW is ok, don't know him, but not sexy enough for me. Why do you have to be sexy to present GW???? you naughty Mooky.

I am no oil painting myself. 

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[quote user="mooky"]

Monty was sex personified as far as I was concerned, never mind his gardening skills! 

Why do you have to be sexy to present GW????


Mooky, i really don't need encouragement!

But........He wasn't bad for an old wrinkly, i have to agree. (the hands....mmmmmmm)

Umm i don't know but they should be and the new bloke just so isn't.

Do you like my lovely Sven......... he has to be THE sexiest gardener on the planet. [:)] He's only on Sky (UKTV) so i don't ever get to see him now.  [:(]

Here he is (again) .........Sven   [:)]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, can’t agree with Toby Buckland’s detractors! [:(] 

Yes, we liked Monty, but it’s great to have a real gardener back again… not a “chequebook gardener”.   Toby’s a student of Geoff Hamilton, the greatest TV gardener of course, and has Geoff’s philosophy of trying to do things properly, and not spending a fortune doing it.  And, he shows people what to do.. not everyone watching has been doing so for years remember. 


As for the others… don’t like Joe Swift, never have, and don’t like his style… particularly don’t like his allotment series, with him talking to some un-identified off camera voice![:@]  And having had dealings with Carol Klein back in the 80’s I know enough to not like her I’m afraid![+o(]


Rachel de Thame?  Well, her last « border » show was just a demonstration of how much she could spend… we didn’t even see the finished result for more than two minutes…..   As I say, “chequebook gardening”.
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