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Hay cutting and baling


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We arranged for a local farmer to cut our field, some 5 acres and told him he could keep the hay i.e. no money changed hands. Because the weather turned wet while we were in France he had to come back and do it after we had returned to the UK. No problem. He cut it and laid it out and returned a few days later to bale it. On returning someone in the village told him he wasn't allowed onto the land as WE did not own the property and were only renting it from someone in the next town, which isn't true. We purchased it 12 years ago! The village man then went on to bale the straw himself and nick it all!! Obviously our guy was upset by this as he had done all the hard work. We know who the interloper is - is there anything we can do? In the meantime we are having to pay our guy for his time and fuel which wasn't the idea of the exercise.
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Yes, you have had your hay nicked, and you should report it to the gendarmes.

Just beware, you have a lot of land, and if you get this farmer to work it every year, it could by default pass to him, as he is the person working it every year.

There were posts about this years ago, and I cannot remember exactly what, but I do know that there were some rules like this, if they still exist, you should check up on it.

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Yes it sounds like theft, but no doubt the thief will say he had heard otherwise, so speak to your Maire first.

I remember that discussion Idun because we were in the same situation at the time at our previous house with 5 hectares. A local farmer cut and kept our hay, and we had some of the sheep of another farmer grazing there. I think it was said that it was a long time period - 30 years? - and best to get a written agreement signed by the farmer.

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No question, this is straight theft and should be reported to the gendarmes immediately.

And quite right to have a signed agreement with the local farmer so that he does not acquire any rights. I think the rule is that he has to ask every year if he wants to cut, something like that.
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Not theft but enterprise with the added frisson that its une épersonne trangère that is losing out, a victimless crime, a victory for the oppressed  and ethe xploited like squatting or not paying rent.


AKA theft, its the only visible signs of any entrepeneuriel spirit where I live, working on the black involves..................... - well working and that is seen as the biggest crime of all.


Go and porter plaint ASAP.

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Thank you all for your advice. We generally rotate every two years or so with local people; never a shortage of people wanting to do it but this interloper certainly never asked us or anyone as far as I can tell. Next year will have to make sure we are there when the whole process is completed from cutting to bailing. If the aggravation between the two parties continues then I will have to contact he gendarmes I think.
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