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Sprout tops


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Just wondered why the French do not eat Sprout Tops as we do in UK. Also, I have never seen dark Greens or Kale over here. Unfortunately my Sprouts did not come to much this year but driving around I see lots of healthy plants with delicious tops but have been told they just get thrown away or fed to animals so don't want to look like a heathen and ask for some.

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I have seen kale in the shops. It's called chou frisé (curly cabbage).

They grow all sorts of cabbage (green, white, red, cauli...) and probably don't see the need for sprout tops here.

My neighbours grow a special type of tall cabbage-like plant to feed their rabbits and cows. It's sold as chou fourrager and is very strong tasting and smelling.

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We also get kale in our local greengrocer's in winter in the Gard. I eat lots of it, after being called to the local eye hospital and told to avoid too much sunlight and to keep eating dark-coloured veg. Apparently kale is as good as it gets, so our intake rapidly increased; previously my favourite winter vegs had been cabbage and sprouts.

I do find winter veg a little disappointing in France; our very good greengrocer carries most things, but I'd normally throw things like his parsnips on the compost heap - they always look as though they've been at the back of my veg cupboard for months! [:D]

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I just love all the winter veggies but most of all it is the dark greens especially Kale. My OH likes white cabbage but I will definitely be on the look out for Curly Kale this winter. Yes, I may be brave enought oask for some Sprout tops and tell them it is a quaint English custom to eat them..lol.

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