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Titre de sejour (Yes, again)


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We have decided to apply for a titre de sejour and have an appointment at Beziers next Wednesday.

However I'm a bit stuffed at one of the "Documents communs" which reads:

"Indication relative au domicile" and then goes on to say that this can be anything of the applicants choice.

I have included House purchase documents, Avis d'Impot, Carte gris etc. but am really struggling here to fill it out a bit!!!

Would appreciate any suggestions, especially from those who have experienced this.
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Waiting to hear about our application so haven't heard yet but how about a utilities bill (phone, electricity/gaz, water ), taxes foncière et d'habitation, any club, leisure acitivities, etc with your address on?

From previous experience, it seems that the more bits of paper you can put in front of them the better?

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Ceejay, I would swear that I posted this last night, saying that no one has to have been in  France for five years to get a card. Look on the service public web site.

What is needed is the paper work that is requested which I would always over do.

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[quote user="idun"]Ceejay, I would swear that I posted this last night, saying that no one has to have been in  France for five years to get a card. Look on the service public web site.

What is needed is the paper work that is requested which I would always over do.


You did post in the early hours of this morning, but in the "Massacre of Algerians" thread[:)]

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No you don't, for a first one.It isn't taking nationality. On the other hand if you want to apply for a 10 year 'permanent' titre you do.

You also have to show that you have  health cover, for which the attestation  from the Sécurité sociale will do.

A good check list (although each départment differs slightly) is here


from which:

Justificatif de la continuité de résidence
: tout document prouvant le séjour
tels que quittances de
loyers, factures, certificats médicaux, formations, attestations d'emploi sur les
5 dernières années
Dérogation à cette condition :
certificat de droit à pension de retraite ou attestation d'incapacité de travail ou de rente d'accident du
travail ou de maladie professionnelle ;
d'emploi ou attestation d'inscription à Pôle emploi
tout document prouvant la durée de résidence : quittances de loyers, f
acture de gaz électricité
Justificatif de la continuité de résidence
de cartes "UE-toutes activités
professionnelles", "UE-non actif", "UE-étudiant"
tout document prouvant le séjour continu tel que quittances de loyers, factures, certificats médicaux,
formations, attestations d'emploi sur les
5 dernières années

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!!!!

Arrived at Beziers for rendez-vous at 10.30am after having spent the last 48 hours using up half a big tree in copy paper hoping that my dossier which was for me and the wife would overwhelm them.

The 10.30 rendez-vous was obviously a target point as nearly an hour later I heard my name called!

Presented my tome to the nice lady who immediately frowned so that her eyebrows were in her mouth and said "But who is the applicatiopn for"

I replied that it was for my wife and I.

Oh no no no there has to be separate applications for each person and also separate rendez-vous!!

I then settled on having my application sorted. After 10 minutes the good lady then got up and rushed over to a filing cabinet and checked some sort of file.

She rushed back to her chair and told me that I was not residing in the arrondissement of Beziers and would have to go to Montpellier!!!!

What can I say, except that I should have known better than to think it would be straight forward.

I live to fight another day.

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I should have thought of that sorry.

Now these things have to be done at the Préfecture...

My renewal for the carte that was originally from Béziers I did in Foix since I have a second address in the Ariège and I am so allergic to the Béziers sous-préfecture that I  never applied for nationality years ago when I first thought of it as I was  so fed up with them..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
OK, just an update, if anyone is interested!!

Went to the rendez-vous at Montpellier Prefecture yesterday and submitted application which included lots of letters etc from UK, including Pension Service notices and my private pension notices and bank statements.

Was informed everything was fine and no translation was needed.

Attended again this morning for my wife's application and the same thing happened, no translation needed. Both of us given a formal receipt and sent on our way.

This afternoon we received a phone call from the Prefecture saying that the dossier for me was complete and that the copy Attestation from the French Bank would be returned in case we needed it!!! Presumably on Monday we shall receive another phone call relating to my wife's application.

Can't believe it!!!!!!
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Yes, we did Norman, however my wife only had to give her right fingers, but I had to donate both sets of fingers and both thumb prints.

Maybe I shouldn't count my chickens!!!!!!!!!http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/images/emotions/biggrin.gif
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Many years ago I was in my Mairie and someone came in and they took finger prints. I knew this person, and when they had gone I asked what they had done. The clerk looked confused, but when I said, they had finger printed them, she said that everyone had to for their carte d'identite.

So every french citzens finger prints are known, and everyone has a photo id..........so if that worked.........then surely there would be little crime in France and the gendarmes job in criminal detection would be the fastest in the world.

As it is, it is not and as far as I can tell, it is all a load of rollocks having everyone with official ID, because naughty folk, just get 'their' own.

Which brings me to the very mention of having to give finger prints......... I would have blown a fuse, I mean I would have literally blown a fuse, not enough to get arrested and having to given them, but really, why would I need to do that. I would have been telling them that they may as well have my forehead tatoo'd  or me chipped like a dog...... because for me, there is next to no difference.

If the french people are happy for the authorities to have all this info, that is up to them, but I am not french.

Pray tell me where the rules now state that EU citzens have to give finger prints in France????? and I really would like to know why.

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  • 2 months later...
Sorry Gardengirl but we left France at the end of December for our annual trip to see Grandchildren in New Zealand and are still there!

Return at the beginning of March so hopefully we will find some good news then.

Will let you know, but if you do go down that route and need assistance on what to put in your dossier I shall be happy to let you know what we did.

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I have the 10 year Titre de séjour permanent though whether it will still be valid after Brexit is of course a moot point.

There is far less paperwork nowadays than there used to be 20 years ago when it was almost the same as for taking nationality.

I have got almost all that together too as a result should I have to go down that route.

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Using info. based on what others have submitted to compile your dossier may not be the best way forward as Prefectures do not seem to all sing from the same song sheet. My advice is to visit the web site for your own prefecture which will invariably have all the information you require to compile your dossier, make the appointment, job done.
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