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Speed limits


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What on earth is wrong with you. This is sounding like paranoia now.

And I have found your attitude awful.  Heard of trolling.... well think on it, we have had them on here before, and you are certainly heading that way.

It wasn't me who changed a post, in what I consider an inappropriate manner.

You obviously don't like any of us.....so why are you here?

And as I wouldn't give you the time of day in real life, I am  steering clear of you and your posts!

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"It wasn't me who changed a post, in what I consider an inappropriate manner. "

You think I have a problem! I never said you changed any post I simply said unlike some others. You are the one who said I changed my post and was very rude about it. I explained why I changed my post and why it took so long.

You have some form of problem.
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ABLF - There you go again, lost the argument.

I was quite amused reading about Mr Weiwei Ai. He wouldn't be welcome in France either unless he speaks some French. Bit like some English my dad knew who simply refused to speak French and would ignore them yet they lived in France. Just to be clear for Idun I don't know to whom he was referring, I wouldn't want to think I was accusing her of anything).

Of course Germans expect you to be able to speak their language and why shouldn't they. To live in a country for four years and not speak it is going to upset the people. It also depends where you live of course.

The English expect refugees to speak English in the UK.

He has only been in the UK for four months and lives in Cambridge, he should try either outer and inner London, he wouldn't let his kid out on the street there either. Probably get shot or stabbed.

I wonder if he realised that the Brexit agreement became law yesterday and that Boris has removed the automatic right of immigrants children being able to stay with them. He might find his kid sent back to China, who knows.

The Germans are just the same as the Brits. Welcome to my country but only if you work and contribute otherwise go home. I wonder if he contributes to the social system in the UK and as he gets older he is going to need it more and more, his little boy will also need educating at the tax payers expense. The Daily Mail readers would make mincemeat of him and his kid.

I have never had any problems with the Germans either to m face or behind my back. They wouldn't have the situation of these speed limits in Germany it would is black and white and you would know exactly where you stand. More than 5% above the limit your booked pure and simple.

As to this guy well to quote from a German newspaper in an interview carried out in English I might add "My family and I enjoyed living here very much, but I am leaving Berlin.". His real reason for not liking Germany "they have not denounced China enough".

Here is another bit about him.

In an interview with the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the artist lambasted Europe for turning its back on refugees, and for kowtowing to China for economic gain.

“Europe was a civilized, modern society which was supposed to uphold humanism, democracy, freedom, and human rights,” he said. “Europe may no longer remain Europe beyond geography.”

Germany took in more than a million refugees after a crisis that peaked in 2015 and he was one of them.

So don't go round quoting out of context and at least do a bit of homework to find out what is true and what isn't (especially when you were posting here).





you have left so many lies and false information in this thread(not to mention inciting people to break the law like you) that it can keep me going for weeks correcting they.
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@ Cathar...you do realise I live in a city and my average speed per day probably does not get above 10 kph. If I go anywhere I go mostly by autoroute where I stick to the limit.

I also have a 1 year old son.......I don't really do the speedy thing.

Congratulations you have been well and truly wound up by ALBF.

You still talk an awful lot of shît mind you.

Have a nice evening.

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Many years ago, before they ‘improved’ the forum software it used to be possible to lock a thread. In that way it was possible to see that the thread had got out of hand and prevent anyone else adding to it.

That being no longer possible I can only ask people to stop posting on this thread. My only alternative would be to delete the whole thing.

Cathar Tours on at least one of your posts you break the forum guidelines by being personally insulting to Nomoss. Please don’t do it again.
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