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Speed limits


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+1 B in B.

I was going to comment on his nonsense myself, but decided it wasn't worth the time and trouble, as a full explanation would be beyond his limited abilities to understand.

And he reckons he designs cars? Maybe in some minor role.

I agree with ALBF's earlier comment:

[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Cathy......you scare me to death.

Are sure you should have a license ?[/quote]

He scares me too.

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Both of you are very dangerous because you have no clue what you are talking about. One more dangerous than the other because he is a persistent law breaker by his own omission and speeding kills which he will do one day.

The problem is you both think you know everything because of your age and you don't but you really hate it when somebody a lot younger than you knows something you don't because the technology has moved on a lot since you last did a days work. Fortunately I will never ever share a road with you both but some will and I fear for their safety.

P.S. I think Wooly was talking about a normal car like young people can afford.

Oh and Nomoss I wouldn't even bothering to turn up for an interview at any company you owned or run because it would be beneath me and of no interest. I prefer to work with proper qualified engineers.

Do you two have licences?
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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]Both of you are very dangerous because you have no clue what you are talking about. One more dangerous than the other because he is a persistent law breaker by his own omission and speeding kills which he will do one day.

The problem is you both think you know everything because of your age and you don't but you really hate it when somebody a lot younger than you knows something you don't because the technology has moved on a lot since you last did a days work. Fortunately I will never ever share a road with you both but some will and I fear for their safety.

P.S. I think Wooly was talking about a normal car like young people can afford.

Oh and Nomoss I wouldn't even bothering to turn up for an interview at any company you owned or run because it would be beneath me and of no interest. I prefer to work with proper qualified engineers.

Do you two have licences?[/quote]

I don't believe you are an engineer.

I would never interview you, solely on the basis of your poor command of the English language.

You are not even literate enough to properly read and understand other peoples' posts, unless standards have dropped out of sight..

Would you like to tell us where you graduated?

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Wooly - LBF is wrong and I am right but I suggest you go look it up for yourself. You are right if you refer to older cars with hydraulic power steering but for the last 15 years at least cars have protection to stop it from happening unless you deliberately go about trying to defeat the system or turn it off. But do not take mine or his word for it go look it up.

If your into maths try looking up Milliken's calculation. It is for race and high performance cars but the basics still apply to normal road cars.
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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]Who is us, it that the royal us?

You can believe whatever you want I really don't care.

I don't have to tell you anything.[/quote]

I would have thought it obvious, but "us" refers to the people on this forum, to whom you have been extolling your knowledge and abilities.

No, you don't have to tell anyone anything, just stick to your usual BS.

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NickP - A friend of mine at work gave me this link for you which you may find interesting. It is however all in French.


Sorry I don't know how to make the link better.
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ALBF - Well your fame has spread. We were talking about your posts at lunchtime today at work and it created quite a laugh. You clearly are not technical, don't know that much about cars although you think you do. Somebody passed comment about your wife and wondered if you liked her "Don't rely on tech in cars. MY OH has a brand new 45 K BMW with all the tech. We switch it all off." and wondered if she has life insurance.

A few things things that caught peoples eye. The first was the bit about " will do 110/120/130 in an 80 if its safe. Just like everyone else does. The police are going to pull you over for driving in a strange manner if you don't. Just slow down for the cameras. " which has already found its way onto a few French peoples Facebook pages and has been Tweeted a couple of times. Something about typical English in France.

I am afraid "I tell you that off duty pompiers speed; off duty policeman speed; the transport ministers who introduced the 80 kph speed limit.... speed !. Everyone speeds." has also found its way onto a few French Facebook pages. One of the Facebook pages has a few French police as members, I wonder what they thought.

Nothing to do with me I have to say, that was the person who gave me the link for NickP. We have many nationalities working here.

Then there was this "Oversteer is to do with the chassis setup and the power train, steering input is a secondary consideration." which really got a few rolling on the floor. Somebody actually pinned that up on the notice board with a not so nice comment about why the UK can't build cars.

So there you go famous at last although probably not in the way you might like. Now don't you go round blaming me for this because I don't have neither a Twitter of Facebook account and of course I don't speak French so it's not me who has published anything.

You and the rest of the Brits might like to stick to the speed limit now (although I am sure the rest do anyway) just in case you are spotted as "the speeding English" now you have been published and known not just in France.

I know you will now write a quite insulting piece because that what's you do especially when others won't let you bully them as can be seen all over this forum.

Meanwhile I am off down the gym.
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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]NickP - A friend of mine at work gave me this link for you which you may find interesting. It is however all in French.


Sorry I don't know how to make the link better.[/quote]

Like this, computer wizard [:D]

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Cathay...you have really really lost the plot. But you are now even more entertaining than ever.

A question for you.

If you drive at 81 kph in an 80 limited area, are you speeding ?

It is a yes or no answer. Think carefully though before you answer.

Ooooh ok, I will tell you. You are speeding.

No one can maintain an exact speed in a car. Even your super dooper car can't do that.

So, everyone speeds sometimes. Impossible not to.

Now, how silly do you feel ?

Little point also, Mr Macron said (I believe) that reducing the speed limit from 90 kph to 80 kph was one of the worst decisions he authorised.

Also I believe that road deaths in France are relatively same as they were before the change in speed limit. What is our conclusion here ?

Btw, read back through the thread and see where I have talked about oversteer or any such thing. I know nothing about car mechanics...or care.lol.

You are confusing yourself my dear.

You can't even read a thread ffs.

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CT, have you not realised that your vitriolic posts get right up people's noses. And if you are not fully aware, they will never go without a further word from those you persist in sneering at. But I rather think that that is rather your goal, to create a stir and then say it isn't your fault, you didn't start it, to which I could only say............ 'really'.

I have no idea if you think that you come out of this in a good light, or are showing some sort of superiority, but it doesn't work like that, not with an attitude like that.

And I suppose that I am wondering why a german resident is posting on here as you don't seem to have much connection or interest in  France, although I realise you mentioned your father, but you don't seem to ask anything that may help with any problems pertaining to your parent.

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Nomoss - I didn't say it to anyone I specifically said it to you.

I know what you are like and that you say nasty things about others using the PM systems and emails, I saw them on my dads computer before it was cleaned and dumped. Some here would find some of your private comments about them interesting yet that was between my dad and you.
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ALBF - "110/120/130 in an 80" that's a bit more over than 1kph. You will not be prosecuted for doing 81kph in an 80 limit. Actually you can do 84kph in France and you are not classed as speeding now go find out why that is. I will give you a clue, if the UK used kph and the indicated limit was 80 you would only be prosecuted if you went above 96kph. In Germany you are only allowed 3kph over any speed limit.

You wouldn't know this because you have turned every aid off in your car but in France when you drive through a town there are speed indicators. They are actually set at a different speed than your car. Try activating your GPS and you will see that when your car speedometer says 50 you are actually doing around 48 both on the GPS and on the roadside speed indicator.

All I see is some sad fella who has said to much, made some stupid claims which he is now trying to get out of by saying 1kph over an 80kph speed is speeding where as the reality is you are probably doing 77 or 78kph if your speedometer shows 81kph.

I will say however that you are very good. I have never seen somebody back peddle as eloquently as yourself. I have to say I have met a few BSer at times but they were just amateurs compared to yourself
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IDUN - That's what they are designed to do because I told you before I don't like people who lie, do illegal things, imply it is OK for others to do the same (bet they won't pay their speeding fines thought) and put others at risk.

Have you never noticed that bad drivers and drivers that drive illegally like speeding more than often never get hurt yet they can leave a trail of maimed or even worse dead people behind.

Let me put it to you this way. If you have grandchildren how would you feel if they were run over and killed by a person who was not just going a couple of kph (or even 1) over the limit but 40kph and then lost control because they don't understand the sign tells them to drive at the speed they are supposed to. All these signs are put there for a reason.

I asked you before if you though it as quite OK to speed and you never gave an answer so I assume you believe it to be quite acceptable.

In my job I know what I am doing. I do it very well else my company would not pay for my time to further my education nor would they promote me. I spent a lot of tie studying and I worked hard for my degree and it cost a lot of money. I really take offence when somebody comes along takes a superior attitude and tries to imply I don't know anything.

I would never assume or dare to assume I was an excellent driver. Professional motorsports drivers would run circles round me, actually even amateur ones would. No, I am just an ordinary driver who took two attempts to pass his test obeys the law, does not take risks on public roads and does not speed. I do however have the benefit of driving very fast cars at very high speeds on a few of the company test tracks around the world and have passed an inhouse competency test to do so but that stays on the track and is always supervised.

So at the end of the day I call it for what it is and do I care what others think, not really, life it to short.

Still interested to hear you view on speeding or are you frightened of upsetting people here?
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I take the last sentence as a compliment.

You have been fun to play with. Less so now I know you are from Germany. Now I am bored.

You know that zee Germans are without doubt the fastest of all foreign drivers on French roads. So how does that sit with you?

Btw...if you know as much as you think you do about cars then you would know that you can't turn off the info tech in a BMW. I've tried. You can't. It is a company car BTW.

You clearly have a forum and British problem. Lot of hatred in your posts.

Would you like to tell ALBF what the problem is. Pretend I am a physiotherapist. Lay back and tell me all about it.

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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]Nomoss - I didn't say it to anyone I specifically said it to you.

I know what you are like and that you say nasty things about others using the PM systems and emails, I saw them on my dads computer before it was cleaned and dumped. Some here would find some of your private comments about them interesting yet that was between my dad and you.[/quote]

Judging from that response,you seem to have difficulty in comprehending English.
To make myself clearer, your comment that I am a waste of space was disgusting.

Would you care to repeat the comments your father and I supposedly made about people on here, which you refer to above?
Of course, I expect you will say they are gone with your father's computer.

I have all my emails archived, and all my PMs are stored on this site.
I have looked at all the PMs and emails exchanged between your father and myself, and the only person either of us mutually discussed was someone he had a row with just before he left the forum, mainly because of the anti-Israeli statement in Arabic script he put in his signature.

So again, you are making up your stories.

EDIT: Looking back at our emails and PM's, I believe the arguments your father had were with someone calling himself richard51, which started on, or maybe even before, New Year's Day 2019 http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/forums/1/3664538/ShowPost.aspx#3664538

Your father told me he believed richard51 was previously banned, and had returned using a new name.

Some time after that they both disappeared from the forum.

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What! have I driven higher than the legal limit, oh yes.

In the early 80's when I moved to France, unless I had adapted my driving in traffic to that of other road users, I reckon that I would have been in at least a major accident.

The thing with other nationalities is that there appears to be the idea that the french don't respect any laws and always drive recklessly, so when in France, there are those, germans included who happily drive at dangerous speeds.

Thing is that when I got to France I realised that there must be some sort of unwritten rules about speeds, some sort of general concensus that say on the Route Nationales which usually had a limit of 90, that 110 was OK ofcourse there were a very  few who drove faster, but a steady 110 was normal.

I don't know what it was like in other regions really, but in my alpine valleys, that was just how it was.

There has been change in the last few years and many things pertaining to motoring are far stricter and the french in general have adjusted their driving accordingly. And yet there are still  foreigners speeding, yet not that many foreign  cars on the roads in summer especially, but of these the % of those speeding is far higher than the national average, with  too many speed to excess.

I usually stick to the speed limits these days. Occasionally I creep over, but not that often, and do so if say following someone on a dual carriageway who goes between the speed limit and about 4 or 5 mph below, as if they have what I call restless foot, or worse, are simply not paying attention. Then I like to get past, as I do not trust their driving. And I also get past cars who are 'wandering' on the road, also I don't trust them.

I am not bragging about speeding, it is the reality of driving, and I would not say drop my speed just to keep well behind a motorist who cannot remain at a constant speed or is wandering in their lane.

IF you never ever break the speed limit, and you suggest that other drivers don't either then are there ever any accidents in Germany? Not really a question is it!

Similar figures to France for deaths it would seem and from figures I saw and cannot find now, non fatal accidents are worse in Germany than France.

So IF everyone sticks to the rules in Germany, shouldn't they have the lowest figures.......... as ever, just wondering.

EDIT:found it if it works

says 73384 non fatal accidents in 2017. Couldn't find figures more up to date.

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