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I applaud you B&Bers in the south


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At 12.30 today the temperature in what is normally the darkest, dankest part of our courtyard was 28 degrees.  In the direct sun it's 34 and we've just shut down - physically I mean - work on the attic conversion has stopped (it must be over 40 up there) and the ironing board is firmly back in it's cupboard.  Thank goodness we only have two rooms let, both for 5 nights and I got them ready yesterday.  I have a backlog of ironing that I just can't even consider doing in this heat.  If I get a burst of energy I may do some at about ten tonight - otherwise, 7 in the morning!!

This is exceptional weather for us - apart from 2003 of course - but that was our first season and we had very few bookings.

I have to take my hat off to you people in the south (SE, SW) who regularly have these temperatures every summer - I just don't know how you do it!![kiss]

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I mostly stand in a soggy puddle whilst doing the ironing - but am grateful for the round of applause.  Get up at 5 and try to prepare some of the dinner for the evening etc and some times iron at midnight.  Had to change all 4 rooms yesterday afternoon due to late departure of guests and thought I might die.  I am not normally a very sweaty person but getting through several tee shirts a day at the moment.  Off now to air-conditioned LeClerc - don't need to buy anything just going to lie in one of their freezers[:D]
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Perhaps we should do a survey on which supermarket has the best AC. It's 37 in the shade today but we have been around the 33-34 for the last couple of weeks with the odd nudge up to 42 weekend before last (Carcassonne). I'v been to ED and Champion to get the BBQ stuff for tonight (We are having a beach party [OK so we don't have a beach [:-))] ] and BBQ all you can eat and drink for 10 Euros per head - more drnk than cooking). I think ED has the edge on Champion. It's the only time of the year I wish I did have a pool, still theres always the river.

Tell you what, how a bout cycling the old Tour then, are they crazy or what? Much prefer the old car with the AC on full blast. Still its a good excuse to have lashings of Pimms.........

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As Quillan says (and anybody else down here knows), it's been sweltering for weeks. No complaints, but when 19.00 arrives and a bit of breeze springs up, it's bliss.

Saw somebody in the supermarket carpark today having to smash in his car window. After a few seconds it became apparent that he'd left a young child in the car while they did their shopping !!!!  Don't know why he had to break the window (maybe he'd left the keys in the car and she'd hit the auto-lock). Suffice to say, it took some breaking and the ambulance was arriving as we left.  Child OK happily.  Cretinous parents. 

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Its days like today that i wished i did not do evening meals.[:(] My ironing has been waiting now for 4 days but will have to be done tomorrow Got to go into the pool at midnight yesterday and it was like taking a bath

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We are about 50 kms south of Poitiers and apparently Poitiers was 37° degrees yesterday, 39° announced for today.

I have just come indoors to the "cool" where it's 33° in the kitchen.  Whatever must it be like in a flat in a large town...

How about a nice lemon sorbet...



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Hot as H### here.  Husband leaves in two days and we decided to enjoy a nice lunch out.  Food and wine, what a treat - was delicious, but I spent most of the time wiping away the sweat as we sat on the shady terrace....  Kept wondering why we were one of only two tables at an excellent restaurant.  Guess everyone else was at LeClerc.

Went straight home and got in the pool, jumped right in - it is 29 degrees !  Now a storm is rolling in  -  again.  We have had several in the last week.  It has been a life-saver for the trees in the garden and goes a long way towards cooling down the house.

Hot, hot hot..


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[quote user="Cassis"]Warthogs, Christine, warthogs! [:D]

Oh yes, so they are   [:$]  They don't have the tusks in the same place and have a hairy neck.  Never saw any of those in the Perche...


(this is referring to a picture Cassis posted under the hot BandB thread, no that's this thread, it's under the Another Silly Question thread, sorry, hot today isn't it)


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aAH The summer of 2003 - I remember it well, we were in that 7th floor city no air-con appartment, I couldnt even open my windows as I had a toddler to contend with, other child an arm in plaster so the pool/lake/rivers were out. The city reached 41+ for days, I was pulling my hair out and headed to the North of Ireland for refuge at a coool 25 - bliss.  I wonder if we are in for another canicule... the gardens need a drink and everything is arid I'm told. 


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[:D][:D]  I like that one Christine - suits me.

We had a couple of days where it hit 40 degrees in 2003 - I don't know how I coped!  Yesterday it was 34 in the shade.  This morning there is a bit of cloud about but it was already 26 at 9.30 - certainly feels hotter than yesterday. 

I'm actually grateful [8-)] that our family of six have cancelled for the weekend.  I still haven't ironed all the single duvet covers for that. Then I was going to have to do a turnround for another family with 3 kids coming in Monday evening - easy life now.  Unless of course we get some last minute Parisians trying to escape the heat of the city this weekend.

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Ian, I deplore parents like that. They should be strung up and hung. In Australia we have had cases of babies, young children, and dogs, perishing after being left in a locked car whilst Mum just 'nipped into the shop for a few minutes'. With windows up and in sweltering heat. A cars interior can reach 50 degress in minutes. Its now treated as a crime there. One woman was nearly lynched after passers-by noticed her three young ones locked in a van with no air and she'd been inside a shop for at least half an hour. The kids were screaming. When she came out to find a crowd around the car they really let her have it!. Yes, they broke one of the windows.
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Wen , that also happened at the Asda in 2003  in Chadderton ( North of Manchester) where I worked. One of the Porters noticed a child/children in the car and tried the door, when he found it was locked he radiod the reception to get a tannoy call into store, when he got no response he asked her to phone the local station(across the road,) another tannoy message, and when the police arrived they broke the window to get the child/children out, I do not know what happend after.

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