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How to fold your towels if they are on display


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Who says standards are falling all the time?

I mean, isn't it enough that my towels and sheets are clean? You mean they have to be folded a certain way as well?

You'll be telling me next that I should iron them and that I will not buy.

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What brilliant timing for me - that video was really useful.  I have just folded about 20 towels today and they didn't look right. 

We don't put towels in each bedroom but leave a central pile for people to use on demand and have found that we wash fewer towels as a result.

Having watched the video, I have re-done them and they look much better.  Thanks Cowoman....


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Hey, the fitted sheet one was great ! I had nearly got there (did the first bit, anyway) but somehow they never looked quite right. I shall have to take all my fitted sheets out of the 'closet' and re-fold them......no, I'm only kidding ! Buty I'll give them a go next time ! ! !
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Callie, I've been doing the fitted ones like that for years.  To make it really simple, here's what you do.  You put 2 fingers into 2 corners, get a second person to put their fingers into the opposite corners.  Then, put your hands together (you do yours, the other person do theirs); you turn one hand over the other (other person turns one hand over the other on corresponding side). So you could now see the corners are sort of sitting one inside the other and away you go.

I learned to do this by watching 2 women doing it in a launderette.  Mind you, it took a while explaining it to the OH but even he can do it now.

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Thanks Cowwoman I can never get my towels right either. I also have the same problem when putting them on a towel rail. I too like the fitted sheet one and will definitely use it.

I also have a tip, because I use a flat top sheet as well as the bottom fitted sheet, to keep the sets together I always fold both sheets and one pillowcase and put all three in the second pillowcase. This way I don't have to rummage to find all of the pieces of the matching set. Now with Cowwoman's and Sweet 17's tip my stacks of pillowcases containing my sheets will be much neater.[:)]

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Nice tip, WJT.  I keep my stuff sort of folded and stored together but it's a great idea to put the sheets and pillowcase into the other pillowcase.

BTW, I don't have "sets" as such.  I have everything white so that everything goes with everything else and there's no colour to fade at different rates.

My only sets are doubles and singles and I do still have a couple of rectangular pillows left from the old country and so I keep the pillowcases for those in a separate pile.

I wish I could say that I have more important things to do than faff about bed linen but then life IS made up of the mundane everyday little things and it's nice if you can do the routine things really well. 

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I agree Sweet 17, in fact I hate housework and that is why I always try to find the easy way out. My husband says that I have an obsession with cleaning products but can't understand why because I hate housework. We are full to bursting under our sinks with products but I am always coming home with more. I am always on the look out for that illusive product that does the work for me.

By the way, all of my sheets are white too and outside of the subtle design differences it really wouldn't matter, but it still saves me a few minutes of time in making the bed, not something I enjoy doing to say the least.

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You mean I have met another person with a cupboard under the sink that is full of different cleaning products all of which promise to do the cleaning better or quicker or easier?

But, I must admit that, despite having initial doubts about the overexposure on TV advertising, Cellit Bang is actually quite good.

Do you have a fosse like I have and therefore bleach is banned?  Getting the loos nice preoccupy a lot of my time, as you can imagine.  With the next house I buy, mains drains is going to feature as the biggest box to be ticked, and I shall chuck gallons of bleach down the loos, down the sinks, the baths, the showers.............. oh bliss!

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OOh yes, I love bleach too. [:D] One other reason I love everything white. Unfortunately, we do have a fosse here in France so have been worried about using Cellit Bang. However, I do use the bleach products that say they can be used in the fosse.

I have found a few products through all of my experimentation that I really like. One of my recent finds in the UK "Shiny Sinks" I think is absolutely brilliant. I haven't seen it here so will have to bring down a supply next time. It really does make cleaning the sink a breeze. [:D]

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Thats a great tip about putting the full set of bedding in a pillowcase.  I know a lot of people on here will say they dont like that sort of thing  ,but its not like you have got to do anything extra to get your cupboard being and looking nice .You have to fold things anyway.  I have a really big  usefull linen cupboard that needs organising and I need to get everything out and fold and plan it all better so this tip is just what i needed.It will save me putting up even more shelves as i had planned...thankyou.

I love u tube and video jug for the cooking videos too and the vegetarian indian cooking by Manjula is really superb and is authentic.She has a little blog going too so you can ask her questions.  


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I think it is great idea (though I hate the folded towels!) and as I've got both double and kingsized beds I'm going to put the king sized bed linen in square pillowccases and the double in rectangular ones.  Should save a bit of cursing and swearing when bed making as I always manage to drag the wrong sized linen to the top floor.
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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]A towel has an UP side and a DOWN side ??????[/quote]

A very "male" question![:D]

I once caught a towel-folding demonstration by Anthea Turner on TV. She used to have program about "house-cleaning for desperate housewives"...

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As though Anthea grin-a-minute Turner does any house cleaning!  Mind you, if she has to do it, it will probably wipe that silly grin off her vacuous face.

Pierre, of course towels, as well as sheets, have an up side and a down side.  The down side is the one where the seams show.


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