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Cooking...english or french?!


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[:P]Does anyone have a witty response when you hear on the telephone....'I hope the cusine isn't english'.......?!

It drives me nuts as I'm not sure what some people perceive as 'english cooking' and its not always a good idea to insult the cook before you arrive somewhere, is it? I cook what I cook (and, if I say so myself, it's very good...never had any complaints and bothing ever comes back). I don't put my cooking into specific categories but I do cook at least one local dish every day.

I don't want to get into a row on the phone but I would like to come up with a witty / tactful response to this rather tactless comment.At the moment it leaves me speechless!

Any ideas please?


Abi [:D] 

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[quote user="abim"]

[:P]Does anyone have a witty response when you hear on the telephone....'I hope the cusine isn't english'.......?!

Any ideas please?


Abi [:D] 


No, not at all, we are Vegans. Don't worry, we know 36 different ways you can eat lettuce.


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Ask them whether they'd prefer tripe or pigs feet as you'd love to cook them something special!!  We don't have an English name so I get less of that from the English , but I still find it pretty insulting when French guests go on at lengths about how bad cooks the English are.  Ironic as most of them then decide to eat in all week but still continue to make their little 'jokes' about jelly and boiled meat with jam.  It really does irk me and I wonder how they'd feel if I went round to their house and said "You know the French are really grubby and smelly, aren't they".  Even if I laughted I'm sure they wouldn't find it that funny!
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This thread demonstrates very well why I could never have earned my living in the hospitality industry. I'm afraid that my response would include a snarl which would not be good for business.

I am full of admiration for those of you who can do it.

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Its tempting to be very rude but probably not good business sense! After all, they are on the telephone because they want to stay with us and then they decide to insult us! [:P]

The 'gentleman' who prompted this thread yesterday has now booked 4 nights with evening meal and asked if there was any possibility of him having lunch here too......?!

What annoys me even more is that I find myself saying 'oh no, I offer regional cuisine...when I should be saying that I am english and proud of what I cook, whatever you want to call it!!' I am fascinated as to why there is a sector of the French that believe we eat boiled meat and jam all the time.......and then they are usually the ones who decide to eat in all week and praise the food!! I had a guest last year who tried to tell me that rhubarb crumble was, in fact, French as was creme anglaise (the clue is in the name I think). I like to serve a white chocolate mousse as that really causes confusion in the camp [;-)]

I don't think its something that will ever change despite the fact that, where we live, its quite hard to find good french cuisine even if you pay through the nose!

I will try some of your suggested responses. I'll let you know if we stay in business or not!!!


Abi - off to boil up some meat

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[quote user="abim"]  I am fascinated as to why there is a sector of the French that believe we eat boiled meat and jam all the time.......[/quote]

.... and they think that we have fried bacon, sausages and eggs every day for breakfast.


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Cathy - the only people who ever ask if we make English Breakfast are French.  If they are very very nice I occasionally do one for them.

Just been watching the lunchtime news and there was an ad for ready made croque monsieur.  Husband said 'Huh, think they know about food, at least we don't have to advertise cheese on toast on the tele!"

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[quote user="abim"]

... where we live, its quite hard to find good french cuisine even if you pay through the nose!


Perhaps these enquirers didn't mean to be rude - it just felt like that. I find the French very direct in their speech and this can take some getting used to.

Forgive me if I have it wrong but I had a quick look at your web-site where you state that full board is included in the week-long walking packages ie breakfast, dinner and picnic lunch, but nowhere could I find a mention of what kind of food might be on offer. Just a personal view - but as it would be full-board for a week - if I was considering booking with you I would hope to see a sample menu online or at least an idea of the type of cuisine that you provide. If not then I, too, would ring or email to ask; as your site is in English I might even ask if the cuisine was English, with no offence meant.


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A note from a punter. 


I have never run any form of hotel/restaurant but stayed in many.  I have never asked that particular question but from recent events I have some sympathy.  In fact in my view the correct question (if one had the nerve to ask it – which I don’t) should have been “do you have a cook or a chef?”


In the last few months, searching for a second home, I have stayed in a number of establishments.  The difference between 2 highlights my point.


In both cases the food was well cooked, of good quality and plentiful.  Certainly nothing to complain about.


The food in the first establishment however could have been cooked by my mother-in-law.  Meat either roast or grilled, boiled veg, roast potatoes, chips or mash.  Very similar to what many people think of as home made English cooking as produced in pubs restaurants up and down the country.


The second establishment you could tell even a simple steak had been properly seasoned, unusual vegetables had interesting flavours, different types of bread offered etc etc.


To be honest I cannot even remember if the second place was more expensive than the first but that was the one we returned to.


So don’t be upset or consider it rude.  Some of us put greater priority on our food than others.  You wouldn’t be upset at “do you have a pool?” so why is “what’s on the menu?” considered a personal sleight.  I know what I consider more important.

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We had a french couple stay for 4 nights during the summer and had booked the first nights dinner. They ended up having dinner every night and on the last were taking pictures of the food to show the rest of the family  that the english could cook! They had  been warned they were mad to even stay here. I do feel a mixture of amusement and being insulted and like the other "poster" usually say we do fusion cooking and as it's our own produce ,is seasonal.

I suppose we should feel happy that we're changing the minds of a few.

W Rat

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If you want to see how cr*p at cooking your average Frenchman/woman is, try watching "Un Dîner Presque Parfait" (weekdays on M6 at 6.00pm) when people who reckon they are brilliant cooks and dinner party hosts generally manage to make a pig's ear of it. 

And not even a nice, crispy, crunchy one at that.  [:-))]

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