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I have just done a report on the first months rentals via booking.com and was astonished to see how well it has done from a standing start.

Overall I have been at 75% occupancy and in the first couple of weeks it was 82%, I think its climbing all the time looking at the future bookings, I did take a bit of a hit with a 10 day booking from a North African "gentleman" who I was convinced was an scammer but booking.com persuaded me otherwise, I didnt get taken for any money but was left with a no show and 10 vacant days needing to be re-let immediately and do you know what, all but a couple of them were and also at a higher price, I have put my prices up twice now to reduce demand but it seems to have the opposite effect.

Anyway, 2 small studio apartments brought me in €2805 in 30 days, if fully let on long term tenancy they would normally bring in €1000 except for they are usually vacant during the summer months, they were empty all through April hence my decision to try with booking.com.

I reckon by la rentrée which is my cut off date they will have brought in an average of €3K per month and that is just rental, no breakfasts or evening meals where others make their money.

I am not superman so not capable of doing this any more than the summer months but from what I can see the season here is a lot longer and for the high proportion of business visitors its all year round.

Just wish I had some free time to finish the next 2 apartments, all they need is the kitchens fitting, decorating and fitting out, then there is one more to bring me up to the maximum allowed of 5 but there is space and provision for a 6th plus my own apartment.

Due to an intentional overbooking I am going to have to sleep in my caravan one day next week and I'm also considering doing so for the commemoration dates as I have had so many direct enquiries.

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I've already had one make a booking last thing at night and arrive with her client in tow, he didnt actually look old enough to have rented a place his-self [:D]

Yesterday was a similar situation with a Young woman out on the Streets with nothing but the clothes she was wearing fleeing violence cojugale, par for the course around here.

Been thinking of renting the rooms once again by the hour but it would be more tax efficient to send the girls out to work, that way the Customer could claim a tax credit for une prestation (facturée) à domicile.

You will know if it happens if my username changes to Mac [:P]

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