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A lot of firsts

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Tomorrow our first guests arrive. They really are our first guests as this is our first season open!

This is the first time we have lived in a foreign country, the first time we have spent 24 hours a day with each other for longer than 7 days, the first time we have ever worked soooo long and sooo hard!

Since arriving in France in early March we have smashed, built, painted, scrubbed, tweeked and finally 1 gite is ready (only 3 more to go) for paying guests.

Well I say ready, we still have a million and one things to do - i feel like i have not slept in a year and we are both walking around like zombies - 17 hour days do not agree with me!

I have all of my fingers and toes crossed that everything will go smoothly tomorrow - if it doesnt I think I might cry :(

Right, back to sewing cushions....
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There is a feeling that flows through your body once your first guests arrive and enjoy your hard work. If you could bottle that, it would be the best feeling in the world.






Oh and Bugsy's right about the toilet paper, good feeling there too [:D]

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[quote user="domainedesblanchescolombes"]Tomorrow our first guests arrive. They really are our first guests as this is our first season open!

This is the first time we have lived in a foreign country, the first time we have spent 24 hours a day with each other for longer than 7 days, the first time we have ever worked soooo long and sooo hard!

Since arriving in France in early March we have smashed, built, painted, scrubbed, tweeked and finally 1 gite is ready (only 3 more to go) for paying guests.

Well I say ready, we still have a million and one things to do - i feel like i have not slept in a year and we are both walking around like zombies - 17 hour days do not agree with me!

I have all of my fingers and toes crossed that everything will go smoothly tomorrow - if it doesnt I think I might cry :(

Right, back to sewing cushions....[/quote]

Hi ,had a quick look at you website and was very surprised to read

" We really enjoyed our stay

at Domaine des Blanches Colombes and will be

returning next


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Thank you everyone for your lovely words of reassurance and good luck! After giving in and going to bed at 2am I was back up this morning at 7am to finish the weeding, set the pool robot going and lots of other little last minute bits and pieces.

I've forced myself to stop now , make lunch and relax - if it ain't done now it ain't gettting done!

The dog is very confused as to why he's not allowed in 'his garden', I tried explaining to him that the guests will not appreciate large and muddy holes in the middle of the lawn but he's having none of it!

Leo - This is our first season and our first guests. Our property has been previously run as a gite complex and Chambre D'hote but we took over in March. Surfice to say what was sold as ready to rent has needed a total overhaul to get it up to scratch! So we hope that what proved to be an enjoyable stay for someone last year will truly be an exceptional experience this year!
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Sorry to be so late in on this thread, busy as usual!

We felt the same this time last year, just into our first season after a lot of hard work.

We worked on the principle of what we always wanted to find (and sadly seldom did) and tried to eliminate the problems we had encountered on holiday (how do I find you; where's the nearest supermarket open on Sunday; how do you work the parasol...)

All of our guests (French and English) were wonderful and we made several good friendships - do as you would be done by and all will be well! There are bound to be problem guests eventually, but just remember the nice ones!


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