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Worms in the pool


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Okay, I guess this year is my year for "things" in my pool.  My daughter and her friend just informed me that there were worms in our pool.  I figured they must be insane, but I did go out to have them show me where they were.  I brought out two moving creatures about the length of a No. 2 pencil.  They are very thin, not much fatter than a very thin rubber band.  In fact, I thought they were rubber bands, but no, they move.

I killed them as I do not wish to find them on my or my kid's bodies.  I hope I do not see any more.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Now the kids are telling me they saw something else on the floor of the pool - something with a funny little head and a bit of a tale.  I'm getting upset now.  Could these be baby frogs??  They said they were fairly small.

HELP....   PoolGuy tell me what to do....


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No, they're not that savvy.  I would have seen it myself, but I swim on the surface, I don't swim underwater (get terrible ear infections), so am less likely to see what might be on the floor of the pool - unless it is obvious.

I did put the robot in with hopes that it will vacum whatever it is up...

Oh and the two little wormy creatures were of a light beige color.


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I think I found the answer through a web search.  They appear to be horsehair worms.  It was stated they are not harmful to humans, they are parasitic to insects.  When the insect gets infested by the horsehair parasite, as the parasite eats the insides of the insect, it causes the insect to become thirsty and it searches for water.  When the insect (particularly grasshoppers) jumps into the pool for water, it dies and the worm emerges in your pool. 

Recommendation was to simply fish them out.

Now, if you are not thoroughly disgusted, just search on this issue and see how many OTHER disgusting parasites are out there.

PoolGuy - have you ever heard about this?

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Yes I have.

I was enjoying  the experience of being ankle deep in water in a

pump house all day yesterday with about 20 of the scrawny blighters

swimming and squirming around my feet.

I am sure that they are not in themselves harmful but I would say that

they are not to be left to their own divices. Get them out with the net

and dispose. As for other critters, likwise, as they all carry bacteria

and nasties that you dont want.

After the pool have been cleaned, vacummed and backwashed then choc it

well for 24 hours to make sure.... around 10 ppm for 24 hours.

I don't like to take chances with these things.


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Thank you PoolGuy.  After removing the two critters and then running the vacum, I have seen nothing on the floor of the pool and I check it carefully everyday.  I will mention all this to our poolman when he arrives tomorrow.  What a lovely subject.

Thanks !


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Slightly off topic but....................

When we lived in Spain, Mrs Benjamin would often get up and go for a swim in the middle of the night when the weather was very hot.

One morning as I started my daily pool tidying routine I called her over and showed her a rather large, but dead, scorpion on the topmost of the Roman steps.

She never went swimming in the middle of the night again and we had air con installed in the bedroom.


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Benjamin - very funny.  I have to admit, I do not swim in the pool at night.  I am not a creature comfort person.  I have been searching high and low for the name of the worms I found in French as I need to speak French to my pool man.  All I can come up with is Nematode.  Hopefully, he will have experience with the issue and know.

We live in the country, so we have all kinds of "critters" with us.  Just researching the parasite data was nauseating. 

Husband says he wants air conditioning installed next year too.  We'll see what the cost adds up to be.


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I spoke with him today.  He knew them well.  He told me they were nothing to worry about.  Fish them out and destroy them.  He said that bacteria in pools was far more serious than the horsehair worms.  He said to run the robot each day to be sure they are removed.  I trust him.  He said he found a huge amout of them when he was working on a plumbing job... Ugh.....  I told him could not think of a more unpleasant situation.  He told me that bacteria in pools can be far more serious.  He has done so much work for us, I have faith in him.


If you do a search on horsehair worms, you will se what they look like.  My poolman says they are cyclacle (sp?).  some years worse than others.


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Cathy - I understand your feelings.  I find myself doing a thorough inspection each time I get in the pool (and before).

Pads - you can even do a search and see the actual insect dying and the worm coming out - totally disgusting.  Apparently, they do not live long in this adult stage. 


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