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more stripes than a zebra


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I am sorry if this is not the right place to post this but it does have medical overtones. I am not just pale I am white and I am 'instructed' by my French doctor to stay out of  the sun. Now folk always say how white I am and come and sit in the sun etc and I get fed up with it - I do go out in the early morning and late afternoon for the garden and Vit D.

Now in the UK I used a self tanner - St Tropez - but I could afford it then. The last couple of years I have been unwell so it has been OK to look it but this year I decided to go back to the slightly brown look that means I don't get comments. I use L'Oreal face bronzer - great. I wanted something for the blue legs and ivory arms (let your imagination run riot) so I got some Garnier spray on that everyone was buying. I was a bit worried when I saw it was colourless BUT as I had done all the 'before' treatment to the skin thought -what damage can this do. Well I am a very striped brown and white creature and have even resorted to mild bleach (to no effect) on the legs - toothpaste does not work and that has worked a treat before.

Can anyone recommend a good self tanner that is easily purchased (living in the back of beyond) and is coloured so I can see what I am doing. I have tried to rectify the arms with the facial tanner but this garnier spray is dark dark dark. The amazing thing is that I rubbed it all over as instructed (and being used to doing) and there are whole areas of white and others of deep mahogany - YES I shook it well. It should wear off in a week... It gave no drying time so I gave it the hour it said it took to develop - I could not see much tan after that so I did not worry - then we went out to a wood exhibition (they like us to burn wood round here). Goodness knows what I looked like as the stripes developed but at least I was wearing a short sleeved top and 3/4 trousers so they did not have to close the place.

Off to hang out the washing and hide behind the hedge [+o(]

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Iceni - I have heard of this happening.  I do hope you don't have to hide for too long.

My daughter visits a dermatologist fairly often.  I remember

seeing all kinds of products in his office - not just prescribed items,

but all types of cosmetic items (many different brand names).  If

you don't see a local Dermatologist, perhaps you can ring one and ask

what they recommend.  I'm sure they could offer some guidelines.

Not sure if that helps much, but I thought I'd throw it in there.

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Don't know if you can use this sort of thing but there have been lots of ads on UK television lately for a skin moisturiser that gently tans the skin the more you use it. I think it was Johnsons and I believe Garnier are doing one as well. If I see it again,I'll make notes but I would think the french have a similar lotion for sale.
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Yes, I use the L'Oreal one, they are very effective as you can compensate for 'missed' bits when you use it the following day, the colour builds up gradually..........this is the first year ever that I haven't had blue legs!!!


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[quote user="Val_2"]Don't know if you can use this sort of thing but there have been lots of ads on UK television lately for a skin moisturiser that gently tans the skin the more you use it. I think it was Johnsons and I believe Garnier are doing one as well. If I see it again,I'll make notes but I would think the french have a similar lotion for sale.[/quote]

They seem to have arrved in a big way in french hypermarkets this year. Femina magazine had an article about them this weekend. You can get them from Evian, dove, l'oreal and garnier at least. The thing to look out for is something with "summer skin" (yes, in English ) or peau d'été. The magazine's favourite was the garnier "bodysummer" which seems to have slightly more self-tan than the others. but you may not want to try that after a bad experience with garnier. I tried the Evian one but I wasn't impressed, I did get a bit of coulour after a couple of days as promised, but I'm not usually that shade of yellow

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I stay out of the sun as well and always use a sunscreen, but I had been toying with the idea of using one of these products.  Now, I'm a bit afraid to try!

Speaking of sunscreen, has anyone found one that has a high SPF but does not feel heavy and sticky on the face?  I've tried all kinds of things, but have not had any luck.  I've heard of a new product by Neutrogena called Ultra Sheer that is supposed to go on "dry" and not feel heavy, but I haven't found it available anywhere that carries Neutrogena in France.  I do have friends bringing some over, but would rather find something I can buy here on a regular basis.



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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Don't hide Di, I bet if you say it's the latest fashion from Paris, LA or wherever, they'll all be asking how to do it !   [;-)]

I remember when I was young we used to paint our nails black with white patterns on.



My best horror story is that I have always had fair hair and had it 'touched up' to make it just go blonde. Well I was going to a very special event (my own wedding) and had a pink silk dress which was very very expensive. My hair was coloured a few weeks before and I went and had my regular perm a week before the event. Nothing different but when the curlers were taken out I had a bright orange head of hair (and I mean bright!!!) . It was also the structure of hay - and I have very fine hair. I went every day to the hairdressers as they tried to soften the hair but did not dare touch the colour as they thought the whole lot would drop off.

I have not kept any pictures - it was dire. I carried on with the same colour and perm and it never happened again. Perhaps I should have taken note as it was obviously a warning ...

We are an hour from a large hypermarket and I really don't fancy driving all that way in this heat so will have to wait until John needs his next fix from a Brico. I am not allowed in the renovation, if I stand still John is scared they will nail me to the wall as I am roughtly the colour of a badly stained beam (just not so slim [:P] ). I am sure that the local supermarket will stock them at some time.

You have all cheered me up, thanks.

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I use Johnson's Holiday Skin, Body Lotion, as mentioned above.  You can get it in different strenghs & it's really light & gradual so shouldn't cause any problems - I use the Normal to Fair Skin, as I'm really pale like yourself & after a week or so actually stop resembling a milk bottle!! 

By the way - how are the stripes, now?!!

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Jude says thank you for the warning.  She also likes to keep out of the sun but fancied a bit of colour in her normally pale blue legs.  Having seen the Garnier ads she was going to try it.  Maybe not now.

Is this the general effect we're talking about?


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Love it

Yup but legs and more half and half. The L'Oreal one is fantastic - it is two tubes and you pump it out and mix and it spreads evenly - you can see the colour and I tend to rub it in so it is not very noticable, then add more to my cheeks and nose and just the tops of my ears - where you would normally get some colour. I know it is for faces only but I have used it to try to sort out my arms.

The really scary thing about the Garnier one was that it claims to be non streak, I exfoliated, sprayed all over and then rubbed in as instructed. Some areas are white and some mahogany - half of one leg is white (laterally) and the other leg looks like the mode but with mahogany stripes, nothing is midway. It is awful stuff and although I have been advised to mix with moisturiser, as you cannot see it till it 'cures' I don't think I am going to use it again. I want something I can see is actually on me and has some colour.

Ah well, I am making some blackcurrant sorbet so no doubt there will be bright red blotches all over me by the time I have finished. I still seem to be getting darker which I find very worrying. If I knew of someone with a chlorine pool I might go and spend a couple of days in it...

Thanks for all your help.

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Oh dear Mistral, Ive just bought the Evian one and havent had the chance to try it yet. Are we talking a pretty shade of nicotine here? I saw a lady yesterday a similar shade and I dont think it was down to hepatitis!.
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just over 20 years ago when me and mr O were first going out, I went on holiday to Malta and got a lovely tan. When I went to see Mr O at his home his mother was rely envious. She bought some pills which aparently had carrotine in them, she had skin that would have matched your head Di[Www] She didn`t buy another supply! Boy did we laugh[:-))]

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Di, If you still have stripes apparently you can now buy 'fake tan remover' however on TV last week a beauty export said to try a little sugar or salt mixed with a drop of olive oil.

It was on ITV 'This Morning so a search may give the details. I used to use the same thing to soften my hands - its just an exfoliator, or have a look at 'ehow'

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[quote user="wen"]Oh dear Mistral, Ive just bought the Evian one and havent had the chance to try it yet. Are we talking a pretty shade of nicotine here? I saw a lady yesterday a similar shade and I dont think it was down to hepatitis!.[/quote]

Nicotine is a very good description. Luclily since it's a gradual build-up it wasn't very strong and didn't take to fade. It may work well on you. I have very pale skin so I bought the fair skin version but I think maybe a dark skin version would be browner.

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