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You took the words right out of my mouth United!

Jeanneclaire, just knowing there are people somewhere - whether total strangers or not - who are thinking of you and are mybe in or have been in the same situation is an enormous help. 

Don't forget that Afy lives in France, he's not on holidays.  His family are in India and he has only his wifes family and friends here - a bit delicate going to them for help don't you think?  He doesn't speak the lingo so can't consult a doctor or get councilling. 

He called for help and he got some.

I hope that you are surrounded by loving family and friends and will never feel the need to look for help on this forum for something so personal and complex. 

If ever you do - you will find support of a kind here.[:)]

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[quote user="LEO"]

[quote user="TWINKLE"]There are too many gorgeous sensible women on this forum - come back Katie!!![/quote]

I think you have a good point Twinkle ,but I would have omitted the gorgeous bit



I can be sensible when I have to but I am ALWAYS gorgeous Leo!

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OK... well didnt drink too much while the outlaws were here... didnt have the time or inclination.
I actually have no family on my side...

Have been to a doc who wants to go do the nissen fundoplication... which given my luck will go horribly wrong. But I dont think I can continue to ignore the facts and put off the surgery indefinetly.

Work continues to suck big time... but then it wouldnt be called work otherwise. Am still drinking more than I should... but the smoking is improving. Have actually crossed the three day barrier.

And I do appreciate all the support help, and even the nay sayers. For me that is often more conversation I have in a week with people not related to work.


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Hello Afy

I have been reading this thread with interest.  Unless your condition is self curing then its probobaly best to have the surgery, conditions like these are only going to drag you down and make life generally a lot harder.

My opinion is to take one day at a time, and if you feel worried, stressed, low post on here as there are a great many people who are only to happy to listen.


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I know the forum is full of very nice people. And I do appreciate it greatly. I do take it one day at a time, and am working on getting my life on a saner footing.

As far as things getting worse... well when you hit the bottom... it does drop out. Conversely if I werent so damn depressed I would comitt sucide... (macabre humor... or the lame attempt at it).

I jsut keep finidng I have way too much to do... and never enough time.


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]


If you have a bit of time - why don't you come and join in the fun on the Annual Xmas Dance thread?  It'll cheer you up and we need another bloke to tease before LEO gets frightened and runs over to the hairdressers again!



I went to the Hairdressers because I wanted to look my best!


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When hubby sorts the computer out.  Will have to put him on a 'you know what ban'   for a bit.

That'll learn 'im!

Hi Afy, hope you are well.  If you post more often on Living France especially on other threads instead of this one I am sure it will help with your lonliness which is maybe one of your biggest problems alongwith the long hours you work.  Come on, lets see more interaction from you buddy!!

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Twinks wrote<<<Are you looking for a fight?>>>

Dunno Twinks...you reckon you could reach my chin from down there?[:P]

JK wrote<<<Will have to put him on a 'you know what ban'   for a bit.>>>

I wouldn't do that Katie, he might be tempted to be a baaaad boy.....if yer know what I mean?

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J.K, surely there's the odd spare laptop hanging round the office............. just pop it in your handbag..................

(EDIT: You'll give it back when your computer is fixed, obviously!)

The ban may be difficult, it will just make him grumpy....now you could suggest somethings you could do when it is fixed [;-)]


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Hi Afy:  Sounds like you are working at it.  Don't give up the fight.  I am not familiar with the operation you spoke of.  I am not at home, so not on my own computer to search it out.  If you feel it is the right answer for you and the Dr. feels you are ready (and YOU feel you are ready), I guess you would want to give it a try.

As to the poster who felt our "advice" is inappropriate, I do hope you understand that we are responding on a caring and personal basis to someone who asked for advice.  I don't think Afy looks to us as doctors or counselors, just people, who, like him, sometimes want another person's opinion or knowledge based on their own experiences.  I'm glad he continues to post and I am glad he continues to get caring responses from most the members here.

Keep talking to us Afy.  We are thinking about you.


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Yup coping.. hanging it in. Doing reasonably with the ciggies...  1 puff in the last five days. Not the ciggarette.. just the puff.

Alcohol is not too good. I keep getting told at work they cant find work for me in France.. so I keep telling them I am willing to travel :)

Hopefully will ship out in the next week or so. Have a book coming out in Jan.Feb.. trying to finish up a couple for May/June so am fairly busy.

Also am taking time to go shooting at harmless paper targets... and the Tir club wants me to join their compition team. For which I have neither the paitence nor the ability truthfully. I am an accurate two handed shooter. But cant keep steady with a one hand shot. Alcohol does wonderful things to you combined with hypertension.... :)


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