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medical terminology translation ?


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[quote user="londoneye"]  anyone know what cervicarthrose is pls ? or uncarthrose ?  [/quote]

cervicarthrose =  arthritic condition of the spine.

anything with arthrose will be about arthritis and anything with cervi/cervical will be about the spine and/or vertebraes

fluide cervical =  fluid round your brain

cervelle = brain

vertèbre = vertebraes

avoir un torticoli = suffering from a twisted neck

uncarthrose ? = real doctor's talk! possibly that the ailment has gone further in the bone structure.... Don't quote me!!

En tout cas Bonne Santé et Bon Rétablissement !!

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I suffer from something similar down to wear and tear with something pressing on the spinal colum my Neuro Surgeon in the UK said to stay away from the knife too close for comfort.


However to something very much different.  My wife has suffered from RA for over 30 years and over the last six years from irregular heart beats and sometimes at 179 bpm.  My wife was rushed back by air taxi once from the south of France and then we had another occurence two years ago and once more yesterday.  My wife is now in hospital and yes I know that I should speak French well but this is entirely different to ordering a steak!

We have a further appointment with a cardiologist on the 14th of this month so does anyone know please of a professional medical translator and just in case we come across a Doctor who has limited English.  We have two A4 documents running to 5 pages to be translated.  Anyone out there please with some ideas?


kindest regards



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thanks again all - i dont suppose its life threatening though i do keep getting images of myself hunched over to around the 2 foot mark shuffling around the garden - mind i am not very tall anyway so wouldnt be toooooooooo far to drop - other half is worried he might lose me when we go out or trip over me - its all fun in our house.     such is life, i will have to make best of whatever turns out.    but many thanks for responses and good luck wishes (hopefully i wont need tooo much luck !)
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[quote user="Llwyncelyn"]

I suffer from something similar down to wear and tear with something pressing on the spinal colum my Neuro Surgeon in the UK said to stay away from the knife too close for comfort.


However to something very much different.  My wife has suffered from RA for over 30 years and over the last six years from irregular heart beats and sometimes at 179 bpm.  My wife was rushed back by air taxi once from the south of France and then we had another occurence two years ago and once more yesterday.  My wife is now in hospital and yes I know that I should speak French well but this is entirely different to ordering a steak!

We have a further appointment with a cardiologist on the 14th of this month so does anyone know please of a professional medical translator and just in case we come across a Doctor who has limited English.  We have two A4 documents running to 5 pages to be translated.  Anyone out there please with some ideas?


kindest regards





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This might help it was saved in 'word'

French Medical Terminology©
Human Anatomy
General Body
head - la tête
skull - le crâne
eye - l'œil
nose - le nez
ear - l'oreille
mouth - la bouche
neck - le cou
General Terms
surgery - la chirurgie
X-ray - une radio(graphie)
surgeon - un chirurgien
anaesthesiologist - un/e anesthésiste
anaesthetic - un anesthésie local/générale
medication - la médication
blood - le sang
blood vessels arteries and veins - les artères les veines
blood test - le prise du sang
on an empty stomach - à jeun
a splint - une gouttière
to cure - guérir
to treat - soigner
Shoulder & Arm
shoulder - l'epaule
shoulder girdle - la ceinture scapulaire
clavicle - la clavicule
scapula - l'omoplate
elbow - le coude
arm - le bras
forearm - l'avant-bras
wrist - le poignée
hand - la main
fingers - les doigts


thoracic cage - la cage thoracique
ribs - côte
diaphragm - la diaphragme
abdomen - l'abdomen
back - le dos
spine - l'épine
vertebral column - la colonne vertébrale
pelvis - le bassin
hip - la hanche
thigh - la cuisse
bottom - le derrière
knee - le genou
leg - la jambe
ankle - la cheville
foot - le pied
toes - les doigts de pieds
Special Senses
smell - l'odorat
hearing - l'audition
taste - la goût
balance - l'équilibre
sight - la vision
touch - le touché

Problems & Signs and Symptoms

cancer - le cancer
diabetes - la diabète
allergies - les réactions allergiques
bone fractures - les fractures osseuses
osteoarthritis - l'arthrose
rheumatism - l'arthrite rhumatoide
osteoporosis - l'ostéoporose
arteriosclerosis - artériosclérose
whiplash - le coup du lapin
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) - les microtraumatismes permanents
muscular tear - un claquage musculaire
inflammation - l'inflammation
migraine - la migraine
glaucoma - le glaucome
influenza - la grippe
"flu" (to describe "feeling unwell") - la grippe
pain - la douleur
ache - le mal
itching - démangeaison
vertigo - le vertige
fever - la fièvre
chills - sensation de froid
swelling - une enflement
sleeplessness - l'insomnie
shooting pain - une douleur lancinante
pins & needles - des fourmillements
Respiratory System

throat - la gorge
trachea - la trachée
lungs - les poumons
Signs and Symptoms
breathlessness - essoufflement
breathless - esoufflé
wheezing - sifflement
cough - une toux
phlegm - un phlegmon
asthma - l'asthme
bronchitis - une bronchite
collapsed lung - le pneumothorax
Cardiovascular System
heart - le coeur
lungs - les poumons
artery - l'artère
veins - les veines
valve(s) - le(s) valve(s)
aortic valve - valve aortique
mitral valve - valve mitrale
blood group - groupe sanguin
Signs and Symptoms
angina - l'angine de poitrine
mini stroke (transient Ischemic attack)- l'ischémie transitoire
stroke (cerebral vascular accident)- l'accident vasculaire cérébral
heart attack - la crise cardiaque
swollen legs - les jambes enflées
breathlessness - essoufflé
arteriosclerosis - l'athérosclérose
arythmia - l'arythmie
high blood pressure - l'hypertension artérielle
palpitations - les palpitations
chest pain - douleur dans la poitrine
Digestive System
throat - la gorge
trachea - la trachée
larynx - la larynx
salivary glands - les glandes salivaires
oesophagus - l'oesophage
stomach - l'estomach
duodenum - le duodénum
small intestine - l'intestin grele
large intestine - le gros intestin
gall bladder - la vésicule biliaire
pancreas - le pancréas
liver - le foie
rectum - le rectum
faeces - les selles
Signs and Symptoms
digestion - la digestion
bowel movement - la défécation
swallowing - la déglutition
vomit (noun) - la vomissure
vomiting - vomissements
nausea - la nausees
constipation - la constipation
diarrhoea - la diarrhée
mucus in the stools - mucus dans les selles
blood in the stools - sang dans les selles
ulcer - l'ulcère gastro-duodénal
hernia - les hernies
gall stones - les calculs biliaires
irritable bowel syndrome - le syndrome d'irritation intestinale
Nervous System
nerves - les nerfs
brain - l'encéphale
grey matter - la matière grise
cerebral spinal fluid - le liquide céphalorachidien
spinal cord - la moelle épinière
Signs and Symptoms
radiating pain - une douleur localisèe
shooting pain - une douleur qui lance
linear pain - une douleur linèaire
sudden but fleeting pain - une douleur brève, apparaissant et disparaissant brutalement
progressively worse pain - une douleur progressive
a burning pain - une douleur qui brûle
pins and needles - les fourmillement
epilepsy - l'épilepsie
multiple sclerosis - la sclérose en plaques
Parkinson's disease - la maladie de Parkinson
dementia - la démence
Urinary System
kidney - le rein
urethra - l'uretère
bladder - la vessie
urine - l'urine
Signs and Symptoms
odour - l'odeur
colour - la couleur
infection - une infection
increase in urine volume - augmentation des envies d'uriner
decrease in urine volume - diminution des envies d'uriner
kidney stones - les calculs rénaux
urinary incontinence - l'incontinence
increase in thirst - être assoiffé


Hormonal System
hypothalamus - l'hypothalamus
pineal gland - l'épiphyse
pituitary gland - l'hypophyse
thyroid gland - la glande thyroide
parathyroid glands - les glandes parathyroides
adrenal glands - les glandes surrénales
pancreas - le pancréas
ovaries - les ovaires
testicles - les testicules
Signs and Symptoms
diabetes - le diabet
Reproductive System
penis - le pénis
testicles - le testicule
sperm - le spermatozoide
breasts - les seins
vagina - le vagin
uterus - l'utérus
menstruation - les règles
fallopian tube - la trompe de Fallope
pregnancy - la grossesse
egg - l'ovule
Signs and Symptoms
infertility - la stérilité
loss of erection - les problèmes d'érection
discharge - l'émission
Giving Birth

Induced labour - accouchement provoqué
waters broken - perte des eaux
placenta - placenta
episiotomy - épisiothomie
epidural - épidurale
Tens machine - Tens machine
cervix - col de l'utérus


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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure of it as not come across it much but I have a feeling that cervicarthrose is to do with degeneration of the cartilage between the vertebrae in the upper parts of the spinal cord. Its a degeneration and not an inflammation thing.

I have a feeling that uncarthrose is related in that it is a form of osteoarthritis of the neck (or upper spinal column). Localised lesions around the articulation of the vertebrae. Can start from aged 30.

I'm not 100% on these but it might be of some help.


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This article was in our local paper last week ( that's the Isle of Wight for you, always at the forefront of innovation!). The website that this guy has set up might be of some use to some members, especially if he  expands it. I haven't had a chance to look at it in detail but I thought it might be of use.


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Can I ask what region you live in? I am in Charente Maritime and would be pleased to arrange a joint visit for your hospital appointment, depending on travel.  Usually I would not be adverse to travelling further afield but christmas, 4 children, bricolage and family arriving!! . 

For your medical documents if you are able to email them to me I would translate them for you.  As I am new to the forum, and you do not know me, - I will  an occupational Therapist with British and French State registration and I adhere to my code of conduct and ethics - that is to say I will respect your rights to confidentiality.  Please email me prior to sending them if you wish to clarify any points.

I hope that your wife's medical condition improves in the meantime, and you manage to enjoy some of the festivities together.

My best wishes to you both


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[quote user="Meg and Mog"]If you google the terms  you can find some sites in french that may help.........for example translate this
http://www.santeguerir.fr/contenu.php?id_guerir=12790   from an online medical encyclopedia.


Used this link for something else (medical) today and it was really helpful - took a bit of rooting around, but it worked.  Thanks.

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We have the 'Glossary of madical, health and pharmacy terms' French/English dictionary, ISBN 1-872739-12-1. We bought another 2 as petit cadeux for our doctor and dentist and they were thrilled with it. It's not total and it didn't give the condition you have, but it covers most things.

I too have similar neck troubles. Some say it's degeneration of the brain for me, but I argue about that. My Frances masages my neck and shoulders and that really does help, she's brilliant!

I keep taking the red neck oil. It's easy to find, usually in the wine section? [8-)]

Please don't take my sense of humour the wrong way. While I can laugh I ain't going to cry! And I love laughing...

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