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mosquito bites,inching and swelling

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My missus has had some problems with bites in that her hands etc started swelling quite badly when she recieves a bite from these nasty little insects  after going to the doctor she was given "xyzall" and this has helped a lot I have posted this because xyzall is available without prescription and works very well for her lowering the swelling within 24 hours and stopping the inching that goes with the bites
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Don't know where you are, pinkfluff, but has it been a bad year for you with mossies?  I only ask because a friend was saying she had her worst summer ever at her place in the Lot & Garonne to the extent that it almost ruined her holiday.  She couldn't stop scratching so is still bearing the scars.  M
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We've been bitten to death here in Finistère too. Mind you I spend a lot of time outdoors,by the sea and in the woods where they seem to live but its nightime  when they seem to attack the most and when you hear them coming and wake up with bites all round where your knicker elastic goes and always under my watch strap. I've always used Apaisyl cream and it seems quite effective for us.
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We have experienced the mosquito bites and believe the majority came from a still water source

ie stored water for the garden.

our problem is regarding bites which appear after extensive clearing of old garden refuse ie,stones old dead grass,and general garden muck all of which were very dry,has any one experienced this and can tell us what are causing the bites and if they know of any preventive

treatment we cannot see the insect concerned ,it is getting a real pain maybe we will have to covewr ourselves head to foot ,any advices would be very helpfull

all the best DJ

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Regarding my earlier posting have since found a very interesting site which gives in detail the cause of our bites The actual site is called CHIGGERS by Nina Bicknese, this is the American term for the minute Red spider mite,it describes perfectly the incidence from start to finish of its life cycle and its active period and what can be done to overcome it.

I reckon after reading this the mosquito is a walk in the park.

I do hope this is of assistance All the best DJ

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A chemist in Boots at Broadstairs recommended Piriton and After Bite.  He had worked with a guy who had done a study in the tropics on bites and that is what he recommended.  So if you get the chance buy Piriton before you go to France or if you are over here visiting.


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The knicker elastic ones are the dreaded aoutats (the harvest mites), which seem to have ceased here now (Calvados). I put Germolene on them (contains mild local anaesthetic) and take ibuprofen (Nurofen) which lessens the waking up raking one's skin in the middle of the night.

Piriton is an excellent anti-histamine but also an excellent sleepy-pill, great if you want to sleep for 16 hours a day (especially if you've had a glass of wine or three...)! Telfast is an anti-histamine (prescription only, available here too) which doesn't cause "drowsiness".


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The knicker elastic ones are the dreaded aoutats (the harvest mites), which seem to have ceased here now (Calvados). I put Germolene on them (contains mild local anaesthetic) and take ibuprofen (Nurofen) which lessens the waking up raking one's skin in the middle of the night.

Piriton is available here on prescription - an excellent anti-histamine but also an excellent sleepy-pill, great if you want to sleep for 16 hours a day (especially if you've had a glass of wine or three...)! Telfast is an anti-histamine (prescription only, available here too) which doesn't cause "drowsiness".


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  • 3 years later...

All I can say is I am please I don't make a living from being a page three girl. I would be temporary unemployed at the moment.

Those aoutats or similar are biting me everywhere. They are not pleasant are they. I itch and sting nearly all the time at the moment.

Skin full of red blotches. Ugh!

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I take Telfast (Fexofenadine) on prescription daily all year round as I have rhinitis most of the year; it definitely doesn't make you drowsy.

However, I still sufferdreadfully from mossie bites from time to time; I find those clicker things you can get in Boots and outdoor shops very helpful, especially if there are just a few bites to deal with. I have loaned them out to people who have been plagued by mossies to great effect. I don't know how they work, but you don't seem to need to believe for them to work. It's something to do with minor electric shocks - that sounds wrong now I've typed it out; maybe somebody knows what it is they do! It does work for many people, and means no (more) drugs to take.

Hope your itching goes soon! Jo

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