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Allergic to French wasps and other beasties?


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Has anyone else noticed that they get an allergic response to bites or stings that they did not have problems with in the U.K. I was stung by a wasp on the hand on Saturday when putting a rubbish sack into one of those roadside bins and in the past I would have expected just a local small reaction that soon went away. In fact today, two days later, the hand and arm is swollen and very difficult to move the hand without considerable pain. Around the area of the sting is a red blistered area of about 2 square inches, which hurts like hell.

I took cétirizine 10mg, antihistamine, yesterday and today without a great deal of improvement. I have also tried various antihistamine creams with little effect. Tried vinegar and Chinese oil again with little effect so will see the doc tonight as the pain and itching is somewhat excessive. I have sampled the earlier posts about this on this site.

 The point is do French wasps carry venom different to that carried by British wasps, does not seem very likely but I have been stung a few times over the years as most of us have and never had a reaction like this. I would say that I have found that most stings and bites here provoke a more unpleasant reaction to those received in the U.K. or am I imagining it?...................JR

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Interesting.  I got stung by a wasp (twice, in quick sucession in vitually the same place of my body) yesterday, for the first time in a long time, but I don't think I have had a more severe reaction than when stung in the UK.

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I am definitely reacting more to wasp stings etc, but whether this is because they are French or whether it is merely a question of becoming more susceptible the more often I get stung,I don't know. I certainly get stung more often here than I ever did in the UK, presumably becauseI spend more time outside.

Chirssie (81)
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One of our neighbours was stung on the lip by a wasp and went very quickly into a coma. Fortunately, the local doctor arrived very quickly, as did the pompiers, but he was nevertheless hospitalised for two days. He had to follow an anti-allergy treatment, and is supposed to carry medication with him whenever he is in the garden.

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I had only had a couple of wasp stings before I started getting an allergic reaction. This was in UK, and I have since then carried an epipen for use at such times. They are easy to use and work quickly; my doctor told me I should always get checked out medically after needing to use an epipen.The reaction from a wasp sting can be swift and possibly fatal if in or near the mouth; this isn't scare-mongering, wasp stings in whatever country can be very serious. I suggest you see your doctor for a prescription antihistamine, and discuss having an epipen. These only seem to be usable for up to a year (one-use only), so an eye needs to be kept on the use by date if it hasn'been used. I have 2 at a time. Jo
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I react to any type of sting particulary Mosquito bites.  The area swells and is itchy for at least a week.  Can often look like a blister on the surface and is hot.  I take antihistamine, but for a topical cream, I use Hydrocortisone cream which you can buy over the counter.  It's the only thing that will reduce the itching and take the heat out and around the bite.  Antihistamine creams do not work as well as this does.  Read the instructions on the packet as you have to apply thinly, but it would have definatley brought down the swelling in the Wasp Sting and taken away that horrible tight redness that goes with it.
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This subject of wasps has been discussed before (although not whether they are more lethal in France).

Not just about pools but about wasp stings as well:


About wasp stings:


About Epipens:


I had anaphylaxis when I was stung by a wasp and have been having treatment ever since (in the UK and France).  Never be complacent about wasps.  Read the threads to find out why...


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Ok well the doc gave me antibiotics, antihistamine and something to help the circulation and also that of the lymphatic system.  He also muttered something about a new type of wasp or a new wasp characteristic as in aggressive behaviour, though not sure as my French is not that good, and was a little surprised at my physical reactions as I had told him that I had never had problems like this before.......................................JR
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He also muttered something about a new type of wasp or a new wasp characteristic as in aggressive behaviour,

I don't think so, the only introduced species is the Asian Hornet and they are relatively timid, otherwise no changes in behaviour have been noted.

Good luck.


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Hi and yes the only item I have found about new wasp behaviour is about something called "Male Stuffing" where the females stuff the males into the empty nest cells for some reason. http://www.news.cornell.edu/Chronicle/97/10.9.97/wasp.html

Went up to the bin again today with a sack of rubbish and looked all around, not a wasp to be seen but as soon as I opened the bin and heaved the sack in about a dozen or so appeared and I got another sting for my pains! No extreme reaction this time and I suppose because I am full of antihistamine already. By the way do be careful if someone suggests Chinese oil for the sting as I tried it and put too much on and it blistered the skin a really nasty dark red. Warned the neighbours who have children although from what I have read children fare better if stung than us old'ns. They have since sprayed the little s*ds, wasps not children, and all gone now...............................................................................JR

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Did you mean these Chris? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_wasp  I am not sure if this is what stung me but maybe you would get a different reaction to a paper wasp sting compared with an ordinary (yellow jacket?) wasp sting. The second sting I got yesterday and thought I had got away with  has caused a local reaction in evidence by swelling and itching this morning. I shall treat wasps with much greater respect in future. Maybe I have not encountered  paper wasps where I used to live in the South of the UK  and hence the rather nasty reaction now, who knows. Strange thing is that my neighbour did not get attacked even when he was destroying their nest but then he is French!...................................JR
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