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European Health Card


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We both applied for our card on line and mine arrived within a few days but not my wife's. Tried again no result tried three more times!!! no result eventually rang the CPAM  in Agen to be told that the system has now changed and that my wife must apply to the UK and that when mine expires in August I must apply to the UK also.

This seems odd as we are both in the French health and fiscal system. Is this information correct or just someone who does not know what they are talking about

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Not the expert but I don't know what, if anything, has changed, unless they are referring back to the 2007 E106 ruling.

I think a few more details are necessary such as are you under an E106 for instance and if not how long have you been here etc. etc.

In any case there has been another very recent and extensive discussion about EHIC's HERE and you might be better tagging onto that instead of starting a new thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a CEAM about 2 years ago , I obtained it by applying on line, no problem.

In the past month I thought I would do the same.

However the system has now changed and you now need a code confidential as well as your social security number. Ok no problem , applied for my code confidential and it arrived this week . I have tried to input the code on a few days this week , but the system would not accept it.

Is anyone else having the same problem ?

here is where I am trying


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I have just had an email to tell me my wife will not get one [:-))]

I will let you know how I get on.

Cependant, je ne peux la commande pour votre épouse, car ses droits sont échus.  Afin de les mettre à jour, veuillez contacter un téléconseiller au 3646.

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Perhaps they are starting to 'cutback' on everything, received letter from CPAM today saying that for our CMU to continue we have to prove residency.Got a list of things to produce including a Carte Sejour. This is going to be interesting we have lived in France since 1990 and have been in the CMU since it was deemed illegal to have private insurance. Busy packing the suitcase full of papers to take.Oh they also told us we had to register with a doctor or we wouldn't get reimbursed, apart from this being contradictory we have attestation from them endorsed with 'a déclaré un medecin traitant' I've got a feeling some new memos have been issued.

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I'm still confused about health cover in UK whilst under an E106.

Fact: - When you cease to be UK resident you also cease to be entitled to NHS care.

If however UK are still the provider for the EHIC does that mean it only covers you for emergency treatment there as it would in any other EU country ?

The fact that UK recently issued both myself and OH with 5 year cards only adds to the befuddlement [blink]

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The EHIC does not necessarily restrict you to emergency treatment.  According to the NHS:

Presenting the EHIC entitles you to treatment that may become necessary during your trip, but doesn't allow you to go abroad specifically to receive medical care. However, maternity care, renal dialysis and managing the symptoms of pre-existing or chronic conditions that arise while abroad are all covered by the EHIC.

Your EHIC will allow you access to the same state-provided healthcare as a resident of the country you are visiting.

If you visit the UK, then you are entitled to healthcare on the same basis as any UK resident.  The card is merely evidence that the issuing authority will pick up the costs of your treatment.

So, if your piles started playing up whilst you were on a trip over there, you could see a doctor for free but you'd pay for your haemorroid cream prescription like anyone else. 

On the other hand, a pre-arranged trip for a full anal transplant may well be out of the question... [;-)]



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  • 1 month later...
After reading this thread, I understand why this morning we received two CEAM certificates through the post as opposed to EHIC cards, but I am still confused regarding the status of the certificates. We have been issued paper certificates, can we expect CEAM cards to follow, or are they only issued in paper form? Also on the certificates under the Informations relatives à la carte section the expiry date reads 06/07/10, which would be 12 months from the issue date, but under the section Péiode de validité du certificat is states Du: 07/07/09 Au: 06/10/09, only giving us three months cover. Confused[8-)]
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This is a CEAM card:

The card is valid for 12 months.

The 06/10/09 date could relate to the validity of your carte vitale...?

If  you pay towards your health care, your contribution is reviewed annually at the end of September (I think).

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[quote user="Clair"]

The 06/10/09 date could relate to the validity of your carte vitale...?

If  you pay towards your health care, your contribution is reviewed annually at the end of September (I think).


An annual review via filling in a form and communication of our tax level to CPAM is normal for us. This usually happens sometime in September /October.


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Just to add to the confusion.  On another earlier post, I was having the same problem applying for a health card for my visit back to the UK, and even though I phoned, and they said it would come, I have been and come back and still no card.  Earlier on this thread Ame has put a link for those with E106s - that no longer works, and since my E106 will expire in Oct when I should (with luck) get both my pension and and E121 I'm not going to bother, as I don't expect to be travelling out of France before then. 

Whether or not this would be construed on this forum as misusing the system, I did decide not to worry about the non-arrival of the CEAM/EHIC as I judged that if I did need any treatment when in the UK, and since I was staying mainly with firends and family, no-one was likely to ask whether I was living abroad unless I told them.  And if they did, I would have paid the bill and claim it back when I returned. As it happens, I had no need of it, but I would not recommend that action normally, just that I was left with no other option when it did not arrive in time.

But for those of us who seem to fall between two stools, it would perhaps be useful if the FAQs could be updated so that we do know who we are supposed to go to for the CEAM / EHIC if you are here on an E106.

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Here are updated links to DWP website:

Living abroad (EU) but not working E106

"Prior to visiting any other EEA country you will need to get an EHIC

from the UK for your medical cover. When form E106 is issued to you,

you will also be sent an EHIC application pack. Send the completed form

to the NHS Business Services Authority in the envelope provided." SOURCE

Living abroad (EU) but not working E121

"If you and any members of your family visit any other EEA country you

will need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to cover any

necessary medical treatment if you visit another EEA member state. You

should get one from the sickness insurance authorities in the country

in which you live." SOURCE

To summarise:

If you have an E106 apply to the UK for a EHIC

If you have an E121 apply in France for a CEAM

Hope it's of use.

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Well I am now in a position to answer my own question, and if my wife checked her e-mails on a daily basis I would not have had to ask the question in the first place. [Www]

After reading her e-mail from CPAM, it explained that as we are due to travel outside France in less than a month's time, they have issued us with paper certificates that are valid in Europe for 3 months, we will be issued with our cards within the next 30 days, which will be valid for 12 months from the date the certificates were issued.

The moral of this story is, if your wife applies for CEAM cards get her to check her e-mails on a daily basis. [I]

Thank you to everybody who tried to unravel our mystery.

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Thanks for the clarification.  I won't bother getting one now, as I can sort it all out when I get the E121 in just over 3 months time, and it may be that my EHIC (which I shall shortly go and find) may still be current all along.  But that is certainly a change from what I understood when I came here last October.

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