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English speaking doctor Descartes/Loches/Chatellerault area - help please


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Hope someone can help.  Both wife and I speak reasonable French (her more than me!) and we have been fine with our current doctor for five years but she now has a health problem that we haven't really been able to discuss fully with our French doctor and we are now desperately looking for a doctor in the Descartes / Loches / Chatellerault area that speaks good English as wife is starting to get very depressed about her condition  and we need to get something sorted out for her quite quickly - so if anyone knows of a suitable doctor please do let me know.  Obviously we are prepared to travel further afield if necessary Tours or Poitiers for instance.

Thanks for your help


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Norman, really would like to PM you with something that I just caught the end of on French TV but OH playing one of C Galos' Nocturnes (not sure which one) with the right pedal firmly down![;-)]

Will try and PM you tomorrow but want you to know a message is en route as you have this terrible habit of NOT paying attention!

Oops, sorry to butt in but, yes, it's best to get hold of an English-speaking doctor .  However, to be honest, even the English-speaking ones aren't always able to communicate with you about your medical problems in English!

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NormanH - there was no virulance in my reply. 

We have lived in France for five years and have managed perfectly well speaking French however some medical terms, and the need to be very specific about them, means doing it in French would make it a little more difficult and lead to the possibility of misinterpretation.

My response to you was that taking along a "third person" to discuss my wife's medical details would not make that situation any better.

Unfortunately your response "Topic closed" may give the wrong impression to other forum members so I will restate to everyone in the forum that I really do STILL need to find an English speaking doctor so that I can get my wife the help she needs.  So if anyone can help that  would really be appreciated.

Thanks, Trevor

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[quote user="NormanH"]No, simply practical.
I have some friends near Loches who have lived and worked there for over 20 years, and might have been able to help, but given the extraordinary  virulence  of the replies on this topic "laisse tomber'.
Topic closed.


I've always believed that the right to close a topic belongs to the person who started it. But then as your French is now so good maybe you are starting to loose your understanding of  English, because the last time I checked it out, the word Forum is described as a place to discuss things or topics. The guy came onto this forum; as lots of us do, and asked for advice, I thought his request was very sensible  and didn't deserve your "Victor Meldrew" reply. As for you having friends, if you say so. 


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 Norman, does it not occur to you that sometimes, for some people and for some conditions discussing medical details is excruciatingly embarrassing in their own language, having to faff around trying to find the right word in another language wouldn't help and neither would he presence of a third party.

You may not empathize with those feelings, but for the person with them the are real, so please either help or not, without the side comments.

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I have found that even when my French was very poor a visit to the doctor was one of the easier things, with a little preparation, as so many of the terms come from Latin and are common in both languages.

On the other hand I have also come unstuck when trying to describe severe bladder pain (which turned out a side effect of some eye medication) to a very pretty locum, I did the typically British thing of beating around the bush and told her in French that I had some problems with my waterworks, "je suis un medecin, pas un plombier monsieur"  it further degenerated when I drew on my other reserves of synonyms until she asked in all seriousness "are you trying to tell me that you have a sexual problem?"


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LOL, Chancer!  And did you have such a problem?

Actually, much of what you have said makes perfect sense.  So many medical terms are in Latin that I have had no problems with doctors, even when I knew only a very little French.

So, OP, look up a few words or terms, get hold of some Latin medical terminology and you could well be fine.

BTW, all the very best with a resolution for your health problems.

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Hi, I'm not able to help re an English speaking Doctor, but sometimes that doesn't always help, because, even if their English is good, they don't phrase things like we do, my Doctor speaks pretty good english, but there was one time all wasn't plain sailing, I was having a bit of bladder trouble, the conversation went like this, 'doctor, I am having abit of pain when I go to the toilet' ok said the Doctor, when, well it's when I wee, he frowned, and said when you say oui, no I said when I pass water, he frowned again, and said, ok when you walk pass water it hurts, we sorted it out in the end, but it can still be a problem. Hope everything turns out for you.

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