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A question for the ladies


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This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous but can someone tell me what happens when you go for a breast test. I've received a letter asking me to make an appointment for the said test valid until March, and apparently it's 'gratuit'. I would be grateful for any info regarding what I may be asked and also what happens. I shall be so embarrassed about it that I'm sure my small knowledge of the french language will dry up and I shall probably go deaf at the same time due to shear panic. I have to say I ignored the first letter that ran out in December making other excuses but I feel I ought to make the appointment and stop being a whimp !

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[quote user="knee gel"]Hi This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous but can someone tell me what happens when you go for a breast test. I've received a letter asking me to make an appointment for the said test valid until March, and apparently it's 'gratuit'. I would be grateful for any info regarding what I may be asked and also what happens. I shall be so embarrassed about it that I'm sure my small knowledge of the french language will dry up and I shall probably go deaf at the same time due to shear panic. I have to say I ignored the first letter that ran out in December making other excuses but I feel I ought to make the appointment and stop being a whimp ! Chris[/quote]

What ever it is? please go and have the test, it is imperative to get checked, and the earlier the better. All these tests whether for men or women are very important and a little embarrassment is a small price to pay for peace of mind.  In our dealings with the French medical people, we have found them to be very caring and sensitive. We also found that most of them are bilingual.   Good luck

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It is presumably the invite for a mammography.  I had an invite soon after I arrived last year (ie Oct 2008) and wrote back to say that it was not two years since I'd had one in the UK, so wasn't due for one.  A letter arrived a couple of days ago inviting me to go for a test, and when I look I see that it is two years ago since I had one in the UK.  I'm quite impressed that they keep the records that well, something in French bureaucracy actually works!

I must admit I'm not sure what the experience will be like here, in the UK they were pleasant enough, speedy, and timely.  I remember each have always been a bit painful (and cold) but not intrusive, and not unpleasant as some other tests can be.

Fortunately, no problems so far, let's hope it continues.

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If it's anything like Mrs Benjamin's experience twice here you will walk out of the clinic less than 30 mins after your appointment. By then the physical side will be completed, a short discussion with the radiographer, a typed copy of their report and the scan that has just been taken.

I must say that she has no recent experience of the way this is now done in the UK but it is all so incredibly efficient here.

This procudure is the same that she has experienced for other scans she has had in France.

We both take the view that if we have a problem the sooner it's discovered the better our chances of a cure will be. We don't refuse any offer to have this type of screening.

Bon courage.

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I quite agree. There's absolutely nothing to worry about - I was in and out in less than 30 mins. If it's not your first mammogram they may ask you for your x-ray from UK. All you say is that they didin't give them there. They actually give you the X ray and tell you to keep it and bring it back for the next test so that they are able to see any changes in the interim period. Very efficient. Go for it asap.
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Breast cancer is one of those things which has a really high recovery rate if found early enough so why wouldn't you take the chance to have it spotted at as early a stage as possible?  Thus I would go for it asap, as said above.  One thing I would say is that for the well-endowed it's rather easier than for others less so...[Www]

I had one last year having found a couple of lumps during a routine "search" and it was very quick and I was told they were just cists on the spot.  Very reassuring and speedy.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Can't Mrs Benjamin write?!!!!!![/quote]

You are one hell of a bent banana. Do you know that?????

Teach 'em to write and the next thing you know they'll be wanting to vote!!!!!!

Have you been up to the lake a lot recently? Probably swamp fever.

I'm getting an instant whip this afternoon.  [:-))]

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Not only did I have a mamogram when I went to the radiographers but also an ultra sound on said area.  All xrays checked by radiography doctor and then my own doctor and then when I went to the gynaecologist for my smear test, she also checked my mamography xrays.  Great service.


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Many women are anxious about mammograms, but

there is no need to worry.


By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding

the exam and doing the following exercises, you will be

totally prepared for the test and best of all, you can do

these simple exercises right in and around your home.




Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast in

door. Shut the door as hard as possible and lean on the

door for good measure.


Hold that position for five seconds. Repeat again in case

the first time wasn't effective enough.




Visit your garage at 3am when the temperature of the

cement floor is just perfect. Take off all your clothes and

lie comfortably on the floor with one breast wedged under

the rear tyre of the car. Ask a friend to slowly back the

car up until your breast is sufficiently flattened and chilled.


Turn over and repeat with the other breast.




Freeze two metal bookends overnight. Strip to the waist.

Invite a stranger into the room. Press the bookends against

one of your breasts.

Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set up

an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and

do it again.



Send this to all women to have a laugh AND, don't forget

to have a mammogram!!!!!!


A Friend Is Like A Good Bra...


Hard to Find






Always Lifts You Up


Never Lets You Down or Leaves You Hanging


And Is Always Close To Your Heart!!!

 Share this with a friend!



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Hi Sueyh.

I knew I shouldn't have read this as I go tomorrow at 4:30 and now to add to my list of being embarrassed losing the language and going deaf I will now have to fend off a very wide grin if any of this comes to mind whilst the business is being done. If only I could translate this into french and recite it whilst there what a hoot that would be!

Thanks, Chris
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