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Herpes Zoster opthalmic

Edward Trunk

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I have recently had shingles of the head. It started a month ago, and while I am over the worst I am still getting pain around the eye and my eye is very light-sensitive. The whole thing is driving me mad. Research on Google tells me this is "post-herpetic pain" and adds, rather Eeyorishly, that it can go on for years. Before I top myself, are there/have there been any other sufferers out there? Can I expect the pain to stop soon?
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Edward, I am so sorry.  Have nothing to offer by way of advice, information or comfort but just want to offer commiserations.

I have had shingles 4 or 5 times in my life but never on the face and certainly without involvement of the ophthalmic nerve so can't help there.

Don't be too depressed about the going on for "years" because it pans out differently for everyone and yours might not be one of the worst cases.

Take painkillers, seek medical advice and I shall hope that you feel better soon.

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I agree completely, get to the doctor if you haven't already. Shingles on the face or head can lead to very serious complications, including loss of sight !!!

I'm just recovering from a sudden and violent attack of Vertigo, a first for me and definitely not nice at all [:'(]

Conveniently got me off going back to work though, every cloud and all that [:)]

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That sounds very painful, Edward.  But as others have said there must be treatment that can alleviate the pain. So do seek medical help.

I remember a friend's mother having the same thing, on her head and eye, and she did become painfree after a while.

Speedy recovery - Pat.

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Edward, I assume you had medical advice at the outset, and I join with the others to urge you toseek relief via your GP. It can be very nasty, as you have found, with the head area and eyes especially being the worst place; one of my bosses had it there. If the pain persists for over a month, it may well be neuralgia and extra pain relief might be needed. [:(]

Unfortunatly it can recur when you become run down, so it's a good reason to look after yourself extra well, especially when stressful events occur!

If anyone doesn't know shingles and finds they have just a few spots, often at one side of the trunk (sorry Edward, not playing with your name [:)]), you can have tablets prescribed which can work very quickly to limit the effects if you get to your doctor quickly, within a couple of days. I recognised spots my OH had as being similar to early chicken pox spots, he had the tablets, and it cleared up quickly both times. It does recur, usually at stressful times, and I understand only affects you if you've had chicken pox. Which is what you can pass on to others when you have shingles. 

Good luck Edward, be kind to yourself, and hope it clears up soon. [:)]

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 In my case the spots were very tender - they ran in a line just under my bust and I really thought I was allergic to some laundry product on my bra - but after the tablets it all cleared up quickly.

Do go to the Doctors again, he may refer you for more specialist help as its the eye.

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Urgent that you get to a doctor. I have suffered fom Opthamic Herpes (a cold sore on the eye) since I was about 1 year old (I'm now 51) - it returns every year or so. Mine is Herpes Simplex.

The symptoms you advise of are very similar - light-sensitive etc - the longer it goes on without treatment the more damage it can do - bad attacks leave quite considerable scarring of the eye. If untreated you can lose the sight in that eye (and it hurts!).

Treatment is simple - Opthamic Zovirax - only available on prescription though. Following a trip to France a couple of years ago when I developed the condition and I couldn't get to see a doctor and no Pharmacist could help I now keep a spare tube always when I travel - the quicker it is treated the better.

Good luck

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An unpleasant side effect are eye ulcers ( cold sores on the eyes ) MOH suffers from these, make sure you are checked regularly as left untreated they can cause a lot of damage. Don't just write off any irritation as itchy eyes.

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