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Insect repellent, after-bite remedies, please advise


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Great game Bugsy.

Well if your name is sweet.. you are asking for someone to have a nibble [:$]

Leroy Merlin also sell some yellow compact fluorescent lights that mosi's cannot see or don't like (outside their visible spectrum) so sitting outside with one of those instead of a regular lamp that would attract insects may help. I heard of these lamps a couple of years ago but importing them was out of the question for me as the min order was 3,000,000 units [:-))]


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Thank you to everyone for all their suggestions and it will comfort Gem and me greatly to know we have so many sympathisers on the Forum.

Unfortunately, some of the suggestions, whilst great as long as we are in our own homes, cannot be tried out when we are on the track and sleeping in tents out in fields or in dormitories housing hundreds.

As for Bugsy's game, my score was minus however many 000s it was.  So, clearly, the bitey beasties are going to be the victors.

We have only spent 3 nights away on a trial run and I am already covered in bites from as diverse areas as my eyelids to my heels, for goodness' sake.

So, how I am going to be for 5 to 6 weeks in September when we return for the final run, I am dreading to contemplate.

Not sure it was all mozzies; there were horseflies, aoutats (or in this case, juilletats!) and unidentified flying and biting objects of all kinds.....

Still, it will make the privations of other parts of the pilgrimage feel like a doddle, won't it?

PS, to all those who have sent me PMs and emails, please be patient with me.  I will be replying in the course of the next couple of days.....when I have stopped scratching, applying vinegar and whatever else long enough to compose and send replies[:D]

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DEET, strong chemical, I bet the ring mark from the bottle is still burnt into the plastic of the hotel dressing table [:$]

There is another product Velcorin's just re-mined me of,

It works well for me but can attract bees and wasps but the soon learn I am no flower and fly off, it's plant based so not harmful to the skin

Autan Insect Repellent Protection Plus Multi Bug Barrier Pump Spray - 100ml

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Just ordered the fancy headgear that Bugsy found for us on another thread.  Net over the head indeed, you'd think we were going to a wedding, wouldn't you?

Also, DEET wrist and ankle bands (so at least not directly on the skin) and After Bite as recommended.

Delivery Charge from Amazon to France £10.....ouch, but I guess less painful than the bites[+o(]

Thank you, Teapot, will order that from the internet chemist later.  And I will also see if they do Velcorin's Saltidin.

I can now verify that vinegar does relieve the itches somewhat.  Mind you, I used only the best balsamic (only vinegar I could find in the cupboard) but the dog still sniffed at me in a most disapproving manner.

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I think one poster mentioned this in passing - but I find it great for after bites, and no chemicals.

A little clicker that gives a small electric charge onto the skin (I think). Ask in the pharmacie?

I've had one for a few years and its still working.

That said, it's the horse flies that are getting me this year!  Using Autan to keep them away.

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If you are doing this again you need decent clothing.  Have a look at the Nosilife range on the Craghoppers website.  These are supposed to be insect repellant clothes.  They probably dont work as well as they say but if the work 90% better than nothing at all its a hell of a lot fewer bites.
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The first time we met the Scottish midge was when we drove through the gates of a campsite at Kinlochewe. The warden had a head net on - a good warning! The caravan was invaded immediately we opened the door, and all the measures we carried with us were brought into play. A young couple arrived next to us a little later and proceeded to put their tent up with towels over their heads! I was covered in bites very quickly, although we returned to the area every year after that until recently; utterly beautiful.  [:)]

Glad to hear vinegar is helping, Sweet.

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Thanks, Coops, I have loads more stuff to order:  the Autan, the Saltidin (if they have it), Vit B tablets, etc.

When the credit card has cooled down a bit, I will put together another list.

Confused, I shall go to my pharmacy and ask for "le cliquer"![:D]

Things now seem less frightening altogether, even though my face still looks pretty frightening and, when we went out for lunch today, I noticed some pitying and some very anxious looks from other lunchers!

Perhaps I should have said Ne vous inquietez pas, ç'est pas contagieux?[I] 

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Thank you, Coops, there are certainly a few there that I can try straightaway.

I did think that if I am this bad after just 3 nights on the Camino, I might be completely out of the running for 5 to 6 weeks.

Sounds so stupid, I can't do it because of insect bites.  But, I can imagine that if these bites are multiplied by 14 (42 divided by 3), then there is a possibility that I could end up in hospital with the bites well before the finish line.

As it is, I am unable to do much more than apply vinegar and stuff and keep indoors out of the heat for today.

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Thanks, Hoddy.

I was in fact very interested in the suggestion of peppermint oil.  I applied peppermint toothpaste which does soothe a bit.

I have also now made up a paste with baking powder, salt and water as per one of Coops' remedies and that is quite soothing as well.

OH said I was a sight for sore eyes but anything's better than the infernal itching.

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Aaaarrgghh  you poor thing. Now don't want to add even further to your biting concerns - but the only time our youngest daughter's face was covered with bites on her face when she was camping by Lac Lacanaux - the Doctor said it was a spider's bite. Bites were all in a line right above her left eye, which she could hardly close. Get Vitamin B started well in advance. Maybe you could get a little round box and fill with cotton wool pads and pour vinegar over (like those pads for nail varnish remover). I am sure September will be much much easier than now. Bless all your four cotton socks- you are stars. xxxxxx Swissie

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Thank you, Swissie, for the note of sympathy and support.

I have now found that the best anti-itch remedy is one on Coops' list.  Salt, baking powder and water, mix to a thick paste and plaster on all over.  You leave a nice white powdery trail wherever you go but the itching stops completely.

Now, I am going to add paracetamol to the mixture so that the inflammation goes down as well.

Hmmmm...........perhaps no other pilgrim will want to sleep near me, what with my veil on, my eye shades, my ear plugs, covered in white paste.......might even get a bit of space around my sleeping bag in which is a bag-liner and which will be placed on top of my sleeping mat.

Such bliss and comfort............soooooooooo, if anyone would care to join us for a day or two, they'd be more than welcome?

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Anything asprin based is an anti-inflammatory, paracetamol based products are just pain killers......although by the sounds of it that could be useful to you too!!!! If you have any bog standard asprin that would do too, doesn't have to be Ibuprofen.[:)]

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