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Tooth abscess


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[quote user="woolybanana"]Its only a tooth![/quote]

Yeah, right, except, I don't think I have that many left, definitely not the full complement of 32 or whatever the number is!

Oh, GG, it's so exciting and so scary and, if I'm not completely blotto with painkillers and alcoholic mouth washes, I'll PM you later!

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[quote user="Gemonimo"]

No she hasn't!!! She's been on a chaise longue in the garden, thinking of next week[:-))] By this time next week we should be trotting (limping and toothless) towards Puente la Reina[:D]

Yes, Sweets it's 12.05 at the Gare St. Jean - I'll be there from approx 10.15 due to the arrival time of my connection from chez moi. You'll recognise me by the shell on my back!!!  I'll email you later and if you don't receive anything, it will be back to this very public forum to tie up our loose ends. 

And drink the whisky - much better than mouthwash. xxx


Gem, it's gotta be your email function cos I've sent lots to lotsa folk and they seem to have received theirs OK.

Are you better?

OH is going to take me two hours early cos it's Saturday and the traffic might be bad!

Whisky, right, plenty of ice, I guess as the cold might be beneficial![:D]

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Pancake17 and Geronimo, I do hope you'll have the time and the energy to keep in touch during your long walk...

I am so looking forward to reading all about your adventures!

Like the new sig, Sweet

PS: Sweet, try to find some clove oil from a chemist (huile de clou de girofle) before you go, just to be on the safe side.
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[quote user="Clair"]Pancake17 and Geronimo, I do hope you'll have the time and the energy to keep in touch during your long walk...
I am so looking forward to reading all about your adventures!

Like the new sig, Sweet

PS: Sweet, try to find some clove oil from a chemist (huile de clou de girofle) before you go, just to be on the safe side.[/quote]

Merci, Clair.  Will do but isn't girofle sunflower?

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Sweet, whatever you do please do not go infor energetic swilling of mouthwash or water in your mouth - warm water with a little salt added, hold it over the wound and spit it out, that's all.

The last thing you want to do is remove the blood clot, the pain would be worse than the abscess....

Have a good trip !

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It seems like the best solution, SW17. After all that time and all those antibiotics, it wasn't going to go away. And the pain of the extraction won't last long.

Best wishes for your "pilgrimage"!


ps giroflée are wallflowers. Never could see the connection. Added before I saw Claire's post.

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So it's all happening!!! I kept very quiet on the tooth front (although it must have been a molar) as I shuddered just thinking of my recentish experience with abscess and extraction (which took several steps and as many weeks). So I am SO relieved for you Sweet Pancake, that the extraction was without mishap. And just 4 days before the Big Adventure, very "fil du rasoir", no?

Of course, now there might be a welcome committee in gare St Jean, as half the world knows who will be there and when.[:P]

Very best wishes for your journey, I am envious and will be thinking of both of you, hoping you keep us posted...

The friend who "did Compostelle" found that as a lone woman, dogs were the scariest hazards she encountered; if she is right, I hope you have walking poles.


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[quote user="5-element"]The friend who "did Compostelle" found that as a lone woman, dogs were the scariest hazards she encountered; if she is right, I hope you have walking poles.[/quote]

Je confirme. On one of my training walks I was bitten on the calf by a rottweiler and still have the holes to prove it.  So I'll just hide behind Sweets who has the poles[:D]

Sweets, did you get my email?  

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Bon soir, mes amis!

OK, then replying in turn.

Gem, yes, email received and reply sent.  Though whether you get the reply is another story.

Clair, in Italian, the tournesol is girasole:  hence the confusion in my mind as my bit of Italian, learnt through OH and through students I taught, came to the surface.

5-e, you are a very, very wicked woman as, if you could see what I shall be looking like, a farewell committee is the last thing I'd want!

Pat, you, with your usual commensense is right, of course.  And indeed, now I feel like a toothless old hag, all vanity has disappeared, I must now be in the right frame of mind for the pilgrimage. 

When I came to make out the cheque at the dentist, I asked if it was le premier septembre, only to be told that it was still le trente-et un.  I looked at dismay at my fatigues and my tee-shirt and realised that I was far from wearing my "trente-et uns" (best bib and tucker)!

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Gem, yes, email received and reply sent.  Though whether you get the reply is another story.


20.40 and no email.  I'm receiving others ok so I don't know what the problem is.  The only thing I need to know is do we take the 8.30am Bourricot Express? They need confirmation.  Sorry folks, but normal lines of communication between Sweets and me are up the spout!

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Good luck to you both, I saw the end of a reportage on La Compostelle recently on "Vacances insolites", actually I'm not sure about the first word but the other was insolite and it wasnt Planet Insolite which is one of my favorites, IIRC it was on Direct8

I didnt realise that it was a pilgrims trail, when you get to the end are you both going to burn all your clothes and leap into the ocean at Cap Finistere?

My language learning for that day was Finistere means the end of the world/lands end, - finis + terre.

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PatHCA, thank you for that.  RH says the same thing so plenty of warm salt water rinses then.

Tooth's gone, but I am not sure whether he has left some of the tooth behind because I can see some "bone" or whatever it is in the gum.

Maybe, that's for putting the implant in later should I be able to take out a mortgage for the work to be done!

Chance, yes, Finisterre, same as the departement in Brittany; the most westward one.  Same as Land's End in Cornwall!

Don't know about Gem.  Me, I don't have money to burn and, as long as the clothes do not smell too dreadful, I'm going to bring them all home!

Don't know if you watch the God Slot on Fr3 on a Sunday morning.  They often have programmes like the one you have mentioned.

In fact, there should be lots of programmes, newspaper articles, etc on the Compostelle this year because it is what they call a Holy or Jubilee Year.  They open the great main doors of the Cathedral this year.  At all other times the main doors are closed.  Same as for St Peter's in Rome:  the main portail only opens for a Holy Year.

Next time that happens in Compostelle is going to be in 11 years' time.  By then, I guess I will be lucky to be able to put one foot in front of the other, never mind do the walk from St Jean Pied de Port!

BTW, I have just been thinking that if I perished in some fire or landslide or some other major disaster, they should be able to identify me by my dental records!  LOL.

Told OH this morning to get a computer print-out from the dentist should he hear of unidentified pilgrims dying on the Compostelle![:-))]

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At weekend on galician TV there was a cameo on the Xacabeo; apparently the Guardias Civiles due to the number of pilgrims this year have even had cases of pilgrims putting their mitts up to get their straw bedding.[:D]

There is also a certain apathy between BICIgrinos and PEREgrinos...even allegations that BICIgrinos get to the albergues earlier and bag all the best straw.[:D]


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