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Tooth abscess


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Tooth's gone, but I am not sure whether he has left some of the tooth

behind because I can see some "bone" or whatever it is in the gum.

Be extra careful  with the rinsing then, the last thing you want is what used to be called 'a dry socket'.

If it is a piece of tooth its not uncommon for it to work its way to the top over a period of months/years

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Thank you for the warning, RH.

Pacha, we did consider riding our bicycles but only for about 10 seconds.  Not good at repairing bikes and no good at all if our bikes got stolen!

I HAVE done a long distance bike ride in Turkey but that was a very organised outfit with support vehicles at each end of the "peleton" and secure places for the bikes at night.

And here, Pacha, is a snatch of a poem by Belloc and I post it here because I am convinced that the inn in the poem is none other than the refuge at Orisson where I was nearly eaten alive by insects in July!

Do you remember an Inn,
Do you remember an Inn?
And the tedding and the spreading
Of the straw for a bedding,
And the fleas that tease in the High Pyrenees,
And the wine that tasted of tar?

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Merci, Pierre.

We know what we are letting ourselves in for and that's why Gem and I both are bags of nerves and are afflicted with bodily aches and pains.

I think every nerve, cell, atom, whatever, in my body is crying out "Don't do it!"

Even the poor old dog is a bag of nerves as I understand that animals can sense fear from a mile off!

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Are you going to keep a diary, SW17 and Gemonimo, while you are on the route?

Then you can print it out when you get back. Or even make a blog like WB did when he set off on his travels. So we can all read about how you got on.

You could turn out to be famous woman travellers, like Isabella Bird, Mary Kingsley, Gertrude Bell et al [:D]

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You know, Pat, Pierre(? ZPF) offered to help me set up a blog.  But, I think it's pushing it a bit to expect any reliable internet access.

This, as has been pointed out, is Holy Year and I am not sure exactly how many thousands of pilgrims are expected.

Still undecided whether to take the mobile, never mind anything else.

If there are any highlights, I promise to recount some of them when we get back.

Wooly, I know you only wish you were young enough and fit enough to join us, so I forgive you all the unhelpful remarks you have made so far.[:P] 

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