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Help, my pants keep falling down!


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Having now read both the Dukan books that's is exactly what he is saying. We live in a world where the supermarket is king and we can have any food we want. The problem is we end up like kids in a sweet shop, this is more apparent when you look at the statistics of unopened out of date food people throw away. We buy this stuff not because we want it but in case we want it.

By the way Wooly I looked at the link you gave, was the fact there was a picture of a semi naked banana at the top that you were drawn to it. [;-)]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]
 I still think South Beach is one of the healthiest diets -

Picking the 'best' diet is very much a personal thing and also depends on what you want to achieve. There are also health issues with all of them in as much as some diets suit people better with specific health problems. I don't think that any of these types of diet are any better than another.

What is important and it's something Wooly has pointed out is the way you eat. Many complete a diet then go back to eating as before. Some diets, the Dr Dukan one for instance, re-trains you in what you eat so that once you finish the diet you not only eat a healthy diet but don't regain the weight you have already lost. I am sure there are other diets that do this but I only know about the Dr Dukan one.

One thing I do know is that I am now under 80 kilos (just) and have just had to buy a couple of new pairs of jeans at size 32" and the ones I started with that are now confined to the storage wardrobe and were 38". I did think my target weight of 77 kilos may not be achievable thinking that if I couldget to 80 kilos I would be well happy but now I am starting to wonder. This result has given me the confidence to continue and not to go back to the way I was before. The other thing is that the reason I started this was to improve my quality of life due to a knee problem and life has got better, I can walk further for longer with little or no pain and as a result am sleeping better. Another pain that has gone is that one us chaps get about at about two in the morning with a voice saying 'roll over'. Mrs 'Q' is also very happy not to have a flabby whale rolling around on top of her as well.

I would recommend this diet to anyone as it's good and it works however anyone starting any diet should always check with their doctor first and preferable get a blood test before starting and again a couple of weeks in to the diet. The wrong diet could be dangerous under certain circumstances.

Just as a matter of interest did anyone else give it a try?

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Some diets, the Dr Dukan one for instance, re-trains you in what you

eat so that once you finish the diet you not only eat a healthy diet

but don't regain the weight you have already lost. I am sure there are

other diets that do this but I only know about the Dr Dukan one.

Most diets do this, but I took to South Beach because it offers balance, basically like most diets these days its low GI, I maintained a healthy weight for several years with it, easily, but I'm one of those people who tend to comfort eat and stress got to me and I started bad habits so I have to change my way of eating again, as I really have piled on the pounds (having a very nice restaurant nearby doesn't help !)

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Hadn't even seen this thread, but I started Dukan a fortnight ago, having about a stone to lose. Am finding it a bit boring on protein-only days, but largely because I'm not a huge carnivore so I'm eating lots of fish, which is no bad thing in itself. I've lost about half of what I want to lose already, but of course the problem will be keeping it off.

For me, by far the best thing about this diet has been that it has (so far) relieved me of the urge to snack on sugary and fatty snacks. Also, I no longer feel permanently "bloated" and my tummy HAS shrunk!!! If nothing else remains with me when I reach the final stages, then it will have been a good thing. I'm not fat, and hopefully never will be, but I wanted to hang onto my current wardrobe rather than have to go out and buy a new one, and the way things are going I shall achieve that, which is fine by me.

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Where did you get your menus from Betty? I have to say that if I stuck to the ones given in the DM I would be bored by now. Buying the books (both are on special offer on Amazon at the moment) has opened up the choice dramatically and most of the stuff is easy to find in France as the menus are basically French and have simply been translated. The problem with the ones in the DM is that they use stock photo's of the dish's so when you make one it never looks like the one in the photo. The muffins are a typical example as is the salmon and chicken. Don't forget once you have moved off the first two stages you can have a treat, we had brazed lamb shanks with veg and a small amount of spuds last weekend and very nice it was too. It was the first treat we have had and I thought it would pile on a few grams but when I weighed myself the next day I had still continued to loose about 100g which was unbelievable. Mrs 'Q' tells me she will soon have the body of a 16 year old although I am not sure where she will order it from and I can't find one in the fridge either. [;-)]

Good luck anyway.

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Quillan, it's good to have news about how things are going - and I think a 'well done' is required here! As you say, health benefits such as knees hurting less is great! Also 'Call me Betty', for managing to stay with your current wardrobe; just think what a fortune you've saved! My French neighbour has been following Dukan since about May, I'd guess; she looks fab, and it really showed when she led our walk last week; some of the walkers hadn't seen her since early summer, and there were so many compliments flying about!  [:D]
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Quillan, it will come as no surprise to you that there are many and various forums dedicated to Dukan on the interweb, both in in English and French...not to mention Facebook[:D]. I baulked at buying the book(s), purely on the basis that it will end up festering next to the Atkins and GI Diet books which did me little good. The internet has given me scope, as has my normal diet, as I find I can easily modify recipes I already use to accommodate the requirements of Dukan. I made the mistake (IMO) of starting this diet at what has turned out to be one of the coldest times of year, so quickly got bored with eating cold meats, but have found I can make very tasty chicken curry, thai soups and various fish dishes which conform to the diet...and having chosen to do the 1:1 day version of protein:protein veg, I'm never more than 24 hours from a "fix" of veggies, which works for me. I guess it's fortunate that I can read and learn from both the French and UK pages on the web, so can pick up lots of recipes. I even found one for a flatbread which is not at all bad, and certainly made a good meal last week when I had to modify "my" helping of chicken fajitas for a protein day whilst the rest of the family had the normal version! Recommendations on the web have also warned me off trying certain dishes, even if on first impressions they look appetising. Apparently, the Dukan meringues are pretty awful.[:D]

What's a bit sad is that for once I can see the advantage of being in France as there appear to be more low fat/zero fat cheeses available, and the choice of suitable yogurts is immense. On the plus side, I've been led to discover quark, which I'd never tried before and have come to love! Only a French diet (and one where you're likely to eat quite a bit of cold meat) would make a point of telling you that cornichons are quite acceptable, though!!!

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Try reading the article in Le Parisien.


It says "The Dukan diet is probably associated with an increased risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease, although no study can not prove it scientifically yet.".

You have to be careful with these people and whilst not wanting nor intending to belittle Professor (Dr) Jean-Michel Lecerf ' you also need to be aware that he is on the board of the "European Natural Soyfoods Manufacturers Association" (ENSA) and advises Weight Watchers on their products, perhaps that's why he mentions Weight Watchers, which he calls "not so lopsided". This is one of the reasons I mentioned that you should visit your doctor, seek advice and get blood tests done if you intend to use any form of diet. Any diet done badly can result in health problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
I'm surprised she want's to diet, there's nothing of her. I like the diet, it definitely works especially for people like me who love to 'graze' during the day. I guess every diet has a fault if you read the press. I shall stick with mine, had my blood test yesterday and my sugar is still down with no aid of drugs. Had my treat today, went to McDonald's, well it was half past one and as I was passing the sight of the golden arches lured me in. First once since last September, lovely and yes I know whats in them but hey who cares, your a long time dead. I'm off to Carcassonne next week, I shall have to look the other way as I pass KFC's. Junk food, don't you just love it. [:P]
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