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Before coming to France get your teeth sorted out before you come. I have already paid a bill of 3,000 Euros for work and now I have been given another for 8,000 Its a joke, so if you are retiring here get your teeth done in UK even under a private dentist there is not way it will cost that much. Needless to say I would rather be toothless than pay 8,000 - and I probably will be the old crone of the village!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I would say sort your specs out too. There is only one specialist optician in our (huge) area  and it takes months to get an appointment. After you get your prescription visit one of the fancy shops, like Krys, and have your specs made up, be prepared to pass out at the price. Then you can look forward to your 15€ "remboursement" from the state.

One suggestion is to have your eyes tested here then buy your specs off the net or in the UK. That way you get the maximum refund for the minimum outlay.

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Where do those prices come from ,   Hakumatata? You must have had a mouthful of implants done.

We have both had a lot of dental work done here and on average found prices slightly less than in the UK.

Agree about spectacles though.

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[quote user="hakunamatata"]Before coming to France get your teeth sorted out before you come. I have already paid a bill of 3,000 Euros for work and now I have been given another for 8,000 Its a joke, so if you are retiring here get your teeth done in UK even under a private dentist there is not way it will cost that much. Needless to say I would rather be toothless than pay 8,000 - and I probably will be the old crone of the village!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

 If you will be able to eat what you feel like instead of being limited to only soft food in the future, you may come to see it as money well spent !

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I had 3 pairs of specs with special lenses I may add for 300 Euros. I have had no implants. My first dentistry bill was for 3 teeth out and a top and bottom plate that was 3,000 and I cant wear the top plate. I have now changed dentists and the plan is to replace 4 crowns add two bridges at a cost of 8,000. So I am looking for a UK dentist and a hotel!!!!!!!!!! Or as you suggest soup for the rest of my life. NOT FUNNY
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Sadly, I'm not joking - my mother has an ill fitting plate and now her mobility is poor she replies on double handed carer visits , four times a day. Carers will heat up a microwave meal, they are not allowed to touch real ovens. She hashttp://www.wiltshirefarmfoods.com/?gclid=CKmHoaz1yqECFUNb4wodhAl3ew http://www.wiltshirefarmfoods.com/?gclid=CKmHoaz1yqECFUNb4wodhAl3ew which are better than one may think, however she it limited to mash or creamed potatoes, which really limits her diet.
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[quote user="hakunamatata"]Before coming to France get your teeth sorted out before you come. I have already paid a bill of 3,000 Euros for work and now I have been given another for 8,000 Its a joke, so if you are retiring here get your teeth done in UK even under a private dentist there is not way it will cost that much. Needless to say I would rather be toothless than pay 8,000 - and I probably will be the old crone of the village!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

I am not sure where you are having your dental work done ? In the England unless you were very poor it was almost impossible to find an NHS dentist. Broadly I pay about a quarter for similar quality work in France to the work I had done in outer London

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[quote user="Russethouse"] Carers will heat up a microwave meal, they are not allowed to touch real ovens.[/quote]

Oh good grief!

Carers presumably have a chef at home to do their cooking?

Sorry off topic but just.......................................

Dentist in Descartes, speaks English and charges are very reasonable for the ordinary filling work I have had.

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[quote user="Anton Redman II"]

I am not sure where you are having your dental work done ? In the England unless you were very poor it was almost impossible to find an NHS dentist.


Can we lay that particular Daily Mail myth to rest please? In the town where we have our English house - in the so-called affluent southern commuter belt - there are at least three dentists (two of whom are very good indeed in my experience) actually advertising for new NHS patients. And more in the surrounding area. There may be a shortage in a few places where nobody wants to live, but not round here. Remember too that NHS dentistry is far from free for most people.

My experience in France is that dental charges can vary widely. Most seem to veer more towards expensive than cheap. You should not pay a lot for basic work like fillings and extractions, but bridges, crowns, implants etc are another story altogether.

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Never been or likely to be a Daily Mail reader. Last experience was a good 15 years ago when I was looking for somewhere for my then 80 year old mother. Checked NHS finder locally for my old postcode and there are at least 15 adresses for dentists which have set up since I moved.
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My property in the UK is not far from where you live Will and whilst no-one in their right mind would want to live in the main town over 10000 people do, you can probably add half again for the surrounding areas.

There have been no dentists open to NHS patients for many years , one recently started but I believe that they had to stop taking new patients within a matter of months. My old dentist there had a plan where you paid a fee each year in return for alegedly NHS pricing which was expensive enough to my mind.

My comparions for dental treatment between the countries are therefore based on the NHS charges.

In France I pay about one third of what I did in the UK for like for like treatment but more importantly I then get a further 65% remboursed, add to that that they dont want to see me for costly check ups, hygenists visits etc and it is far far cheaper.

This is for normal and not cosmetic dentistry, I recently had a porcelain crown which cost €375 but due to the low base de remboursement ended up costing me exactly €300 pretty much the same as it would in the UK.

So for normal dentistry, fillings, extractions etc I reckon France is far cheaper, for cosmetic dentistry one has the time to shop around and look at other countries, not just the UK, many French people go to India etc for dentistry.

Hakunamata you should check with other dentists away from your area what they charge, is your dentist in a large agglomeration perhaps? Often they charge far more, my crown could have cost me €2000 in some places.

P.S. I should add that the dentists that do allow a few NHS patients on their books each year insist that all remedim work be done beforehand at their private rates before accepting you, a bit like a plumber wanting to replace your boilr and radiators before accepting you as a customer.

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This work although it involves replacement of existing crowns is necessary and not cosmetic because without it being done I will eventually end up being the toothless croan. Hey ho I am off for a liquid lunch! I had a liquid dinner last night to recover from the shock ! I have had a sad time with dentists in France, the first one was a butcher, this one is charming but the charges are crazy. I am going to enquire about UK charges and cost of a cheap hotel for however long the work will take.
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Unless you qualify for NHS treament in the UK arent the prices likely to be even higher and without remboursement?

Why not consider India or another country they arrange all the accomodation and aftercare, mind you you could end up surrounded by bimbos that have either been cut n shut, sucked dry of body fat or pneumatically enhanced, should keep your mind off your dental pain  [:-))]

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Well yesterday hubby and I went to the dentist for a check up and detartrage, it came to 58 euros for the two of us.  Also dentist confirmed that hubby no longer needs the orthodontiste treatment yearly, which cost us an initial 800 euros and then 360 euros each subsequent year.  Yippee!!!!

In the area of the uk (east Kent) where we moved from it was very difficult to find an NHS dentist.  A friend of ours contacted the local Primary Care Trust and was informed that there was a dentist nearby (in Essex).  The PCT had not realised that there is rather a large river estuary between East Kent and Essex!!  It would have been over a hundred miles round trip!


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[quote user="hakunamatata"]With respect 21 EUROS to have a crown put back is not cheap its only a bit of cement.! It is however peanuts compared with 8,000[/quote]

€ 21 seems a fair amount; I usually pay around € 80 for a crown; € 8000 phew I'd expect at least a new head.

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Pachapapa wrote: " I usually pay around € 80 for a crown; € 8000 phew I'd expect at least a new head."

I'd be interested to know where you get those from and what the crowns are made of ?  because even on the NHS ten years ago the price was around £250 [8-)]

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[quote user="NickP"]

Pachapapa wrote: " I usually pay around € 80 for a crown; € 8000 phew I'd expect at least a new head."

I'd be interested to know where you get those from and what the crowns are made of ?  because even on the NHS ten years ago the price was around £250 [8-)]


They are definitely not gold.[:D]

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