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Last time I had an operation (Nov 2013) I went through a long list of health questions and made it quite clear that one of my arms should not be used for blood pressure, blood tests or a drip because the risk of lymphoedema was high. However the bad arm was used for a drip so as you can imagine I wasnt very happy. Also the anaethetist tried to do a blood test from the hand of the bad arm, again we ended up arguing because I refused to let her take blood, she ended up being extremely aggressive with taking blood from the other hand.

Also I stated clearly that as a diabetic I should not have a drip with glucose in, just saline. Again they ignored this request.

I am having surgery again at the same hospital, unfortunately, in 2 weeks time. This time I have typed a document stating all the problems I had last time and asking them to adhere to my request.

I'd like to get a copy of this document signed by the anaethetist to acknowledge they are completely aware of the "don'ts" - so my question here is what wording in French do I use, for example .......... "please sign this document to acknowledge you understand my health issues, which I will keep in case the above is not adhered to"

I have since developed lymphoedema which is what I was trying to avoid and I will never know if their stupid actions is what brought it on. I should state that this time I will make a complaint (although don't quite know how I would do that).

Many thanks
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You might like to keep a copy of this.

This is the English version


The same in French so you can show it


"Je soussigné(e), reconnais avoir reçu et compris une liste des problèmes de santé et les antécédents médicaux de (insert your name) et je m'engage à respecter sa volonté en matière de soins sachant que cette personne va garder cette liste en cas d'éventuels manquements"

I, acknowledge having received and including a list of health problems and medical history (insert your name) and I undertake to respect his wishes for care knowing that the person will keep this list in case possible breaches

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Thank you Norman.

My RDV with the anaethetist was this afternoon, it didn't go well and I fear that they haven't listened to my concerns. I think it is just this particular hospital, the sleep doctors seem so arrogant, I've never had these problems at other hospitals.
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Write your letter anyway and send it to the Directeur of the hospital.

There is a sort of patients charter in France too and your wishes should be acknowledged.

Why did you stick with this anaesthesist, surely there were others to chose from?

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Yes I did change Idun, saw a different one today but the two I've seen I'm not happy with and wish I could change. However on the day of the op you get who you get ( even possibly an intern) so just hope they take on board what I've said, and the notice I wrote which I asked to be kept on my file.

Thanks to you both for your help.
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[quote user="Loiseau"]Maybe you should affix messages to your person before you go into the operating theatre, saying "Leave this arm alone" etc?

I am only half joking...


Actually, if it was me with this problem, I'd put a large

piece of sticking plaster (one I'm not allergic to!) on my arm and hand with

the instruction in capital letters! Really. It's hard to understand that

somebody in their position can't understand the problem of lymphoedema!

Norman, very

useful info.

All good wishes for your op Mogs.

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