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Anaesthetists going on strike in January


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I need important surgery.  Today, I telephoned to arrange a meeting with the surgeon so that I can sort out a date for the operation.

His secretary told me that the (Bordeaux) hospital was not booking any operations in January because the doctors were going on strike and that the operating theatres would be closed.

Later, she referred to anaesthetists going on strike so I don't know if it just that specialism or a wider one of all doctors.

Does anyone know anything about this?  Is it a national strike or a local one?  How long is it expected to last?  Any information would be welcomed.

With thanks, Kitty

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All I could find on yahoo France, was from a nurses site saying that the private cliniques were striking in January. What does your local paper or France3 Aquitaine say.



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Thank you so much, Idun, for the link to the article.  The hospital that I telephoned is a private clinique.

The article states, if my French is correct, that the strike is indefinite and it is national.  I see that it was only announced on Monday, which is probably why it is not common knowledge yet.

Reading this article, I don't entirely understand why the Federation of Private Hospitals has called the strike.  Would someone with better knowledge than mine of the French health system be able to enlighten me?

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Kitty, sorry for being flippant but the reason is probably that it was their turn to strike, after all, it is France.

Now, not being flippant, it is enough of a worry if you do need to have an operation but this sort of thing, from a so called caring profession, can only make things worse - hope you get it sorted soon.
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There is to be a 'strike' of Doctors and Emergency departments over Christmas.

This is not quite the same thing since in fact people in genuine need will still be able to get care.

This is what to do it that case:


There is general discontent with  a new law that is proposed for next year:


Two things in particular for GPS

1) It will no longer be necssarary to pay the Doctor and recuperate it from the Sécu

2) GPs want a rise from 23€ to 25€

As far as private clinics are concerned there is talk of limiting the fees of Doctors who work freelance in public hospitals (which is probably the case with your anaesthetist

Marisol Touraine est décidée à mettre un terme à certains abus pratiqués

dans le cadre de l'hôpital. La loi présentée en septembre devrait ainsi

«clarifier les conditions de l'exercice libéral à l'hôpital», souvent

pointé du doigt pour les tarifs exorbitants pratiqués par certains

praticiens dans le cadre de leurs consultations privées effectuées dans

les murs de l'hôpital public.
«Nous ferons de même pour l'intérim

médical, en plafonnant les rémunérations et en encadrant ce qui est

devenu un véritable marché de mercenaires». Le député socialiste Olivier

Véran soulignait dans un rapport récent

qu'avec des rémunérations individuelles pouvant atteindre 15.000 euros

pour certains praticiens, le recours à l'intrérim coûte 500 millions

d'euros par an aux établissements de santé.

This has become a reak abuse in large centres where 'libérale' doctors have been overcharging large sums.

I have posted about this often in the past but without much interest being taken..

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