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No pensioner health cover in the event of No deals


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I have healthcover via Puma and pay for it via the Cotisation Subsidiaire Maladie, it is administered by the organisation whose name strikes terror into the souls of its victims, URSSAF.


My application to join PUMA was ignored/thrown away but then URSSAF gave me an appel de cotisation for 2016 for 10 times the amount that it should be, I paid it but was then put in recouvrement and had to take them to the Commission de Recours Amiable followed by the Tribunal Assistance Securité Sociale and after a year no apology but they said that I was à jour with my cotisations and then like a teacher patronising a pupil they told me how it had been worked out which was a copié coller of my letter to them, syntax and orthographe erreurs included.

Despite paying cotisations effective from January 2016 I have not had any health cover from PUMA and no Carte Vitale, I had to pay my own costs when hospitalised with sepsis last year but frankly was just glad to be alive and that they billed me afterwards and did not hold me to ransom for a credit card.


I finally got an attestation des droits and a proper social securité number last November only to be radiated by URSSAF in December fwith no explanation, then in January I got a carte vitale another attestation and another social securité number yet I hadn't paid the bill they sent me at the end of November, why bother if they were striking me off? They will of course chase me for the money for the cover that they never gave to me except for on paper for a week or so.


So anyone hoping to join PUMA on the 1st March has my sympathies, you aint seen nothing yet!

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Someone on another forum suggested that once one is enrolled in the French national system based on a pension

from another country, enrollment is very likely to be maintained.

I would like to hope this is the case, and that there will be something organised within L'Assurance Maladie to transfer those now covered by S1's, and holding Titres de Séjour permanent, to cover under PUMA, with a minimum of bureaucracy.

If not we'll try Spain for S1's, as over half of our OAP's are from there.

Returning to the UK, after an absence of 57 years, would be like going to a totally foreign country, and is the last, most desperate option.

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[quote user="nomoss"]
Returning to the UK, after an absence of 57 years, would be like going to a totally foreign country, and is the last, most deperate option.


Nomoss, I am tossing this into the mix and have not yet done enough of the necessary research to be any sort of authority.  Have you considered Ireland?[:)]

From what I have heard on TV and my own initial googling, you can live there as a UK citizen with minimum fuss and bureaucracy.  You keep all your health benefits, access to social security, can vote in all European, national and local elections, except presidential elections and referendums. 

As I pointed out also to OH, I can have an abortion and we can get divorced, thanks to recent more liberal laws[:-))]

So.........where is the catch?  I assume that there must be one? 

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Well, incredible and unacceptable as it is to even have to mention this - one catch could be if the Border issue is allowed to turn toxic and the Troubles start up again.

One would hope it won't be allowed to happen but there seem to be UK politicians who don't care if it does, as long as they get their Brexit.
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